The country's unrivaled Tang Feifan, what great contributions to the development of medicine?

The Nobel Prize occupies a very important position in the world, our country (mainland) has only two Nobel Prizes, respectively, the literary prize Mo Yan and the Nobel Prize in medicine Tu Youyou, which is the pride of our China, talking about medicine, as early as Tu Youyou before there is a qualification to be able to obtain the Nobel Prize in medicine, he is the first generation of virologists in our country, but also the world's famous virologist.

His name is Tang Feifan!

Maybe many people simply have not heard of this name, but he is indeed a remarkable figure, is China's famous virologist, the following we specifically look at, the deeds of the old man Tang, his old man did things that make us every Chinese feel proud and proud of, but also we are in the Yanhuang children's pride.

Tang Feifan in the Qing dynasty Guangxu twenty-third year (calendar year 1897) was born in Hunan Liling Tangjiaping, family conditions should be good, so he grew up to receive a very good education, in 1921, Tang Feifan was 24 years old, he was from the Xiangya School of Medicine, and was awarded the degree of doctor of medicine. Four years later he was recommended to study at Harvard Medical School in the United States.

After returning to China after his studies, he served as a professor at the Shanghai Medical College, and a young professor of medicine, but in 1935, he went to the National Institute of Medical Research in the United Kingdom for further study, two years later he returned to China, was appointed director of the Central Epidemiological Defense Office, with the knowledge and ability to do more than public service, Tang Feifan's starting point is very high, and he is perfectly capable of the director of the Office of the Director of the Office of the Director of the Office of the Director of the Director of the Director of the Office of the Director of the Office of the Central Epidemiological Defense Office, to get by, and if that is really the case, he would not be Tang Feifan, he would not be a respected medical doctor.

In the mid-1930s, Tang Feifan and others used simple equipment such as sand rod filters and ordinary centrifuges to prove that viruses can be separated and precipitated, while also developing the first generation of microporous filter membrane (fire cotton wool membrane), and used it to determine the size of various viruses. This is actually a remarkable contribution.

During the same period, he collaborated with Chinese ophthalmologist Zhou Chenghu in Shanghai, and based on a large number of experiments and reliable data, they published a paper entitled "Research on Corynebacterium trachomatis and trachoma", which refuted the theory of "trachomatous bacillus" put forward by Noguchi Noguchi at that time by the Japanese scholar Noguchi Yagami. They published the paper "Research on Corynebacterium trachomatis and Trachoma", which denied the findings of the Japanese scholar Noguchi Yagami. which was then proposed by the Japanese scholar Noguchi Yagami. This also laid the foundation for his later isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis.

These researches may not have been remarkable during the period of total war, but one of his researches, which made a great contribution to the war, was his successful invention of China's first batch of penicillin. 1943, Tang Feifan guided his researchers to use his own isolated Chinese strain of the bacterium, and from this, he produced China's first batch of penicillin with 50,000 units in a bottle. It greatly supported frontline fighting and was also exported to Allied countries.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Tang Feifan was appointed as the director of the Institute of Biological Products of the Ministry of Health of the Central People's Government and the director of the Biological Products Inspection Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Central People's Government. 1950, when the bubonic plague was prevalent in the northern part of Chahaer, Tang Feifan led an assault team, which took two months to research a 90,000-milliliter live attenuated vaccine to curb the bubonic plague in China, and not only that, but also made a great contribution to curing smallpox in China. He made a great contribution to the cure of smallpox in China.

Smallpox has been an extremely high mortality rate since ancient times, countries do not have a good way, after the founding of China's medical conditions are still very low, but Tang Feifan led the attack on this difficult problem, Tang Feifan invented the method of ether sterilization, which allows our country at that time have the ability to produce out of the smallpox vaccine to combat cowpox. This initiative, so that smallpox in China is extinct, which is 16 years earlier than foreign countries, this move makes our country no longer need to suffer from smallpox.

In the 1850s, Tang Feifan began to devote himself to the study of the trachoma pathogen, he and his assistant after hundreds of experiments, and finally succeeded in isolating the first strain of trachoma virus in China and the world, and he dropped the trachoma virus in his own eyes, and 40 days later, he used red eyes to successfully isolate the chlamydia trachomatis virus, so that the incidence of the previous nine out of ten sand is greatly reduced!

In 1956, Tang Feifan published a report on the success of isolating the trachoma virus, which was recognized by the world's medical community as ? Tang's virus? , a report that made a huge contribution to world medicine.

Tong Feifan's pathogen research, for pathogen research to provide a systematic study, the microbiological community to formally determine the trachoma and psittacosis and groin lymphogranuloma pathogen, the same belongs to the microorganisms between bacteria and viruses, thus in the classification of microorganisms in the microorganisms and add a new chlamydia, trachoma pathogen was named Chlamydia trachomatis.

So it's easier to treat trachoma now than it was before, and we should all be grateful to Tang Feifan for his contribution. There are many other contributions he made, and under his direct command and leadership, China had the first rabies vaccine, diphtheria vaccine and the world's first measles typhoid vaccine. These are all contributions of Mr. Tang.

Our national treasure, Ms. Tu Youyou, discovered artemisinin, which can effectively reduce the mortality rate of malaria patients, won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015, which is deserved, in fact, Tang Feifan Tang Lao his contribution to the world's history of medicine, can definitely win the Nobel Prize for Medicine, but he passed away too soon. on September 30, 1958, Tang Feifan was humiliated during the campaign, hanged himself, and it wasn't until 21 years later, he was vindicated and rehabilitated.

According to his contribution at that time is absolutely qualified to win the Nobel Prize in medicine, and his contribution will be even greater, but it is a pity that the old man passed away in a special era, but this does not hinder the greatness of Tang Lao, who can afford the name of unrivaled national scholar.

Summarized, Tang Feifan Tang's main contribution to the old man, he was in China for the first time to sort out Chlamydia trachomatis; he made China's first penicillin in the war of resistance, supplied to the front-line soldiers; after the founding of the country with two months, developed 90,000 milliliters of attenuated active vaccine, containment of the bubonic plague; invention of the method of sterilization of ether is our country's mass production of smallpox vaccine to fight smallpox cowpox vaccine, smallpox is extinct in China. 16 years ahead of the world, China's first rabies vaccine, diphtheria vaccine and the world's first typhus vaccine.

The unrivaled nationalist said that it is people like Tang Lao, our nation is precisely with such people, so that we can stand in the forest of the world's nationalities

Tang Feifan (right)