There is knowledge about health

In fact, hygiene is everywhere must pay attention to, on the side of the road, on the street, in the alleys, in those stalls vendors stalls, often do some oil cake, stinky tofu and other food, you can never go to buy, who knows what they are these things are made with, eat easy to get sick, and even cause diarrhea, dizziness and other symptoms. Wash your hands before and after meals, this is also hygienic behavior.

When it comes to health, some people may say, "Eating more food is also healthy!" In fact, health does not lie in eating more food, you also need to exercise often, drink more water, eat quantitatively every day, sleep on time and so on, so as to be healthy. In the newspaper I saw too much fruit, vegetables, more vitamins, this is very good for the body.

Hygiene and health are closely linked. Lack of hygiene not only makes the body susceptible to disease, sometimes even your precious eyes will be attacked. When you have touched money, moldy books and other things, you can never rub your eyes, otherwise, the bacteria on your hands will run into your eyes, which will make you suffer from trachoma, leading to vision loss.

In order to have a healthy body, we usually have to develop good hygiene habits. Good hygiene habits are not abstract concepts, but rather manifested in a little bit of life. For example, to maintain personal hygiene, clothing should be changed, bathing, nail clipping; wash your hands before and after meals; often clean the environment; and participate in appropriate physical exercise to enhance the body's immunity.


1, the concept of health health is not only the absence of disease or not weak, but the physical, mental health and social well-adjusted in general.

2. Location, Function and Health Care of the Heart

The heart is located in the chest cavity of the human body and promotes blood circulation. Eating less cholesterol-containing food, not smoking, drinking less alcohol and strengthening physical exercise can prevent cardiovascular disease.

3. The location, function and health care of the lungs

The lungs are located in the thoracic cavity and mainly carry out gas exchange. BCG vaccination after birth can prevent tuberculosis. Not smoking and practicing physical exercise can prevent respiratory diseases.

4. The location, function and health care of the liver

The liver is located in the upper right abdomen, and the nutrients absorbed from the intestines are processed by it and sent to the whole body through blood circulation. Adopting good hygiene habits, paying attention to food and water hygiene, and sterilizing syringes and puncture needles can prevent hepatitis A and B. The liver is the most important part of the body, and it is the most important part of the body.

5, the location of the stomach, function and health care

The stomach is located in the upper left abdomen, has the function of digesting food. Eating a proper diet, having meals on time, not smoking and drinking less alcohol can prevent stomach problems.

6. Location, Function and Health Care of Kidney

There are two kidneys, which are located in the left and right lumbar area of the human body. It filters out waste products from the blood and turns them into urine for discharge. Strengthening physical exercise, preventing upper respiratory tract infections and practicing good hygiene can prevent nephritis and pyelonephritis.

7, how to deal with interpersonal relationships? (1) Know yourself correctly, strengthen your moral cultivation, and adapt to the requirements of groups and society. (2) Be open-minded, respect others and be willing to help. (3) Treat each other as equals, be modest and prudent, and complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

8. Time and method of brushing teeth

Time of brushing teeth: once a day in the morning and once in the evening.

The method of brushing teeth: vertical brushing method.

9, how to prevent dental caries, periodontal disease? (1) Adhere to morning and evening brushing, the method should be correct. (2) Choose fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth. (3) Reasonable diet, develop good eating habits. (4) Regular checkups.

10, how to prevent trachoma? (1) A towel for each person. (2) Don't rub your eyes with dirty hands. (3) Keep handkerchiefs, towels and basins clean. (4) If you have the conditions, it is best to have a special basin for each person.

11, how to prevent conjunctivitis (pink eye)? (1) Avoid contact with patients. (2) Each person a washcloth. (3) The basin, towel and handkerchief used by the patient should be boiled and sterilized. (4) Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands. (5) If possible, it is better to have a special basin for each person.

12, how to rationalize nutrition, develop good eating habits? (1) Food should be varied. (2) Salt should be limited. (3) Hunger and satiety should be appropriate. (4) Sweets should be eaten sparingly. (5) Fat should be in moderation. (6) Drinking alcohol in moderation. (7) Coarse and fine to match. (8) Three meals should be reasonable.

13, sleep time is appropriate?

Healthy adults sleep 7 8 hours a day; teenagers need 8 9 hours; the elderly can have 5 6 hours.

14, how to grasp the amount of exercise?

When exercising, you should have no panic or obvious shortness of breath, and you should sweat slightly.

15. What diseases can rats spread?

Rats can spread plague and epidemic hemorrhagic fever. What are the methods of exterminating rats? (1) Plugging holes. (2) Put rat traps and other rodent control tools. (3) Throwing rat poison.

16, mosquitoes can spread what diseases?

Mosquitoes can spread B brain and malaria. What are the methods of mosquito control? (1) Remove stagnant water and control breeding sites. (2) Use drugs to exterminate eggs, larvae, and pupae.

17, flies can spread what diseases?

Flies can spread digestive diseases (dysentery, typhoid, enteritis, hepatitis, etc.).

What are the methods of fly control? (1) Improve indoor and outdoor hygiene, eliminate fly breeding places. (2) using a variety of tools to beat. (3) Drugs to kill.

18, cockroaches can spread what disease?

