A Complete Summary of Essential Geography Points for Senior High School

Geography is one of the oldest subjects of mankind. At the beginning of the heavens and the earth, nature has been tirelessly shaping the earth's vicissitudes, but also brought the ancient mankind's endless curiosity and imagination. This time I have organized a senior geography essential knowledge points summary, for your reading reference.

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Summary of Essential Knowledge Points for Senior Geography

Laws of Solar Altitude and Calculation: Latitudinal Distribution of Noon Solar Altitude

At the same moment, the height of the sun at noon is decreasing from the point of direct sunlight to the north and south poles.

The closer to the point of direct sunlight, the greater the height of the sun; the farther away, the smaller.

Solar altitude laws and calculations: seasonal changes in the height of the sun at noon

1, the summer solstice: direct sunlight on the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Cancer and its north of the height of the sun at noon to reach the value of the year; the southern hemisphere (south of the equator) to reach the minimum value.

2, winter solstice: direct sunlight on the Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Capricorn and its south of the noon sun height reaches the value of the year; the northern hemisphere (north of the equator) to reach the minimum.

3, spring (fall) equinox: the sun is directly above the equator, the height of the sun at noon from the equator to the poles decreasing.

The law and calculation of solar altitude: Calculation of solar altitude:

H = 90° - |α ± β | H - noon solar altitude α - the latitude of the sun's direct point β - the latitude of the requested location

When α and β are in the same hemisphere, the two When α and β are in the same hemisphere, they are subtracted; when α and β are not in the same hemisphere, they are added.

The law and calculation of solar altitude: the application of the height of the sun at noon:

1, the calculation of the shadow of the pole

2, the regulation of the water heater

3, the height of the building, the choice of spacing

Senior Geography Knowledge Points

Industrial layout should pay attention to the economic benefits, but also pay attention to the ecological and social benefits. ecological and social benefits.

(1) Considering the types of pollutants, industrial sectors with serious air pollution should be located in the suburbs downwind of the prevailing wind direction of residential areas.

In the monsoon area should be laid out in the suburbs perpendicular to the direction of the local prevailing winds, so that a large number of factory emissions of smoke and dust, harmful gases are not blown to the residential areas. There should be a green belt between the factory and the living area. In order to purify the air. The need for a large number of industrial water, but also to discharge a large number of sewage industrial and mining enterprises, factory sewage outlets should be away from water sources and upstream of the river, to avoid the sewage discharged from the factory to pollute the residential areas of living water and agricultural irrigation water.

(2) urban industrial layout to comply with the principles of industrial layout.

Such as: small-scale land, non-polluting industries can be organized and placed in the city; large-scale land, the atmosphere has a mildly polluted industry can be arranged in the urban fringe or suburban areas; serious pollution, and difficult to manage the large-scale enterprises, it is desirable to be arranged away from the city's outskirts (specifically, it should be arranged due to the city's "heat island effect" caused by the "heat island effect"). "caused by" urban wind "outside the range,") and take into account the influence of the prevailing wind direction.

(3) should be conducive to the integrated regional management of environmental pollution.

Certain industrial sectors produce "three wastes" can be utilized part of the nearby layout of the supporting plant to be used in the vicinity of the pollutants effectively controlled in the production process, so that the waste of a factory to become a resource for another factory. To achieve the "harm into profit, waste into treasure, comprehensive utilization" of the purpose. Such as a region, copper and coal resources are relatively rich, to build a copper smelter, while building thermal power plants to provide electricity. But the copper smelter emissions "exhaust", containing large enterprises of sulfur dioxide, thermal power plant emissions "exhaust", there is a large feeling of fly ash, serious pollution of the atmospheric environment. Because sulfur dioxide is the raw material for sulfuric acid, and fly ash can also be used to make building materials, so in the vicinity of the sulfuric acid plant and fly ash building materials factory.

(4) Also take into account the impact of the terrain.

