Manual Tension Controller, Textile Tension Controller, Magnetic Powder Tension Controller

Originally from: /zl.htm In the industrial control industry, in some of the tape and wire products, often need to control the tension to control the magnetic particle clutch | magnetic particle brake to achieve the production requirements, the tension controller is to control this kind of tension is a kind of instrumentation, tension controller is a kind of single-chip microcomputer or some embedded devices and peripheral circuitry developed by the system is a kind of control instrumentation, which can directly set the required value of tension control, and then directly input the tension sensor signal (generally millivolt level) as the tension feedback value by comparing the deviation, and then directly input the tension sensor signal. Set the required tension value, and then directly input the tension sensor signal (generally millivolt level) as the tension feedback value, through comparison of the deviation, input to the PID controller for processing, the best output to the peripheral actuators to control, and ultimately to achieve the smallest deviation, the system responds to the fastest purpose. Tension controller also has the so-called manual control function, generally refers to the human can be given through the tension controller to a certain amount of output to the actuator (often for the motor's power flow); some tension controllers also have a roll diameter projection function, generally used in the coiling equipment, there are put on the roll and the winding of the points; in addition there is a taper adjustment function, you can set the taper of some of the process requirements of the coiling taper directly within the controller. Manual Tension Controller : Product Description: Manual tension controller, its application is simple, convenient and compact, easy to install. Stable output, the use of high-quality components, product quality, manual tension controller can be convenient to realize the film printing process, winding machines and other need to control the tension of the tension control machine. Functional characteristics: 1. can be in the range of 0A ~ 4A to achieve a constant current output 2. the size of the output current can be controlled by the control signal, but also can be manually adjusted 3. there is a feedback signal output for detecting the size of the control signal, in order to achieve the precise positioning 4. you can output current intuitively display Specifications Output: 1. L, N for the AC power supply input 220V 50/60HZ. 2. GND +24V: connect to magnetic powder clutch and magnetic powder brake. 3. VSET GND: 0~10V external control input voltage (for PLC). 4.ISET: 0~20mA external control input current. 5.AO GND: Setting voltage feedback. 6.PADJ VSET: If you use the potentiometer on the panel to adjust, short PADJ and VSET 7.W: 180mm H: 110mm D: 135mm Manual Tension Controller. Manual tension controller. Textile Tension Controller . Magnetic powder tension control. Powder brake control . Powder Clutch Power Supply . Magnetic Powder Brake Power Supply. Magnetic particle brake power supply.ktc-002.magnetic particle brake controller . Magnetic particle clutch controller. magnetic particle brake controller. magnetic particle brake controller. KERIDA TENSION CONTROLLER. Magnetic Powder Tensioner. Magnetic Powder Tension. Magnetic Powder Tension Clutch. Magnetic Powder Tension Brake. Magnetic Powder Tension Brake Business Area: Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou, Nantong, Xuzhou, Lianyungang, Huaian, Yancheng, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Suqian, Kunshan, Taicang, Guangxi Province, Fangchenggang, Nanning, Chongzuo, Liuzhou, Laibin, Guilin, Wuzhou, Hezhou, Yulin, Guigang, Baise, Qinzhou, Hechi, Beihai, Guizhou Province, Guiyang, Anshun, Kaili, Duyun, Zunyi, Bijie, Tongren, Chishui. 毕节,铜仁,赤水,兴义,六盘水,福泉,仁怀,清镇,四川省,凉山,成都,自贡,攀枝花,泸州,德阳,绵阳,广元,内江,雅安,巴中,眉山,资阳,南充,遂宁,宜宾,广安,乐山,达州,重庆,渝中,永川,垫江县,万州,合川,涪陵,云南省,昆明市,曲靖,昭通,玉溪,楚雄, 红河,文山,普洱,版纳,大理,保山,德宏,丽江,怒江,迪庆,临沧,安徽省,芜湖,合肥,马鞍山,安庆,蚌埠,铜陵,阜阳,黄山,淮北,滁洲,淮南,巢湖,六安,池洲,宣城,亳州,宿州,甘肃省,兰州,嘉峪关,金昌,白银,天水,武威,张掖,平凉,庆阳,定西,吉林省,长春 ,吉林,四平,通化,白山,辽源,白城,松原,辽宁省,大连,沈阳,鞍山,营口,锦州,盘锦,抚顺,本溪,辽阳,丹东,铁岭,葫芦岛,朝阳,阜新,黑龙江省,哈尔滨,齐齐哈尔,牡丹江,佳木斯,大庆市,鸡西,双鸭山,伊春,七台河,鹤岗,黑河,绥化,大兴安岭,湖北省,武汉, Huangshi, Xiangfan, Jingzhou, Yichang, Shiyan, Xiaogan, . 荆门,鄂州,黄冈,咸宁,随州,潜江,仙桃,天门,湖南省,长沙,湘潭,株洲,郴州,衡阳,邵阳,永州,湘西,张家界,常德,娄底,益阳,怀化,岳阳,浏阳,河北省,石家庄,唐山,邯郸,秦皇岛,保定,张家口,承德,廊坊,沧州,衡水,邢台,山西省,阳泉,晋城,朔州,忻州, 临汾,吕梁,长治,运城,晋中,大同,太原,江西省,南昌,景德镇,鹰潭,新余,赣州,九江,抚州,上饶,萍乡,吉安,宜春,山东省,济南,青岛,滨州,德州,东营市,菏泽,莱芜,济宁,聊城,临沂,日照,泰安,潍坊,威海,烟台,淄博,河南省,济源,郑州,开封,洛阳, 平顶山,许昌,漯河,三门峡,南阳,商丘,信阳,周口,驻马店,安阳,鹤壁,新乡,焦作,濮阳,内蒙古,呼和浩特,包头,广东省,广州,深圳,珠海,汕头,佛山,韶关,河源,梅州,惠州,汕尾,东莞,中山,江门,阳江,湛江,茂名,肇庆,清远,潮州,揭阳,云浮,北京,海淀, 怀柔,朝阳,东城,西城,崇文,石景山,天津,静海,蓟县,武清,西青,大港,塘沽,浙江省,杭州,宁波,温州,嘉兴,湖州,绍兴,金华,衢州,舟山,台州,丽水,福建省,福州,厦门,莆田,三明,泉州,漳州,南平,龙岩,宁德,海南省,海口,三亚,儋州,陕西省,西安,宝鸡 weinan,hanyang,tongchuan,yanan,shangluo,hanzhong,yulin,ankang,yangling,wugong,qinghai,xining,haidong,hainan,haibei,haishi,huangnan,guoluo,yushu,ningxia,shizuishan,yinchuan,wuzhong,zhongwei,guyuan,lingwu,qingtongxia,xinjiang,taiwan,shanghai,