The following is from the Zhihu netizen Dr. Lu:
For example, one day you have a stomach ache, want to go to see the gastroenterology, booked a doctor's clinic in ten days. The doctor, as a matter of course, prescribes a gastroscope for you. Then you go to the endoscopy center with your gastroscopy appointment and wait in line... And then the gastroscopy appointment is two months away. And you say, "WTF?" Two months? Two months? That's not that long... That's what happens in public hospitals.
So you can't stand it any longer, and you go to one of the more prestigious private hospitals downtown. After you go you realize that there are not so many patients here, you can do the test on the same day. But how much does a gastroscopy cost? I'd say a conservative figure, 200-300 dollars. This is equivalent to 2,000 RMB.
I've never been to the U.S., and I haven't experienced the medical care there. However, this army consulted the returnees around, popularized the medical treatment of the study abroad party. The following British and American medical guide for reference!
Question 1: Is it really expensive to see a doctor abroad? The solution: buy health insurance! The first thing you need to do is to buy a medical insurance policy. The problem is that you can't afford to pay for your own healthcare.
The United States
Go to a hospital that is covered by health insurance and pay first
In the United States, if you don't have health insurance, a single visit to the hospital can turn you into a poor person in a second!
It is recommended that international students buy health insurance when they enroll in school, with premiums generally ranging from $300-600 per year. Generally can however buy insurance on campus is more limited, if there are special needs, it is best to buy additional additional insurance off campus. After purchasing medical insurance, you can enjoy free medical care.
It is important to note that the premise of enjoying free medical care is that the doctor you see must be a doctor affiliated with the health insurance, and generally there are several doctors affiliated with the insurance company, so you can choose your own, or you can be directly assigned by the insurance company. Hospitals in the United States are paid after the visit.
Unlike Chinese doctors, American doctors generally have their own clinics, and at the same time will also be attached to the hospital, there will be about 3 days a week in their own clinics work, about 2 days in the hospital work, so you need to see a doctor in advance to make an appointment with the doctor.
Studying in the United States is strongly recommended to all the party to stay in the United States, you must look at your health insurance before seeing a doctor. There are many different types of health insurance in the US, each with different requirements and limitations, such as limits on the number of visits per year, limits on the number of specialists, the number of days you can stay in the hospital, the types of medication you can buy, and so on.
Let's share three common ones:
1. HMO plan: Most young people who work have this plan because it's cheaper and more affordable, but there are a lot of limitations for patients, such as only being able to see a doctor a few times a year (usually 10 times), only being able to stay in the hospital for a few days a year (usually one or two weeks), and only being able to visit certain doctors and specialists, and only being able to buy certain medications. You can pretty much see any doctor you want, and compared to HMOs, the number of people who have this kind of plan is a small number of people~
3. Student Health Services: This is a plan that the school gives to its students. Generally speaking, there is no limit to the number of times you can see a doctor within the student health service, but there may also be limits to the number of times you can see a specialist or the number of days you can stay in the hospital. A tooth extraction or eyeglasses prescription is most likely not reimbursable.
Pay £60 for free healthcare for a whole year
One more thing about the UK. (You guys have tweeted many times in the background that Study Abroad is biased towards the US, okay~ admit it! There are more study abroad parties in the U.S.~) British students enjoy the NHS. previously, the NHS was a public **** service, mostly funded by British taxes, so Brits didn't have to pay anything else.
Starting April 6, 2015, non-European students studying in the UK will have to pay a £150 annual healthcare surcharge, which will be covered when you apply.£150 may seem expensive, but it guarantees a year's worth of free healthcare!!!PS: Except for dental appointments and glasses.
The University of Rotterdam is sweet. Study Abroad found that most universities will recommend nearby medical centers or just give you an NHS directory of hospitals that can provide medical care.
Question 2: Is it hard to see a doctor abroad?
Appointments are made in advance, and there are fines for late arrivals!
