With the continuous progress of wastewater treatment process, hospitals are gradually quoting MBR integrated wastewater treatment equipment. Compared with the traditional hospital wastewater treatment process, MBR can save the amount of disinfectant, so that the contact time is shortened, and in the microbial inactivation will achieve good results, but also help to disinfect the process of the cost is greatly reduced, the disinfectant residue for the natural environment brought about by the impact of the subsequent reduction.
MBR membrane bioreactor process mainly refers to the organic combination of biotechnology and membrane separation technology for wastewater treatment technology. Membrane separation equipment can make the biochemical reactor in the large molecules of organic matter and activated sludge retained, and eliminate the secondary sedimentation tank, so that the activated sludge concentration can be increased, the sludge retention time as well as the hydraulic retention time can be controlled, and in the reactor is more difficult to degrade the material will also be degraded, the reaction. MBR membrane bioreactor utilized in the water ammonia and nitrogen removal of up to 90% or more, and in the Resistance to shock load capacity has a great advantage. In terms of subsequent disinfection, compared to the activated sludge treatment process, the MBR process can also make great savings in disinfectants, in contact with a short period of time can achieve the goal of microbial inactivation, so it is important to reduce the investment and contact equipment footprint and reduce the costs associated with the disinfection process.
MBR process in the application of hospital wastewater treatment, should take into account the actual characteristics of the hospital on the treatment of wastewater and the situation, at the same time need to correctly grasp the principle of its work, the full removal of sewage pollutants, saving disinfectant, reduce the cost of disinfection process, reduce the disinfectant residue and disinfection by-products, and other advantages to play out. This can bring more benefits for human health and ecological environment, but also to promote the health of the hospital, sustainable development.