Serious atmospheric pollution of the plant should not be laid out in the basin or valley, play layout in a well-ventilated area, so as to avoid the diffusion of pollutants difficult to cause pollution accidents.

(5) Set up health protection belt.

Between the industrial area and residential areas to set up a protective belt, planting trees. Can smoke dust, purify the air, reduce noise, beautify the environment.

(6) Harmless treatment.

The establishment of sewage treatment plants to deal with sewage; the establishment of incinerators or buried waste clean; increase the dust removal devices and chemical means to remove soot and harmful gases.

Some industrial sectors have special requirements for the environment. Such as electronics, photographic equipment, precision instruments, aerospace industry, etc., need to be established in the cleaner air area. The water plant should be located in the upper reaches of the river, surrounded by planted forests to protect.

Geography Essential Knowledge

Important latitudes:

00 latitude (equator): the Gulf of Guinea (0 °), the Congo Basin, the East African Plateau (Lake Victoria 30 ° E), the Malay Archipelago (120 ° E), the mouth of the Amazon River (60 ° W)

Geographic significance: the longest latitude; the natural demarcation of the northern and southern hemispheres. The longest latitude line; the natural boundary between the northern and southern hemispheres; and the global day and night equilibrium.

Tropic of Cancer (23°26'N or 23.5°N): western Sahara (0°), Red Sea, central Arabian Peninsula (60°E), northern Indian Peninsula, Ganges River estuary (90°E), southern Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong (Shantou), Taiwan Strait (120°E) and central Taiwan Strait, the Hawaiian Islands, the southern tip of the California Peninsula, and central Gulf of Mexico (90°W), North of Cuba

Geographic significance: the northernmost point of the earth's surface at the point of direct sunlight; the boundary between the tropics and the north temperate zone.

Tropic of Capricorn (23°26'S or 23.5°S): east of the South African Plateau (30°E) west of Australia's Western Plateau (120°E) Australia's Great Dividing Range (150°E) La Plata Plain (90°W)

Geographic significance: southernmost point of the Sun's direct rays; separates the Tropics from the Southern Temperate Zone.

300N latitude: Suez Canal, northern Persian Gulf (estuary of the Shatt al-Arab), Tibetan Plateau (north of Lhasa), Sichuan Basin (Chengdu), middle and lower Yangtze River plain, southern end of Hangzhou Bay (Ningbo), mouth of the Mississippi River

400N latitude: three major peninsulas in southern Europe, the Black Sea Straits, the Tarim River, Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, the Hekou, Datong, Beijing, Qinhuangdao, Yalu River mouth

(Qinling-Huai River: 32°-34°N; Nanling: 26°N; Yinshan: 41°N)

The Arctic Circle (66°34'N or 66.5°N) passes through Europe, northern Russia.

Geographic significance: the southernmost boundary of the polar day and night in the Northern Hemisphere; the boundary between the northern temperate zone and the northern frigid zone.

Antarctic Circle (66°34'S or 66.5°S) Antarctic continent periphery.

Geographic significance: the northernmost boundary of the southern hemisphere polar day and night; the southern temperate zone and the southern cold zone.

The continent latitude and longitude roughly positioning:

Africa's westernmost precisely the East-West Hemisphere demarcation line of 20 ° W or so, the easternmost side of about 50 ° E or so, the north side of the Mediterranean coast, the south side of Cape Town, the two are Mediterranean climate, and the Mediterranean climate in the world distribution of the continent's west coast for the north and south latitudes 30 ° - 40 °, summed up the location of Africa should be: a small east longitude, a small Latitude! By the same token, the location of Europe (small east longitude, large north latitude) in the north of Africa; Oceania location (large east longitude, the southern hemisphere); North and South America are in the Western Hemisphere (160 ° E - 20 ° W), and the east side of North America and the west side of South America are roughly 60 ° W, so it is: the large east longitude, small west longitude; Antarctica naturally large south latitude, the whole longitude; we are in Asia: the Eastern Hemisphere (20 ° W-160 ° E), in (30 ° W-160 ° E), in the middle (30 ° W-160 ° E), in the middle (30 ° W - 40 ° E), in the middle (20 ° W - 40 ° E), in the middle (20 ° W - 40 ° E), in the middle of the continent. , in the (30 ° - 60 °) low (within 30 °) high latitude (60 ° N to the north).