Cockroaches can spread intestinal infectious diseases (typhoid, pay typhoid, etc.). What are the methods of exterminating cockroaches? (1) Rummage through boxes and cabinets to kill adult cockroaches. (2) Hot water scalding, plugging the cracks and holes. (3) Drugs to kill.

19, fleas can spread what disease?

Fleas can spread plague, endemic typhus and other infectious diseases. What are the methods of flea extermination? (1) Eliminate rats. (2) Households with dogs and cats should first kill the fleas on the dogs and cats. (3) Spraying drugs to eliminate.

20, lice can spread what disease?

Lice can spread typhus, return fever. What are the methods to eliminate lice? (1) Develop good personal hygiene habits. (2) The use of steaming, boiling, scalding and other high temperature direct killing. (3) Drugs to kill.

21、How old is the best age to have children?25 Between 34 years old is the best age to have children.

22. What are the benefits of breastfeeding? (1) Nutrition is comprehensive, easy to digest and absorb, and the temperature is suitable. (2) Breastmilk contains antibodies, which enhance the baby's ability to resist diseases. (3) Economical, convenient and clean.

23, how to prevent colds? (1) Exercise to strengthen your resistance. (2) Open the windows often to ventilate the air. (3) Clothes increase or decrease with climate change. (4) Do not go to the sick house. (5) Fewer people go to public **** places when colds are prevalent.

24, how to prevent hepatitis A? (1) Pay attention to water hygiene. (2) Do not eat unclean food. (3) Eliminate flies. (4) Disinfect patients' tableware and dispose of feces properly.

25. How to prevent hepatitis B? (1) Syringes, puncture needles and dental instruments should be strictly sterilized and the use of disposable syringes is advocated. (2) If the mother is a carrier of hepatitis B surface antigen, take measures to block transmission. (3) Advocating the use of special eating utensils and tea utensils. (4) Hepatitis B vaccination is useful in preventing hepatitis B. The vaccine can be used to prevent the spread of hepatitis B.

26, how to prevent dysentery? (1) Eliminate flies. (2) Wash your hands before and after meals. (3) do not drink raw water, eat raw fruits and vegetables to wash. (4) do not eat unclean food. (5) Don't use patients' eating utensils and don't eat patients' leftover food. (6) Feces should be disposed of harmlessly.

27, how to prevent rabies (dog bite)? (1) After being bitten by a dog, you should go to the nearest hospital for treatment. (2) Inject rabies vaccine.

28, how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases? (1) establish correct sexual morality, consciously oppose extramarital love, homosexuality or unclean sexual intercourse. (2) resolutely outlawed clandestine prostitution, prohibit prostitution activities. (3) Early detection and timely treatment. (4) Strict implementation of the premarital health examination system.

29, how to prevent hypertension? (1) Do not eat a diet high in salt. (2) Do not smoke and drink less alcohol. (3) Adhere to physical exercise. (4) Maintain emotional stability and ensure enough sleep.

30, how to prevent coronary heart disease? (1) Eat less animal fat and cholesterol-containing foods. (2) Do not smoke and drink less alcohol. (3) Avoid mental stimulation and excessive nervous tension. (4) Actively treat hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia.

31. How to prevent cancer? (1) Eat less fatty meat, salt, smoked and fried food, and do not eat moldy and spoiled food. (2) Do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol. (3) Do three things early: early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. (4) Actively combat chronic diseases.

32, how to prevent diabetes? (1) Correct bad eating habits. (2) Control diet, prevent obesity. (3) Don't smoke and don't drink alcohol.

33, how to prevent roundworm disease? (1) Wash your hands before and after meals. (2) Do not drink raw water. (3) Eat raw fruits and vegetables to wash. (4) Do not urinate or defecate anywhere.

34, gas poisoning prevention and first aid? (1) Remember to keep doors and windows closed when you make a fire at home. (2) Usually open the windows often to change the air. (3) gas poisoning should be immediately sent to the hospital rescue, such as respiratory, cardiac arrest can do artificial respiration and chest heart massage.

35, the occurrence of electric shock how to deal with? (1) close the door, pull the fuse box. (2) in the field electrocution, available bamboo poles, sticks and other things to pick open the wire. (3) The rescuer should not touch the skin of the electrocuted person with his hand, so as not to electrocute himself. (4) The electrocuted person from the power supply immediately after the rescue on the spot. If the breathing, heart stops to immediately do artificial respiration and chest heart massage.

36, drowning how to first aid? (1) encountered someone drowning, swimmers should be immediately into the water rescue. Do not know the water, the drowning should be thrown to the rope, bamboo poles, planks and other things to help save. (2) After disembarking, the drowning person should immediately remove the mud and sand in the mouth and other foreign objects. Has stopped breathing, should immediately do artificial respiration and chest heart massage. (3) Sent to the hospital to rescue.

37, how to prevent heat stroke? (1) Take the approach of leaving work early, closing work late and resting more at noon. (2) Wear straw hats and bring cool tea or salt water when laboring under the hot sun.

38, fracture patients should be how to deal with? (1) Fracture patients with bleeding wounds, should first stop bleeding, and protect the wound to prevent infection. (2) Use wooden strips, bamboo pieces and other first fixed, fixed and then moved to the hospital. (3) escort on the way should often observe whether the fixed loose displacement.