Dr medical equipment structure

# include & ltstdio.h & gt

# include & ltstring.h & gt

# include & ltstdlib.h & gt

Struct treenode {/* binary tree structure */

struct treenode * left

struct treenode * right

Character value;


The struct nodelist {/* linked list structure is used to traverse the binary tree in non-recursive order */

Struct treenode * node;

struct nodelist * next


char * lrd 1 = " deb FCA "; /* Test data followed by */

char * ldr 1 = " DBEAFC "; /* Test data, intermediate order */

Void DLR tree (structtreenode * root)/* Non-recursive preorder traversal of binary tree */


struct treenode * node = root

struct nodelist *last = NULL,*tmp = NULL,* ptr


* the idea of non-recursive preorder traversal method, construct a queue (linked list)

* Keep the left and right subtrees of the current node at the end of the queue.

* Traversal pointer moves from the first one of the linked list to the end of the linked list, which is the result of preorder traversal.


Ptr = (structural node list *)malloc(sizeof);

if (ptr == NULL)


ptr-& gt; Node = root;

ptr-& gt; next = NULL

last = ptr

printf(" DLR tree:");

while(ptr! = empty)


node = ptr-& gt; Node;

printf("%c ",node-& gt; Value);

If (node->; Left! = NULL)/* If there is a left subtree, it will be added to the end of the linked list */


Tmp = (structural node list *)malloc(sizeof);

if (tmp == NULL)


Finally-> next = tmp

last = tmp

tmp-& gt; next = NULL

Finally-> node = node-& gt; Left;


If (node->; Yes! = NULL)/* If there is a right subtree, it will be added to the end of the linked list */


Tmp = (structural node list *)malloc(sizeof);

if (tmp == NULL)


Finally-> next = tmp

last = tmp

tmp-& gt; next = NULL

Finally-> node = node-& gt; Right;


tmp = ptr

ptr = ptr-& gt; Next; /* ptr points to the currently traversed node, and after processing the current node.

After moving, release the memory of the previous node */

Free of charge (TMP);


printf(" \ n ");


Void replacechar(char *str)/* is used to show binary tree usage */


int I;

for(I = 0; I & ltstrlen(str);); i++)


if(str[I]= = '+')str[I]= ' | ';

if(str[I]= = ' \ \ ')str[I]= ' ';

if(str[I]= = '-')str[I]= ' ';



Void display tree (struct treenode * root, char * deepstr)/* graphic display binary tree */


int l;

char * ptr

printf("%s%c\n ",deepstr,root-& gt; Value);

l = strlen(deepstr)+4;

ptr =(char *)malloc(l);


replace char(ptr);

if(root-& gt; Left! = NULL & amp& amproot-& gt; Yes! = empty)


printf("%s |\n ",ptr);


Display tree (root->; Left, ptr);


replace char(ptr);

printf("%s |\n ",ptr);

strcat(ptr," \ \-");

Display tree (root->; Right, ptr);


else if(root-& gt; Left! = empty)


printf("%s |\n ",ptr);

strcat(ptr," \ \-");

Display tree (root->; Left, ptr);


else if(root-& gt; Yes! = empty)


printf("%s |\n ",ptr);

strcat(ptr," \ \-");

Display tree (root->; Left, ptr);




/* Generate binary tree according to post-order and middle-order */

/* lrdlst is the subsequent string */

/* ldrlst is an intermediate sequence string */

struct treenode * create tree(struct treenode * root,char *lrdlst,char *ldrlst)


char *llrd,* lldr

char *rlrd,* rldr

int len

int i,k;

len = strlen(lrd lst);

/* Basic idea: get the root node corresponding to the current string, and then generate the subsequent and intermediate order of the left and right subtrees respectively.

String and recursively call */

/* Apply for the string space of the left and right subtrees */

llrd =(char *)malloc(len+ 1);

lldr =(char *)malloc(len+ 1);

rlrd =(char *)malloc(len+ 1);

rldr =(char *)malloc(len+ 1);

/* Exception handling */

if(llrd = = NULL | | lldr = = NULL | | rlrd = = NULL | | rldr = = NULL)


If (llrd! = empty)

Free of charge (LLRD);

If (lldr! = empty)

Free of charge (LLDR);

If (rlrd! = empty)

Free (RLRD);

If (rldr! = empty)

Free (rldr);

Returns NULL


/* Apply for the root node */

if(root = = NULL & amp; & ampstrlen(ldrlst)>0)


root =(struct treenode *)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode));

if (root == NULL)


Free of charge (LLRD);

Free of charge (LLDR);

Free (RLRD);

Free (rldr);

Returns NULL


}/* This is an error condition. You should just quit */

else if(root = = NULL & amp; & ampstrlen(ldrlst) == 0)


Returns NULL


/* Root node found */

root-& gt; value = lrd lst[len- 1];

strcpy(lldr,ldr lst);

/* Determine whether the root node has a left subtree */

*strchr(lldr,root->; Value) = 0;

if (strlen(lldr) == 0)

root-& gt; left = NULL



/* Apply for the space of the left subtree, recursively */

root-& gt; left =(struct treenode *)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode))。

k = 0;

for(I = 0; I & ltleni++)


if (strchr(lldr,lrdlst[i])! = empty)


llrd[k++]= lrd lst[I];



llrd[k]= 0;

Create a tree (root->; Left, llrd, lldr);


strcpy(rldr,ldr lst);

strcpy(rldr,strchr(rldr,root-& gt; Value)+1);

/* Judge the right subtree */

if (strlen(rldr) == 0)

root-& gt; Right = empty;



/* Recursive as above */

root-& gt; right =(struct treenode *)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode));

k = 0;

for(I = 0; I & ltleni++)


if (strchr(rldr,lrdlst[i])! = empty)


rlrd[k++]= lrd lst[I];



rlrd[k]= 0;

Create a tree (root->; Right, rlrd, rldr);


/* Release temporary space */

Free of charge (LLRD);

Free of charge (LLDR);

Free (RLRD);

Free (rldr);

Return to the root directory;


int main()


struct treenode * r;

r = createtree(NULL,LRD 1,ldr 1); /* Create a tree */

Printf ("tree view \ n"); /* Display tree */

Display tree (r, "");

DLR tree(r); /* Preorder traversal */

Returns 0; ;