Summary of geographic knowledge points for senior high school

1, the water loop: ① according to the area in which it occurs is divided into the sea and land between the great cycle, inland loop and the sea within the loop.

② The main links of the water loop: evaporation, water vapor transport, precipitation, runoff.

③ Its significance lies in: the freshwater resources continue to replenish, renew, regenerate water resources, to maintain the dynamic balance of global water.

2, the interrelationship of terrestrial water bodies:

① rainwater recharge-based rivers and changes in runoff and rainfall changes in line with: a Mediterranean climate dominated by the river, its flow in winter; b monsoon climate dominated by the river, the flow in summer; c temperate oceanic and tropical rainforest climate river flow year-round changes in the small;

② snow and ice recharge-based river runoff changes are closely related to the temperature: the temperature is the same as that of the river, and the runoff is the same as that of the river, but it is not the same as the river. Changes and temperature are closely related: glacial meltwater recharge dominated the river, its flow in summer.

③ between the river water groundwater can be mutually rechargeable, lakes play a role in the regulation of river runoff.

3, the difference between the recharge of rivers in China: ① China's eastern rivers are mainly recharged by precipitation (summer flooding, spring snow melt in the northeast)

② China's northwestern local rivers are mainly recharged by snow and ice melt (summer flooding, winter break)

4, the reading of the seawater isothermal: ① judgment of the northern and southern hemispheres (the more north the colder the northern hemisphere)

② the direction of ocean currents and the direction of the protrusion of the seawater isotherm. and seawater isotherms protruding in the same direction: high temperature flow to low temperature is warm, and vice versa is cold.

5. Factors affecting the temperature of seawater - solar radiation (income), evaporation (expenditure), ocean currents

6. Formation of ocean currents: directional winds (wind zones on the Earth) is the formation of ocean currents is the most basic power, the wind currents are the most basic types of ocean currents.

7. The distribution of ocean currents (draw a picture of the distribution pattern of ocean currents on the right):

① low-latitude ocean current circle in the northern hemisphere was clockwise, the southern hemisphere was anti-clockwise direction.

② northern hemisphere mid-high latitude counterclockwise direction of the current circle

③ southern hemisphere 40-60 degrees of the sea area to form the westerly drift

④ the northern Indian Ocean to form the monsoon currents, counterclockwise in the winter, clockwise in the summer.

8. The impact of ocean currents on the geographic environment: ① affect the climate (warm currents - increase temperature and humidity, cold currents - reduce temperature and humidity)

② affect the marine life - fisheries ③ impact on navigation ④ impact on marine pollution

9. The world's major fisheries: Hokkaido, the North Sea

10. Marine fisheries are concentrated on the continental shelf for the following reasons:

① This is where sunlight is concentrated, and photosynthesis is strong;

② Rivers that enter the sea bring nutrient-rich salts, and plankton flourish, and there is plenty of fish bait.

11. Oceanic hazards are natural disasters that originate in the ocean: tsunamis and storm surges.

12. Marine environmental problems refer to marine ecological damage originating from human activities: marine pollution, sea level rise, red tides

Summary of Geographic Knowledge Points

(1) Favourable conditions for the growth of tea:

(1) humid and rainy climate; (2) well-drained slopes.

(2) the natural conditions for the production of barley on the Tibetan Plateau: high terrain, low temperatures, large temperature differences, low precipitation, abundant light .

(3) the Nile Delta (southern border) to produce long-staple cotton:

summer light, precipitation is scarce, fertile soil, there is convenient irrigation conditions.

(4) the favorable conditions for the development of animal husbandry in Australia:

① there are large arid and semi-arid areas, grassland is excellent;

② there are many artesian wells for livestock drinking water;

(3) there are no large wild carnivores.

