Import and export trade packaging terms generally include what content
Packaging terms of foreign trade contracts, generally include two aspects of the content:\x0d\I, is the packaging materials and methods, such as wooden crates, cartons, drums, sacks, etc., and according to the need to add the size, the weight or quantity of each piece, reinforcement conditions, etc.;\x0d\I, is the sign of the transport, in accordance with international practice, is generally designed to be determined by the seller, but also by the buyer's decision. But in the contract, the import unit must put forward clear requirements and responsibilities to reduce unnecessary losses in the transportation process. \x0d\ concluded packaging terms should be noted: \x0d\ (1) for some packaging terms such as suitable for shipping packaging, customary packaging, etc., because there can be a different understanding of the controversy, unless the buyer and seller to obtain a prior agreement, should be avoided. Especially on the equipment packaging conditions, should be in the contract to make specific and clear provisions, such as the particularly sophisticated equipment packaging must meet the transportation requirements, should also provide for shock-proof measures and other conditions. \x0d\(3) Transportation signs such as the buyer's decision, should also specify the sign of the arrival time (sign content subject to the seller's consent) and the buyer should be responsible for overdue.