Equipment file card establishment method:
Equipment planning stage of the research, economic and technical analysis, approval of documents and information;
2. Equipment selection basis; 3. Equipment factory certificate and inspection list; 4. Equipment packing list; 5. Equipment warehousing acceptance, receiving and unpacking acceptance list;6. Equipment installation Equipment installation quality inspection sheet, test records, installation transfer acceptance form and related records;
7. Equipment transfer, borrowing, leasing and other applications and related records;
8. Equipment all times accuracy inspection records, performance records and preventive test records;
9. Equipment all times maintenance records, maintenance card, overhaul content table and completion of acceptance;
10. equipment failure records;
11. equipment accident report form and accident repair completion form;
12. equipment maintenance cost records;
13. equipment sealing and activation of the single;
14. equipment census registration form and check the record sheet;
15. equipment improvement, modification, transformation of the application form and the design of the task notice.