(5) Western Europe (northeastern United States) the development of dairy livestock industry favorable conditions:

① high latitude, low temperatures, cloudy, rainy days, weak light, infertile soils, unsuitable for the development of planting, suitable for the growth of succulent pasture. (natural conditions)

② population, urban density, high market demand, convenient transportation, developed economy. (Socio-economic conditions)

(6) the impact of monsoon climate on agricultural development:

Benefits: rain and heat at the same time, conducive to crop growth.

Disadvantages: frequent droughts and floods.

Variation: temperate monsoon climate (Huanghuaihai Plain) the development of cotton cultivation favorable conditions:

① high temperature and rain in summer, rain and heat at the same time, conducive to the growth of cotton;

② less rain in the fall, the weather is sunny, conducive to the late growth of cotton and harvesting.

(7) Central Asia's agriculture to desert animal husbandry and irrigated agriculture, the main reason:

(1) Central Asia is deep inland, is a temperate continental climate, precipitation is scarce, the vegetation to the grasslands, deserts, suitable for the development of desert animal husbandry;

(2) the territory of the Irtysh, Amu Darya, Syr Darya River and other rivers, it is suitable for the development of irrigated agriculture.

(8) Tropical cash crop management: entrepreneurial plantations.

Production characteristics: large-scale production, high commodity rate.

Main distribution: South Asia, Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America

Characteristics of the economic structure of the host country: a single economy dominated by tropical entrepreneurial plantations

How to develop the economy of the host country:

① continue to give full play to the advantages of the production of tropical cash crops;

② pay close attention to food production, and strive to increase the production of food;<

③ Adjustment of industrial structure, the establishment of an independent and complete industrial system and national economic system;

④ Strengthening of "South-South cooperation";

⑤ Strengthening of "North-South dialogue", the establishment of a new international economic order.

(9) the reasons for the prominent food problems in Africa:

① high natural population growth rate;

② poor natural conditions;

(3) indiscriminate logging, overgrazing, exacerbated by drought and desertification;

(10) the reasons for the lack of water and food in Singapore:

(1) a small area, although located in the tropical rainforest area, but no big rivers

① small land area, although located in the tropical rainforest area, but no large rivers, small runoff;

② small land area, small arable land, low food production.

(11) replanting index problem:

① Russia's replanting index and low yield reasons: higher latitude, agricultural production heat shortage

② Australia replanting index problem: lower latitude, but the replanting index is lower because:

with the structure of the agro-economic structure of the mixed agricultural area is wheat and sheep alternating, wheat replanting index is low and a large number of fallow land. there is a large amount of fallow land .

Low replanting index of favorable impact on the land is: conducive to the restoration of soil fertility

③ China's replanting index is high because: low latitude, less arable land per capita

(12) the United States, India's land area is smaller than China, but the area of arable land is much larger than China, the reasons are:

(from the climate and topography of the two aspects of analysis)

(1) United States

(from both climate and topography)

① United States, India, the plains account for a large area of the country, the arid zone area is relatively small;

② China's plains account for a small area of the country, the arid zone accounted for a large area.

(13) suburban agricultural issues: suburban agriculture in Shanghai (vegetables, meat, eggs, milk and horticulture)

Analysis of location:

Natural factors: abundant heat, rain and heat at the same time; flat topography, fertile soils; sufficient water.

Socio-economic factors: ① large market consumption;

② convenient transportation;

③ development of flowers, vegetables and other crops per unit area of high value, you can get higher economic benefits;

④ land area is small, and is conducive to intensive production.

Direction of development: green agriculture; tourism agriculture; eco-tourism

(14) commercial grain agriculture: Northeast China, the United States

Basic features:

large scale of production, high level of mechanization, and high rate of commodities of agricultural products;

Analysis of locational factors:

Natural factors:

(1) Temperate monsoon climate, high temperatures in summer with heavy rainfall. rain and heat at the same time;

② flat and open terrain; ③ vast area of arable land;

④ fertile soil; ⑤ sufficient water.

