The most complete pharmacy in Hailar District

The most complete pharmacy in Hailar District is Hailar District Tongda Pharmacy. Hailar District Tongda Pharmacy office address is located in the world's largest city in the land area of Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hulunbeier City, Hailar District, Hailar District, Zhengyang Office of Food Comprehensive No. 1 Building Chaoyang Road No. 2, was registered in Hailar District, Hailar City, Hulunbeier City, December 25, 2020 in the Hailar District, Market Supervision and Management Bureau was established, in the store's development and growth for the past 2 years, and has always been to provide our customers with good products and technical support, sound After-sales service, the store is mainly engaged in proprietary Chinese medicines, chemical pharmaceutical preparations, antibiotic preparations, biochemical drugs, biological products, health food, cosmetics, medical equipment, daily necessities sales, antiseptic supplies, health care supplies, hygiene products, medical equipment, disposable medical supplies, general diagnostic equipment medical hygiene materials and accessories ultrasonic nebulizer ultrasonic massager handheld oxygen generator, insulin, I have good products and professional sales and technical team.