What is new media on the web

Including network television, blogs, podcasts, videos, e-magazines and so on.

Network new media is a form of communication that provides information and services to users through channels such as computer networks, wireless communication networks and satellites, as well as terminals such as computers, cell phones and digital television sets. Today it includes: network television, blogs, podcasts, videos, e-magazines and so on.

"New media" specifically refers to the current and "traditional media" corresponding to the digital compression and wireless network technology as the support, using its large capacity, real-time and interactivity to achieve globalization of the media.

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The characteristics of the new media on the network:

1, the media personalization is prominent. Because of the technology, all the media in the past are almost all mass. The new media, however, can be done for a more segmented audience, can be oriented to the individual, the individual can customize their own needs through the new media news

2, the audience selectivity increases. From a technical point of view, in the new media, everyone can receive information, everyone can also act as an information publisher, the user can watch TV programs, while playing music, while also participating in the voting on the program, you can also retrieve information.

3, the new media in various forms, various forms of performance process is relatively rich, can be integrated into the text, audio, picture as a whole, to do instantly, unlimited expansion of the content, so that the content into a "living thing".

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