With the exception of Emergency (Emergency) and Urgent Care, there are advance appointments for seeing a doctor. The difference between the two is that the former deals mainly with major illnesses, is open 24 hours a day, and is more expensive; the latter deals with sudden, minor ailments and pains, and is less expensive. To add to this: once you have set an appointment time, you must be on time. If you can't make it, call 24 hours before to cancel or reschedule, or you will be fined!
Another benefit of filling out the information: create your own personal Medical Group, which will have your health information, appointments, medical diagnosis, and payment status. If you have a minor medical condition that is not urgent, your doctor will be able to see you in a timely manner based on your profile.
Before you make an appointment, the medical office may send you a new patient registration packet to complete and return. If accepted as a new patient, you will also need to give your health insurance company the name of the primary physician of your choice so that the insurance company will pay.
You can also choose to have a private doctor assigned to you by your insurance company. When you are sick, except for emergencies, you usually have to contact your own personal doctor first, whether or not you are covered by your own personal doctor's care, and he will decide whether you need to be transferred to another doctor. If you are seriously ill and need to be hospitalized, you can call an ambulance, and you do not have to wait in line when you arrive at the hospital, but you will have to pay the ambulance fee. Of course, it is possible to go to the hospital yourself, but you usually have to wait in line first.
If you need surgery, it's a good idea to check with the hospital to see if the doctor who will operate on you is covered by your own insurance company. If he or she is on a health insurance plan, all costs are waived, including meals and chaperones. If not, you should talk to the hospital to get a new doctor who is covered by your own health insurance plan, or you will have to pay very expensive medical bills.
Study abroad gentleman feel that the advance booking is the same as the registration in China. Some say that registration in China is a derivative of emulating the US healthcare system.
Remember to bring your health insurance card and credit card with you to the doctor's office, as the hospital will most likely ask for the name of the health insurance company, the duration of coverage, and the number.
The hospitals have free interpreters for different languages.
The UK
Same day care is available and doctors can come to your home
Some UK clinics offer same day care, so you can call in on the same day, or go to the counter at the clinic and ask for a same day appointment.
If you have an urgent medical condition and can't get a same-day appointment, you can choose an emergency clinic. In the event of a major injury or immediate life-threatening situation, dial 999 for an ambulance and give your name, phone number and address. According to the NHS, emergency departments in UK hospitals are not allowed to turn away patients, and it's completely free, so you don't even have to pay for medicine.
If you have a serious medical condition that prevents you from going to a clinic, you can ask your GP (General Practitioner) to come out, but it is recommended that you notify your doctor before 10am (except in emergencies) and tell him or her the details of your symptoms. However, out of hours, some clinics will have staff on duty to give you appropriate advice on your condition. In the case of a very urgent condition that requires immediate attention, you can go to an emergency room in a hospital.
Question 3: Does it cost money to buy medicine?
The United States
It is not necessary to order medication immediately after a visit
At the end of each visit, the medication is not ordered or paid for on the spot.
So where do you go to get your medication? Usually, the hospital will record the closest pharmacy to your home, such as CVS, Walgreen's, or Target, and prescribe the medication for you, which saves you time; when you get home, you can check the Explanation of Benefits for each medical service through your insurance's online account, and then pay for it online through your hospital account.
This is great! It gives you plenty of time to compare options. It also saves you money you shouldn't have to spend.
Scotland, Scotland, and Wales are free to all
The NHS in the UK is divided into four systems based on geography, so the requirements for picking up your medication in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are likely to be different, however. Until 2015, there was only a charge for going to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions in England, Scotland, Scotland and Wales were free to all and patients did not have to pay for any prescriptions.
All patients over the age of 18 in England had to pay for their prescriptions, but it was a fixed sum, whether you were prescribed painkillers or something else, as long as it was prescribed by a doctor to go to the pharmacy and pick up the medicine. Since April 1, 2014, the preion cost in England is £8.05 and this price regularly increases .