Full Femtosecond Laser Myopia Surgery Price?

As of December 9, 2019, Full Femtosecond Laser Myopia Surgery is around $10,000 to $20,000 USD.

Myopia laser surgery is mainly used to remove eyeglasses by changing the refractive error through a change in corneal thickness, but it is not a complete cure for myopia. If you don't want to wear glasses, myopia stabilized for more than two years, good health, you can consider going to the hospital, first to check the qualified words before considering the cost of surgery, if different hospitals and different surgical methods.

Full femtosecond laser refers to the complete application of the femtosecond laser system in the treatment process, cutting a specific diameter and curvature of the interface in the relatively deep level of the cornea, and then cutting a slightly larger diameter of the interface with a specific curvature in the relatively shallow corneal level after completion.

The two interfaces intersect at the periphery, and a thin layer of corneal tissue in the shape of a convex lens is formed in the interlayer. Removing the produced interlayer with a special tool is equivalent to applying the principle of excimer laser cutting.

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Extended information:

Full femtosecond laser surgery does not require the creation of a lift-off flap, nor does it involve excimer lasers. Instead, full femtosecond lasers are used to completely shape the corneal stroma to be cut through two interlaminar bursts of varying depths inside the cornea, which are then removed through a tiny incision of 2-4mm to complete the surgery.

Because full femtosecond surgery does not require the creation of a lift-off flap, it is truly a "cutting" approach to keratoconus adjustment. Therefore, full femtosecond surgery is more precise, safer and more comfortable than half-femtosecond surgery, and the postoperative recovery is faster.

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