What is the meaning of SN, PN on the hard disk

SN code is the product serial number, is the product's identity card number, also known as: machine code, authentication code, registration application code, etc. SN code is an abbreviation of Serial Number, sometimes called SerialNo, that is, the product serial number, the product serial is in order to verify the "product's legal identity" and the introduction of a concept. Product serial number is a concept introduced to verify the "legal identity of the product", which is used to protect the user's legitimate rights and interests, to enjoy legitimate services; a set of genuine products only corresponds to a set of product serial number.

PN (Part Number) Part number, is also the manufacturer in order to indicate the unique identification and the development of a series of numbers or a combination of numbers and letters.

PN code (Pseudo-Noise Code), is a white noise with a similar autocorrelation of 0 and 1 of the code sequence, the most widely known two-dimensional P-N Code is the maximum length of the displacement register sequence, referred to as the m-sequence, which has a length of 2 to the Nth power of - 1 bit, by a linear back to the m-level register to generate. At the same time, pn codes are divided into long codes and short codes, which play different roles in CDMA.