1, the net height of the exhibition hall - the minimum net height of the exhibition hall should be greater than or equal to 4 meters, too low will make the audience depressing, suffocating. There are even 8 meters, 10 meters, and even higher, to meet the needs of large-scale international exposition display.
2, display density - display space, exhibits and props do account for the area, accounting for 40% of the floor and wall of the best exhibition space, accounting for 50% can also be. But if it is more than 60%, it will be crowded and blocked. Especially when the exhibits and props are huge, the display density must be small. Otherwise, it will cause oppression and tension on the audience's psychology, extremely unfavorable with the visit; especially when the audience is more than one, it will cause blockage and accidents.
3, display height - according to the standard height scale of people (audience), the height of the display board and partition wall is generally 2.2-2.4 meters; anthropometrics was founded in 1940 accumulated a lot of data, but this information can not be used by the designer, because their information is for the purpose of beauty. It is typicalization and abstraction, while the design needs the accurate data of a specific person or a group (country, nation, profession).
To get these data, it is necessary to carry out a large number of surveys, to carry out detailed measurements and analysis of individuals and groups of different backgrounds, in order to get their characteristic dimensions, human body differences and the law of size distribution. It is very difficult to carry out such a large amount of work, and it is especially difficult to get generalized information that is representative of a country and region.