Article 45 The auctioneer shall publish a notice of the auction seven days before the date of the auction. Hopefully, this will be useful to you Answer Supplement You are trying to let more people know about the auction, right? The law says it is no less than 7 days at the latest. If you want to get good results, how many days in advance you can determine this is not specified. A month is fine.
Additionally you pay attention to the auction law Article 46 The auction notice shall contain the following matters: (a) the time and place of the auction;
(b) the subject of the auction;
(c) the subject of the auction to show the time and place;
(d) participation in the bidding should be handled by the formalities;
(e) the need for publicity of other matters.
Article 47 The auction notice shall be published through newspapers or other news media.
Article 48 The auctioneer shall display the subject matter of the auction before the auction, and provide the conditions for viewing the subject matter of the auction and relevant information. The time for displaying the subject matter of the auction shall not be less than two days Answer Supplement This time is flexible. There is no mandatory provision.