Socio-economic factors:

① Wide land and sparsely populated, high commodity rate of agricultural products;

② Large scale of production, high level of mechanization;

③ Convenient transportation; ④ Broad market;

⑤ Comparatively developed industry;

⑥ Supportive of national policies.

Deficiencies: ① Insufficient heat; ② Increased land sanding and soil erosion;

③ Decreased soil fertility; ④ Impacted by cold wave and frost in winter.

Comparison of similarities and differences with the U.S. commercial grain agriculture:

Similarities; ① the same type of agricultural territory; ② sparsely populated, high rate of agricultural commodities;

③ large-scale production, high level of mechanization; ④ convenient transportation;

⑤ broad market; ⑥ more developed industry;

⑦ similar natural conditions of the agricultural production process.

Differences: ① different modes of operation, the United States to the family farmer production, China's state-run farms bit main;

② differences in the level of science and technology;

③ different levels of specialization;

④ different food yields, the United States grain yields (15) ranching ranching: Argentina's Pampas grasslands

Location factors:

Natural factors: mild climate, climate and the environment;

The natural factors: the climate is mild, the climate is mild, the climate is mild and the environment is mild, the temperature is moderate, the climate is moderate.

Natural factors: mild climate, lush grass, large pasture area;

Socio-economic factors: ① sparsely populated, low land rents;

② proximity to the seaport; improved transportation conditions, advances in refrigeration technology.

How to learn geography

Mastery of geographic knowledge

We have to remember the knowledge points, we do to master the knowledge points of the natural geography, especially about the rotation of the autobiography, the Earth's time difference, which is generally in the college entrance examination generally appeared in the multiple-choice questions is generally 12 points, and is not good to do, we are solving the problem is to put the The textbook that the map of the earth's rotation well mastered. Not only is geography this subject, there are other subjects, knowledge is very important, only to build a good foundation, the road will be more and more solid.

Ask if you don't understand

Asking if you don't understand is a correct learning attitude and a very good learning habit. It requires the training of teachers and students' efforts, it helps the formation of a good learning atmosphere in the class, especially to help students improve their academic performance. We can never be discouraged by asking and not understanding, but insist, insist and insist.

Do geography notes

We do not look down on geography notes, geography notes are very important, we must take notes, we do not have to take notes as long as the frequent test of the knowledge points on the line, and then summarize, look at what is easy to test, look at which aspects of the test more, we focus on which aspects, do not have the end of the review, this point is in the senior high school! This is a taboo when reviewing, because that is too much time, and remember to forget, the effect is not good, so note-taking is very skillful.

Ways to learn geography

1, learn to generalize.

Study as long as the focus. For example, the complexity of the South Asian landforms can be summarized in eight words, that is, the mountains and rivers, longitudinal distribution.

2, integration of knowledge.

The information you need to learn, made into a mind map, will make the brain thinking organized and clear, easy to remember to grasp.

3, make full use of the globe and map.

Learning to use textbooks and textbooks is not only a tool for mastering knowledge and skills, but also a basis for developing self-learning skills.

4. Grasp key concepts.

The mastery of geographic principles, essentials, does not require as physics, mathematics formulas, theorems as shrewd, as long as you grasp the key and the main points, it is easy to understand and master.

5, pay attention to geographic observation.

Observation is to think while looking closely. Look at the face of the local geography, and how people are active in the local area. Through the newspaper, television programs, pictures to get geographic information, exercise our talent.

6, good at geographic imagination.

Observation can only get local intuition, maps can only provide location intuition, imagination can make the two linked, so that you get a comprehensive view of the geographic environment, and then show you the future of geography.

7, learn to read and understand geography textbooks.

The pillar of geography learning is the reading comprehension of the textbook, geography is different from the other two liberal arts is that the textbook knowledge must be understood and memorized and not rote memorization, in order to achieve a deeper understanding of the teacher's guidance must be carefully studied. Geography Essential Knowledge Points Summary

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