Each of the major categories and divided into a number of plates:
A concept plate: lithium batteries, military spaceflight, new energy, low-carbon economy, scarce resources, circular economy, Internet of Things, smart grid, railroad infrastructure, gold concept, the concept of 3G, the concept of equity incentives, fund positions in the asset injection, divestment of listed rare earth permanent magnet, polycrystalline silicon.
Second, industry sectors:
Financial industry jewelry industry steel industry furniture industry oil industry highway and bridge automobile industry transportation medical equipment hotel and tourism real estate industry commercial department stores supplies foreign trade food industry
Textile industry electric power industry agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery media and entertainment chemical industry coal industry building materials construction industry cement industry home appliance industry electronic information industry comprehensive industry
Textile industry chemical fiber industry fertilizer and pesticide industry
These are the most important industries in the world. Machinery Industry Chemical Fiber Industry Fertilizer and Pesticide
Electrical Appliance Industry Motorcycle Development Zone Bicycle Shipbuilding Biopharmaceuticals Electronic Devices Non-ferrous Metals Brewing Industry Paper Making Industry Environmental Protection Industry Ceramics Clothing and Footwear Water and Gas Supply Power Generation Equipment
Pencil Industry Textile Machinery Printing and Packaging Plastic Products Glass Products Aircraft Manufacturing Sensitive Materials Instruments and Meters.
Three, the regional plate: Heilongjiang Province Xinjiang plate Jilin plate Gansu plate
Liaoning plate Qinghai plate Qinghai plate Beijing plate Shaanxi plate Tianjin plate Guangxi plate Hebei plate Guangdong plate Henan plate Ningxia plate Shandong plate Shanghai plate Shanxi plate
Shenzhen plate Hubei plate Fujian plate Hunan plate Jiangxi plate Sichuan plate Anhui plate Chongqing Plate Jiangsu Plate Yunnan Plate Zhejiang Plate Guizhou Plate Hainan Plate Tibet Plate
Nemeng Plate.
There are also index boards and boards categorized by time of listing.
The index boards are: 50 boards, 100 boards, 180 boards, CSI 300 boards and so on.
Classification by listing time: sub-new shares plate, etc.; classification of investors: social security heavy position plate, foreign institutions heavy position plate, etc.; index classification: CSI 300 plate, SSE 50 plate, etc.; hot economic classification: network financial plate, Internet of Things plate, etc.. Classification by performance: blue chip plate, ST plate and so on endless classification of the concept of the plate p>.