Influenza A (H1N1)

Influenza A (H1N1) is also known as influenza A (H1N1), human swine influenza.

[2] On April 30, 2009, the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the World Organization for Animal Health announced that they had agreed to use influenza A (H1N1) to refer to the outbreak at that time, and no longer use the term "swine flu". China's health sector has successively renamed the former human swine influenza as influenza A (H1N1). China's Ministry of Health on April 30, 2009 issued red beans, mung beans, appropriate amount of soup to take.

Mung beans 60g, raw licorice 6g (cloth bag), raw barley 20g boiled soup, remove the licorice package, take.

If the dryness of the mouth and nose is heavy, you can dip a cotton swab in sesame oil and apply it externally, which has the function of moisturizing dryness.

Usually drink more Banlangen: 1~2 times a day (morning and evening).

Wash your hands with hand sanitizer. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, if you need to touch, you should wash your hands first. If there is no hand-washing equipment, use alcohol-containing disinfectant to wash hands.

C. Spare tissue/handkerchief

Bring a tissue/handkerchief. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing.

D. Spare personal items

Don't **** towels and personal items to avoid spreading diseases.

E. Spare Masks

You can bring a spare mask to wear in case of respiratory illness of yourself/your fellow travelers.

F. Chopsticks and spoons

You should use chopsticks and spoons when eating, and should not share lunch boxes and drinks with others.

G. Healthy Lifestyle

Continue to practice a healthy lifestyle during your trip and keep your body clean and do not smoke.

H. In case of illness

In case of illness, especially fever, notify the hotel and the tour leader/guide or relevant personnel;

The sick person and their caregivers should wear masks immediately;

Arrange for a doctor's appointment as soon as possible;

Remain in the hotel room/room to rest and terminate the tour temporarily until recovered.

If a traveler is suspected or confirmed to have swine flu by a local doctor, he/she should stay in the local hospital for further examination or treatment. Travelers should reduce contact with the sick person if not necessary and follow the local doctor's instructions to strictly observe personal hygiene measures. The traveler should cooperate with the local health and quarantine department to arrange the rest of the trip and the required quarantine measures.

(3) After the trip

Within 2 weeks of returning home, if you experience flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.), you should contact your local health and disease control authorities.

3, the entry of people need to do:

(1) from the infected area of the return to the country when entering the country, such as influenza-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.), should take the initiative to the entry-exit inspection and quarantine agencies.

(2) returned from the infected area within 2 weeks, such as influenza-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.), should promptly contact the local health and disease control departments.

Third, participate in public activities to prevent swine flu and other infectious diseases, the public is advised to pay attention to:

1, participate in the activities:

If you feel unwell, especially fever and/or coughing, sneezing and other respiratory symptoms, you should not go to the activities, you should find a doctor's appointment as soon as possible.

Hands should always be clean and washed after touching public objects or facilities.

Handkerchiefs and tissues should be kept handy.

2. During the activity:

Maintain good personal hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, and wash your hands with hand sanitizer immediately afterwards to avoid spreading germs through droplets.

Wash your hands before touching your eyes, mouth or nose, before eating and after using the toilet.

Wash your hands with hand sanitizer and dry them with paper towels or a drying device.

If handwashing facilities are not available, sanitize hands with a hand sanitizer containing 65-95% alcohol.

Do not spit or litter. Wrap spit in a tissue and dispose of it in a trash can. Garbage should also be disposed of in the trash can.

No smoking.

3. After the event:

Keep your hands clean.

After returning home, you should take a shower and wash your hair to remove dirt and bacteria from your body.

4. Precautions for public **** transportation

1. Before there is a local case of swine flu:

(1) Keep the compartment/cabin clean

Do not eat or drink in the compartment/cabin.

Do not smoke.

Do not spit.

Do not litter. Put your garbage in the garbage bins located at the stations/platforms/lobbies.

Use a vomit bag if you need to vomit.

(2) Maintain good personal hygiene

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.

Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough.

If you have symptoms of respiratory infection or fever, seek medical advice.

