What do all the logos in front of the stock symbol mean

ST, which is a special treatment for a company that has suffered losses for two consecutive fiscal years.

St is loss stock. * St is three consecutive years of losses, which means the risk of delisting. You should have better basic analytical skills to buy such stocks.

N. On the first day of IPO, a letter N will be added before the name, which means NEW in English. (This symbol will automatically disappear and return to its normal name on the second trading day) S * ST means that the company has suffered losses for three consecutive years, carried out a warning of delisting and has not completed the share reform. sst is a special sector of the company that has suffered losses for two consecutive years and has not completed the share reform.

S. Shares that have not undergone or completed equity reforms NST, after reorganization or share reforms are listed as ST shares.G. refers to shares that have undergone share reforms. (In the early stages of share reforms, "G" was added before the name of the changed stock to differentiate between stocks changed by those who never changed. Currently, almost everyone's stock has changed, so there are no G shares now.)

SST is a company that has not yet reformed its shareholding and has suffered losses for two consecutive fiscal years.G * St is a stock that has reformed but faces GST is a stock that has reformed its shareholding for a period of losses but without the risk of delisting XRG is a publicly traded company that has reformed its shareholding and has also given shares and dividends * St is a stock that is facing the risk of ruing stands for stocks that have been reformed in their shareholding.

Dividend quote = closing price on dividend trading date - cash dividend payable EX dividend price = closing price on the date of registration - per share right EX right price = closing price on the date of equity registration (per share 1 + share delivery rate) EX right before share price price = (closing price on the date of equity registration - dividend per share + distribution price) (per share + share delivery rate + distribution rate per share) If the ST is added to the name of the stock, it is a warning in the market that the stock is a risky investment. It is a warning, but the stock is very risky and has a great return. If * ST is added, it means that the stock is at risk of delisting and wants to remain vigilant.