1. Chemical composition: sodium aluminum silicate - NaAI [Si2 O6], often containing Ca, Cr, Ni, Mn, Mg, Fe and other trace elements.
CAS: 1344-00-9
2. Mineralogical composition: steatite
Jadeite (2)
mainly, followed by green pyroxene, sodium-chromium pyroxene, nepheline, hornblende, sodium feldspar and so on.
3. Crystallization characteristics: monoclinic crystal system, often columnar, fibrous, felt-like dense aggregates, raw materials are lumpy secondary material is conglomerate
4. Hardness: 6.5-7
5. "
6. Luster: greasy luster to glassy luster, high-grade products are all glassy luster
7. Transparency: semi-transparent to opaque
8. Relative Density: 3.25 - 3.40, generally 3.33 grams per cubic centimeter
9. Refractive index: 1.66 (spot measurement)
All can not protect against radiation