(3) Wear a mask

It is advisable to wear a mask when traveling on public ****transportation, especially:

people with respiratory symptoms or fever;

people who need to take care of a person with respiratory symptoms or fever.

2. After the emergence of local cases of swine flu:

In addition to the above measures, it is necessary to:

(1) Wear masks

People who travel on public ****transportation should wear masks, in particular: during peak hours when the flow of people is heavy; in sealed compartments/cabins;

People with respiratory symptoms or fever; and persons who have been in close contact with swine flu patients[1] should wear a mask for 10 consecutive days from the date of last contact.

Masks should also be worn by persons who have had social contact[2] with swine flu patients.

(2) Maintain air circulation in the cabin

If the windows are open/close, open the windows as much as possible to ensure air circulation in the cabin.

(3) Ask for assistance

If you suspect that you are suffering from swine flu;

Please use an ambulance to go to the hospital;

If you are at the station or pier, or are already riding in the cabin of the vehicle/boat, you can ask the driver or staff of the transportation organization to help you to summon an ambulance or the Marine Police to go to the hospital for medical treatment.

Note [1]: Close contact means having cared for the patient, lived with the patient***, or having had direct contact with the patient's respiratory secretions or body fluids.

Note [2]: Social contact means an ordinary meeting, i.e. not having cared for the patient, not living with the patient***, and not having had direct contact with the patient's secretions or body fluids.

V. Proper hand washing methods

Keeping hands hygienic is the first condition to prevent infectious diseases. Thoroughly wash your hands with hand sanitizer or disinfect your hands with alcohol-based handrub can keep your hands hygienic.

1. When should you wash your hands?

(1) before contacting eyes, nose and mouth

(2) before eating and handling food

(3) after toileting

(4) when hands are divided by the respiratory tract

(4) when hands are stained by respiratory substances, such as spitters. (4) When hands are contaminated by respiratory substances, such as after sneezing and coughing

(5) After touching public **** objects, such as elevator handrails, lift buttons, and door handles

(6) After changing diapers of young children or sick people, and handling contaminated objects

(7) Before and after visiting hospitals and animal farms

(8) After touching animals or poultry

Generally, hands are not contaminated when they are visibly soiled, as they are when they are not in contact with animals and fowl. In general, wash your hands with hand sanitizer (soap) and water when they are visibly soiled or may have been contaminated by bodily fluids, such as after using the toilet or changing diapers, sneezing and coughing. If your hands are not visibly soiled, use a 70-80% alcohol-based handrub to sanitize your hands.

2, the correct hand washing steps:

Hand washing with hand sanitizer, the program is as follows:

(1) open the tap to rinse hands.

(2) Add hand sanitizer and rub out the foam with your hands.

(3) Rub your palms, backs of hands, finger gaps, backs of fingers, thumbs, fingertips, and wrists for at least 20 seconds.

(4) Rinse your hands thoroughly with water only after scrubbing.

(5) Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel or paper towel, or blow dry your hands with a dry cell phone.

(6) After you wash your hands, you will need to touch the faucet directly. To touch the faucet directly again, you can wrap the faucet with a hand towel before turning off the faucet; or splash water to rinse the faucet clean.

3. Note:

(1) Do not enjoy towels or paper towels with others ****.

(2) Wiped hands of paper towels should be properly disposed of after use.

(3) Personal hand towels should be properly placed and thoroughly cleaned at least once a day, and it would be ideal to have more than one towel for frequent replacement.

4. Sterilize your hands with alcohol-based handrub as follows:

Pour a sufficient amount of alcohol-based handrub into your palm and rub your palms, backs of your hands, finger gaps, backs of your fingers, thumbs, fingertips, and wrists, for at least 20 seconds each, until your hands are dry.

Six, the correct use of mask

Wearing a surgical mask to pay attention to matters (before wearing a mask, as well as before and after taking off the mask must wash their hands):

1, to let the mask close to the face:

(1) the mask has a color of the side of the outward side of the side of the metal piece upward;

(2) tighten the fixed mask rope, or put the mask rubber band around the ears. (2) Tighten the string holding the mask in place, or put the rubber bands around the ears so that the mask fits snugly on the face;

(3) The mask should completely cover the mouth, nose and chin;

(4) Press the metal tabs on the mask along the bridge of the nose on both sides so that the mask fits snugly on the face.

