Can potatoes really remove moles?

Potatoes can be removed, but there is a prerequisite.

That is, your mole must not be very dark and not very large. Only in this case can you use potatoes to remove the mole. You need to pay attention when you go, cut the potatoes into slices, and then apply it on the mole every day. That's it.

The best time to use it is at night when you are sleeping. Apply one patch every day for a week and you will see the mole fade.

Nevus, medically known as nevus cells or melanocytic nevus, is a skin manifestation caused by an increase in melanocytes in the epidermis and dermis.

Mole removal is a method of removing moles through medical equipment and technology, so as to achieve the purpose of beautiful skin. Skin pigmented nevi are pathologically divided into three categories: junctional nevi, intradermal nevi, and mixed nevi based on the level of nevus cells in the skin. In addition, they are classified into giant nevus, blue nevus, etc. based on their clinical characteristics.

The exact nature and type of mole is ultimately diagnosed by tissue biopsy. You should be even more careful with black moles that grow on parts of the body that are prone to friction or damage. Be careful not to let them ruin your appearance.

Extended information

Common mole removal methods

Electric burning method

Method: Apply the principle of electric high-temperature burning to remove moles due to Removed by cauterization and carbonization.

Advantages: Easy to operate.

Disadvantages: It is difficult to control the degree of burning, easy to leave scars, and is not accepted by people.

Indications: Superficial combined moles and deeper and raised compound moles. It is effective for moles with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 cm.

Surgical excision

Method: Surgical removal of the diseased tissue around the mole.

Advantages: This method can choose to partially or completely remove the diseased tissue, and different treatment methods can be carried out depending on the nature of the mole.

Disadvantages: It is difficult and takes a lot of time. This method is rarely used for general moles.

Indications: Large and raised moles with a diameter of more than 0.6 cm.

Chemical corrosion

Method: Generally, a 50% trizocarbonate solution or an alkaline agent such as sodium hydroxide is applied to the mole.

Advantages: Trizocarbonic acid solution is not easy to burn the skin and cause scars; alkaline solution is highly corrosive and may be effective quickly.

Disadvantages: The effect of trizocarbonate solution is slow, and it may be applied up to 10 times for darker moles; sodium hydroxide is not easy to control the depth of corrosion and may cause deep scars.

Indications: Moles that are lighter in color and lighter in location.

Freezing method

Method: Freeze with liquid nitrogen to freeze the nevus tissue very quickly, causing the cells around the nevus to form water sores and then fall off on their own.

Advantages: The depth of damage is relatively easy to control, it can usually be done in one go, and it is not easy to cause obvious scars.

Disadvantages: Large and thick moles need to be frozen several times before they can be removed, and special equipment is required. The doctor's skills are also very important. Because it is difficult to control the depth and often causes damage, dermatology is not used to treat moles.

Indications: Flat moles with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 cm, including freckles.

Laser mole spotting

Principle: The laser is used to burst out huge energy in an instant to act on the pigmented tissue, causing the pigment to be crushed and decomposed, and then eaten up by macrophages and excreted from the body to achieve the removal of pigment. purpose.

Method: Laser can be used to remove shallow moles, such as ruby ??laser, erbium laser, etc.; if it is a larger or deeper mole, carbon dioxide super pulse laser should be used to remove it.

Advantages: Laser mole removal can control the size and depth of the optimal light spot, and is less likely to leave scars and infections.

Disadvantages: There are no disadvantages. It is accepted by most people and is popular.

Indications: Most are suitable, including dark and light moles.

Excisional flap transfer:

It is suitable for small pigmented nevus, but it is difficult to suture directly after excision, and the surrounding normal skin tissue is relatively loose, which can be transferred to repair the nevus. After resection, the wound and donor site were directly sutured without significant secondary deformity. It is also suitable for repairing wounds after removal of various plaque-like lesions on the face. According to the characteristics of the wound and the condition of the skin tissue around the wound, the following various local flap transfer repairs can be selected.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia: Mole Removal