Lianyungang hair transplant cost is about how much cost?

Hair transplant surgery does not have a price, are in accordance with the specific planting how many follicular units to charge. In general, a hair transplant surgery from 500 units to 5000 units ranging, if less than 500, hair transplant hospitals will not do this surgery (surgery has a table fee), higher than this number, the general operating time is too long, and donor resources may not be enough. So the number of transplant units, most is between 500~5000.

The current market price of each follicular unit of hair transplantation technology is about 10 to 15 yuan, depending on the technology, organizations, experts and other differences.

Tens of thousands of dollars to see hair loss, for many hair loss patients is really high price, difficult to accept. Why is the price of hair transplant so high?

From the doctor's point of view, there are mainly 3 points

Time is too long

General surgical procedures, excluding organ transplantation, such as extremely complex large-scale surgery, the operation time is not more than 1 hour, and the length of a hair transplantation surgery is generally in the range of 4 to 6 hours, more than 6 hours is not uncommon, so the cost of the time alone, it is very large.

Multiple people involved

Hair transplant surgery requires a team of people, usually at least 4 to 6 people, in the case of a large area of planting, a few more people is very normal, this configuration is close to a large surgical operation.