2. After wearing the mask, avoid touching the mask to prevent reducing the protective effect; if you must touch the mask, wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching it.

3. When taking off the mask, try to avoid touching the outward part of the mask, which may be contaminated with germs.

4. After taking off the mask, put it into a tape or paper bag and then put it into a covered garbage can for disposal.

5. Surgical masks should be changed at least every day, and should be replaced immediately if they are damaged or soiled.

Swine flu FAQs

1. Can I get infected by eating pork?

The virus now monitored is a mixture of avian influenza, human influenza and swine influenza virus gene fragments, all patients have no contact history with pigs, and in the pigs have not been isolated this new mutant virus. A (H1N1) influenza virus is afraid of high temperatures, the pork is heated to 71 degrees Celsius, can kill the swine influenza virus

2, A (H1N1) influenza (swine influenza) virus can kill the swine influenza virus

2, H1N1 influenza (swine influenza) virus can kill the swine influenza virus. Can the influenza A (swine flu) virus be transmitted between people?

It has been confirmed that there are cases of H1N1 influenza A (swine flu) viruses being transmitted between people, and the route of transmission is similar to that of seasonal influenza, usually through the infected person coughing and sneezing, etc.

The H1N1 influenza A virus can be transmitted through the infected person's cough and sneezing.

3. What are the characteristics of this influenza A (swine flu) epidemic?

First, the outbreak was caused by a new strain of swine influenza virus mutation, the population is generally susceptible, has caused transnational and transcontinental transmission. Second, there are cases of human-to-human transmission. Third, more severe and fatal cases are now occurring in Mexico. Fourth, influenza patients in the day before the onset of the disease has been detoxification, some people infected with no disease, but still infectious, hidden infectious proportion is quite high.

4, influenza A H1N1 (swine flu) What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of influenza A (swine flu) are similar to other flu symptoms, such as high fever, cough, malaise, anorexia, and so on. It was also reported that the main manifestations of the cases found in the United States were sudden onset of fever, cough, muscle pain and fatigue, with some of the patients experiencing diarrhea and vomiting; and that the cases found in Mexico also showed symptoms such as redness of the eyes, headache and runny nose.

5. Why does China call it "Influenza A H1N1 (swine flu)"?

WHO announced that from April 30, began to use "A (H1N1) influenza" rather than "swine flu" to refer to the current epidemic. Instead of "swine flu", it is now referred to as "Influenza A (H1N1)" according to the domestic practice of the Chinese expression "甲型H1N1流感(猪流感)".

6. Is influenza A (swine flu) in Mexico the same as influenza A (swine flu) in the United States?

The Mexican influenza A (swine flu) virus and the United States are both type A/H1N1, a new mutated virus that is a mixture of human influenza viruses, North American avian influenza viruses, and swine influenza viruses from North America, Europe, and Asia.

7, there is no anti-A / H1N1 influenza (swine flu) vaccine?

Currently there are only anti-swine influenza vaccines for swine, and none specifically for humans. In the current situation, the ordinary anti-influenza vaccine for human resistance to influenza A (swine flu) has no obvious effect.

8. What are the preventive measures?

Influenza viruses are mainly transmitted through air and contact, so you should cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; you should wash your hands frequently and often use alcohol to disinfect daily necessities. In addition, less in the crowded place "pile up" is also an effective way to reduce the probability of infection. Once the disease is detected, the patient should try to avoid going out, in order to prevent the virus from spreading to others.

9, the treatment of human infection with influenza A H1N1 (swine flu) is there a special drug?

