GSHZ type rotary grating decontaminator common faults and routine maintenance

The most common failure is a large amount of dirt accumulation so that the teeth rake stuck, motor overload after power failure protection, automatic shutdown alarm. At this time, measures should be taken so that the motor can point reverse. First of all, the function switch will be placed in the manual position, after which the electric reversal can be carried out, the teeth rake running about 0.5 meters and then pointing positive transmission, so that the teeth rake to lift the dirt through the dead spot smoothly, this is a round. If a round can not be discharged from the fault, can be forward and reverse a number of rounds, until the fault is eliminated. Under special circumstances, positive and negative rotation for many times still can not rule out the problem, it should be grating well in the sewage pumping, clear the teeth rake and grating between the dirt, thereafter, the machinery can operate normally.

Excluding methods:

1 remove the safety cover, replace the overload safety pin;

2 find out the reason for overloading the equipment, mainly to see whether there is debris stuck rake chain;

3 if there is debris stuck rake chain, remove the debris before starting.

Daily Maintenance:

1 Weekly Inspection

1) Check whether the electrical wiring of the equipment and the emergency stop function is normal;

2) Check whether the equipment's running condition is smooth and whether there is any abnormal rattling sound.

2 daily inspection

1) with a grease gun in the bearing housing with a calcium lubricating grease;

2) check whether the whole machine operation is balanced, whether there is abnormal ringing;

3) check whether there are debris entangled, if any must be removed immediately;

3 reducer in the lubricating oil (30 mechanical oil) need to be replaced regularly, the general equipment into the Normal use, running half a month after the need to replace the new oil, and then every three months to replace the oil, usually should pay attention to the reducer oil level.

4This machine should avoid long-term "downtime", if the equipment is not immediately put into operation after installation, at least once a week for one hour of idling, and check whether the various parts of the equipment is in good condition.

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