What is MRI (Magnetic **** Vibration)? Why should I try not to do "magnetic **** vibration"? What are the reasons?

I believe that everyone has heard of nuclear magnetic **** vibration, but many people do not understand, read my article, I believe that you will have a full range of nuclear magnetic **** vibration understanding.

What is nuclear magnetic **** vibration?

First of all, the nuclear magnetic **** vibration is the magnetic moment is not zero atomic nucleus, the external magnetic field under the action of spin energy level Seeman splitting, *** vibration absorption of a certain frequency of radio frequency radiation of the physical process.

Nuclear magnetic **** vibration spectroscopy is a branch of spectroscopy, its **** vibration frequency rate in the radio frequency band, the corresponding jump is the nuclear spin in the nuclear Seeman energy level jump.

Secondly, magnetic **** vibration imaging, short for MRI, is one of the more complex imaging principles in medical imaging, and its basic principle is to place the human body in the middle of a special magnetic field with radio frequency pulses that excites hydrogen protons within the body.

Causing the hydrogen protons to **** vibrate and absorb energy, after stopping the radio frequency pulse, the hydrogen protons in a special frequency, emitting weak electromagnetic signals, the detector can capture this weak electromagnetic signals, and through the processing of electronic computers to get the human body through the processing of the conversion of the internal tissues and organs of the image.

Because the human body's tissue cells contain a large number of water molecules, it is through the use of the body's hydrogen atoms in the magnetic *** vibration instrument to produce *** vibration, in the process of notarization of the information signals transmitted.

Nuclear magnetic **** vibration detection is mainly through the high-energy electronic computer acquisition mode to produce magnetic **** vibration of the signal and then through the way of digital reconstruction technology converted into images.

Additionally, MRI has become a common imaging modality that does not use radiation, and is therefore a safer test that does not affect human health.

But there are also contraindications to MRI, such as a ban on patients with pacemakers, because MRI can be multi-directional, multi-sequence, and has a very high resolution for soft tissues, but it is poor at displaying calcifications and gaseous lesions.

Why don't you try to do "magnetic **** vibration"? I think there are mainly the following three reasons:

First, the price is expensive, will cause unnecessary waste

Nuclear magnetic **** vibration of the inspection instrumentation to buy a full set of equipment is likely to be a few million, to do a check to more than 1,000, but the test is in accordance with the examination of the part of the charge, if the whole face examination, that is not a small amount, for income The fact is that the most important thing is that you can't get a good deal of money for the money you're spending.

Of course, for patients who have to undergo a nuclear magnetic **** vibration examination, we have to listen to the doctor's arrangements, after all, life is more than everything, early diagnosis, early treatment.

Additionally, if it is possible to check the items with CT, those who are very much for the sake of the patient's doctor tends to not recommend the nuclear **** vibration of this examination, to do not have to want to waste.

Second, the body has a metal substance

Nuclear magnetic **** vibration check and not necessarily "not" can have "metal", but can not contain "iron class" of the The reason for this is that the main imaging principle of NMR is the use of magnets to cause a change in the position of water molecules in the body. Therefore, a large magnet will attract ferrous metals to the top of the magnet, thus damaging the nuclear magnetic equipment and affecting the normal magnetic **** vibration examination.

In addition, some tiny metal substances can cause a decrease in imaging quality, thus affecting the diagnosis of lesions, so when doing the MRI, ferrous substances should not be brought into the examination space of the magnet. It is recommended that you make sure to speak with your doctor before you do the MRI to find out if there are any metal elements in your body.

Three, some organs are not suitable for nuclear magnetic **** vibration check

Generally there are six categories of people are not suitable for nuclear magnetic **** vibration check: even if the installation of pacemakers, people with or suspected of having a metal foreign body in the eye, aneurysm silver clip ligation surgery, the body of the metal foreign body deposits or metal prosthesis people, there is a life-threatening critical patients, claustrophobic patients.