"What equipment does the Wasp-class amphibious landing ship carry?

"Wasp" class is the U.S. Navy is building a new class of multi-purpose amphibious assault ships, the main task of this class of ships is to support landing operations, followed by sea control tasks. Originally planned to build 12 ships, has now built 6. The first 7 ships are built by Ingalls shipyard, the first ship "Wasp" (Sasp) has been completed in 1989 in service, the second to the fourth ship has been in service from 1992 to 1994, respectively. The fifth ship "Bataan" was commissioned in September 1997, the sixth ship "good man Richard" in July 1998 service.

The Wasp class was designed by the U.S. Navy to carry the AV-SB Harrier vertical/short takeoff and landing aircraft and the new LCAC air cushion landing craft. This class of ships set helicopter attack ship, amphibious assault ship, dock landing ship, amphibious transport ship, hospital ship and so on a variety of functions in one, is a real amphibious operations versatile.

"Wasp" class ship's main task is to carry out amphibious assault and provide air support for the Marine Corps, it can carry 30 CH-53D/E, CH-46E, AH-17, SK-60B/F helicopters and 6 to 8 AV-8B aircraft. But what is distinctive is that this class can also function as a sea control ship, when it carries 20 AV-B aircraft and six SH-60B/F anti-submarine helicopters, which can take on close-range tactical attack missions and anti-submarine missions, or act as aircraft carriers by providing aerial protection for surface ship formations.

Because of its enhanced command, communications and control capabilities, the Wasp-class ship can serve as the command ship for amphibious operations, commanding and controlling a brigade-sized amphibious assault. To increase the size of the ship's flight deck, the Wasp is equipped with only a small number of weapons. These weapons are similar to those of aircraft carriers, but their defense must be provided by escorting ships and shipboard aircraft.

"Wasp" class is in the "Tarawa" class amphibious assault ship on the basis of the development, mainly in the reduction of superstructure height, increase the hangar and docking capacity, enhance the three defenses, expanding the capacity of medical and nursing and the addition of maintenance facilities, etc. made a lot of The ship has been improved.

The ship's enhanced armament capability is mainly manifested in weapons and electronic equipment. In terms of weapons, one is to strengthen the air combat capability, equipped with "Sea Sparrow" air-to-air missiles; the second is to configure a number of types of aircraft, especially helicopters, to be able to flexibly and effectively perform a number of tasks. In terms of electronic equipment, it is equipped with various radars, fire control, electronic warfare, especially two sets of combat data processing systems (4A, 11, 14 and 16 data chains), and is linked with satellite communication systems. Due to the strong command, communication and control capability of this class of ship, it can be used as a flagship for landing battles if necessary.

This class of ship is currently the world's largest tonnage of amphibious ships and carries the most helicopters. Its hangar covers an area of 1,394 square meters, with three decks high, and can store 28 CH-46E helicopters. The flight deck can also store 14 CH-46E or 9 CH-53E helicopters. Below the aft hangar deck is the 81.4-meter long docking bay, which can carry 12 LCM6 mechanized landing craft or 3 LCAC air cushion landing craft. In front of the docking bay is a two-story vehicle bay that can carry about 200 tanks and vehicles.

The Wasp class can carry different equipment (aircraft and landing craft, etc.) depending on the mission. For example, in landing operations, carrying 42 "Sea Knight" helicopters and six "Harrier" aircraft; in the implementation of the sea control mission, carrying 20 "Harrier" type aircraft and six SH In sea control missions, it carries 20 Harrier and 6 SH-60B Seahawk helicopters. Mixed loads of helicopters also include Sea Stallions, Sea Cobras and Twin Hueys. These aircraft are capable of performing attack, anti-submarine, mine-clearing, supply, transportation and close-range support missions as required.

The class of ships in service has greatly enhanced the U.S. Navy's ability to conduct landing operations.

Yellowjacket-class ships carrying landing forces and their equipment and material capacity is also very strong, and its typical landing force carrying capacity of 74 landing personnel, 5 Ml tanks, 25 light armored vehicles, 8 M198 howitzers, 68 trucks, 1 fuel trucks and other types of vehicles. The class was equipped with fully equipped medical facilities, including a 600-bed hospital, six operating rooms, four dental treatment rooms, an X-ray room, a blood bank and several laboratories. Special elevators are provided for easy transportation of the sick and wounded.