According to the current experts to grasp the situation, this new type of influenza A H1N1 (swine flu) virus is sensitive to neuraminidase inhibitor drugs, clinical treatment is effective

At present, there is no specific treatment of influenza A H1N1 (swine flu), the key is to strengthen the feeding management, such as heat preservation, to avoid thieves wind invasion: to provide sufficient clean water; attention to nutritional balance, supplementation of vitamins, trace elements The key is to strengthen the feeding management, such as heat preservation, avoiding the wind, providing sufficient clean water, paying attention to nutritional balance, supplementing vitamins, trace elements, etc., to improve the resistance of the pig body; if necessary, we can use Chinese herbs for adjuvant treatment

Relationship between

What is the relationship between influenza and colds? What is the relationship between influenza and human avian influenza, influenza A H1N1?

Influenza and the common cold are both acute respiratory infections, both occurring in winter, both with varying degrees of fever and respiratory symptoms, but they are completely different diseases.

The common cold can be caused by viruses or, more commonly, bacteria, so it can occur all year round. Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, mainly in winter and spring, and can cause outbreaks or epidemics.

The most important difference between the two is that they are different. The common cold can resolve itself within a week if there are no complications, and is rarely life-threatening. The flu, on the other hand, can lead to many serious complications such as pneumonia, which increases mortality.

Influenza viruses are categorized into three types: A, B, and C. Type A viruses often cause pandemics, type B viruses often cause limited epidemics, and type C viruses generally only cause epidemics, and rarely cause pandemics.

The antigenicity and pathogenicity of influenza viruses are highly susceptible to mutation, and when a new subtype emerges, it can easily cause a pandemic due to lack of immunity in the population.

Human avian influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by some strains of certain subtypes of avian influenza A viruses. The occurrence of H5N1 human avian influenza in some places in recent years has caused concern worldwide.

The virus that led to this outbreak in Mexico and the United States and other outbreaks of influenza A viruses, H1N1 subtype swine influenza virus strains, which contains a swine flu, avian influenza and human influenza three influenza viruses of the gene fragments, is a new type of influenza viruses, can be transmitted from person to person.

[edit]The Ministry of Health announced the influenza A (H1N1) monitoring program

For the early detection, reporting and diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) cases, long-term monitoring of influenza A (H1N1) virus trends, the Ministry of Health has developed and published the "Influenza A (H1N1) monitoring program (first edition)".

The surveillance program states that the monitoring of influenza A (swine flu) cases is mainly applicable to the emergence of imported disseminated influenza A (H1N1) cases in our country, as well as imported cases leading to the emergence of limited local transmission in our country, but has not yet appeared in the sustained human transmission of the virus and the community-based level of epidemics and outbreaks.

According to the surveillance program, disease prevention and control agencies and medical institutions found that meet the case definition of suspected cases and confirmed cases, should be within 2 hours through the National Disease Surveillance Information Reporting Management System for network direct reporting. The medical institutions that do not have the conditions for direct network reporting should report to the local county-level disease prevention and control agencies within 2 hours by the fastest means of communication.

Ports, airports, railroads, disease prevention and control agencies, as well as border health quarantine authorities found in line with the case definition of the suspected cases and confirmed cases, should be immediately reported to the national border port where the disease prevention and control agencies or the local people's government health administrative departments and notify each other.

The monitoring program points out that under the condition of good personal protection, the case should be transferred to the local designated hospital for isolation treatment as soon as possible. Disease prevention and control organizations at all levels should conduct epidemiological investigations of the cases as soon as possible after receiving the case report, and collect clinical information of the cases according to the progress of the patient's condition and the depth of the epidemiological investigation, including the record of the course of the disease, the doctor's orders, the results of laboratory tests, etc., and report the results of the investigations and the information of the update at any time, and put forward the corresponding prevention and treatment recommendations.

The monitoring program also details the collection, testing, and uploading of case specimens, as well as the exclusion of cases, revisions, and reporting and feedback of test results.

[edit]Influenza A (H1N1) Diagnostic and Treatment Program

(2009 trial version of the first edition)

In March 2009, an outbreak of human swine influenza occurred in Mexico, resulting in fatalities. The World Health Organization (hereinafter referred to as WHO) announced on April 30 that it would raise the pandemic influenza warning level to level 5. The WHO initially called the outbreak "human swine influenza," but with a better understanding of the nature of the outbreak, it has now been renamed "human swine influenza. The WHO initially called the influenza epidemic "human swine influenza", but with a better understanding of the nature of the epidemic, it has now been renamed "Influenza A (H1N1)". China's Ministry of Health announced on April 30, it will be included in the "Chinese people's *** and the State Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases," the provisions of Category B infectious diseases, in accordance with Category A infectious diseases to take preventive and control measures.

According to the information currently available, the current occurrence of influenza A H1N1 is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the mutated new influenza A H1N1 virus. Through droplets, aerosols, direct contact or indirect contact transmission, the main clinical manifestations of influenza-like symptoms, a few cases of serious illness, rapid progress, can appear viral pneumonia, combined with respiratory failure, multiple organ function damage, serious cases can lead to death. As this influenza A (H1N1) is a new disease, its characteristics are still to be further observed and summarized.

I. Pathogenesis

Influenza A H1N1 virus belongs to the orthomyxoviridae (0rthomyxoviridae), influenza A virus genus (Influenza virus A). Typical virus particles are spherical, 80nm-120nm in diameter, with a capsular membrane. There are many radially arranged protruding glycoproteins on the capsule membrane, which are erythrocyte hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), and matrix protein M2.The viral particles have an inner capsid, which is helically symmetric and has a diameter of 10 nm.The virus is a single-stranded, negative-stranded RNA virus, with a genome of about 13.6 kb, consisting of 8 independent segments of varying sizes. The virus is sensitive to ethanol, povidone-iodine and tincture of iodine; it is heat sensitive and can be inactivated at 56℃ for 30 minutes.

Second, epidemiology

To Beijing time on May 12, 2009 18:00, global **** in 24 countries and regions appeared to confirm the diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) 2371 cases, distributed in the Americas, Europe, Oceania and Asia. Among them, Mexico confirmed 1,626 cases, 48 deaths; the United States confirmed 2,532 cases, 3 deaths; China's mainland and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region confirmed 1 each case. In addition to Mexico, Costa Rica, Canada and the United States, other countries and regions have not reported fatal cases.

(A) sources of infection.

Influenza A H1N1 patients as the main source of infection. Although swine have been found in the body of influenza A (H1N1) virus, but there is no evidence that the animals as a source of infection.

(ii) transmission pathways.

Mainly through droplets or aerosols through the respiratory tract, but also through the oral cavity, nasal cavity, eyes and other places in the mucous membrane direct or indirect contact transmission. Contact with the patient's respiratory secretions, body fluids and objects contaminated with the virus may also cause transmission.

(C) susceptible people.

The population is generally susceptible.

Third, clinical manifestations and auxiliary examination

The incubation period is generally 1-7 days, mostly 1-4 days.

(a) Clinical manifestations.

Manifestation of influenza-like symptoms, including fever (axillary temperature ≥ 37.5 ℃), runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, headache, myalgia, malaise, vomiting and (or) diarrhea.

Complications such as pneumonia can occur. In a few cases, the disease progresses rapidly, with respiratory failure, multiple organ insufficiency or failure.

The patient's underlying disease may also worsen.

(ii) Laboratory tests.

1. Peripheral blood: the total number of white blood cells is generally not high or low.

2. Pathogenetic examination

(1) Viral nucleic acid test: RT-PCR (preferably using real-time RT-PCR) method to detect the nucleic acid of influenza A (H1N1) virus in respiratory specimens (pharyngeal swabs, oral gargle, nasopharyngeal or tracheal aspirate, sputum), and the results can be positive.

(2) Virus isolation: Influenza A (H1N1) virus can be isolated from respiratory specimens. The virus can also be isolated from lung tissue in cases of combined viral pneumonia.

3. Serologic examination: dynamic detection of serum influenza A (H1N1) virus-specific neutralizing antibody levels were 4 times or more than 4 times higher.

(C) other auxiliary examination.

Chest imaging can be performed according to the condition. When combined with pneumonia, patchy inflammatory infiltration can be seen in the lungs.

Fourth, diagnosis

The diagnosis of this disease is mainly combined with epidemiological history, clinical manifestations and pathogenetic examination, early detection and early diagnosis is the key to prevention, control and treatment.

(a) Suspected cases.