Segment code LCD screen

There are many types of LCD screens, today I talk to you about the broken code screen. Broken code screen generally have to open the mold, according to customer requirements to tailor-made, that is, not a standard product. Broken code LCD screen mold manufacturers are generally black and white display, or broken code screen, because this development costs are lower.

Break code LCD screen called originated in the early days when the LCD began to be used, mainly to replace the LED digital tube (composed of seven pen breaks, used to display the number 0 to 9), such as calculators, clocks, etc., the display content are digital, but also more simple. LCD from the type of points: TN-type LCD, HTN-type LCD, STN-type LCD, FSTN-type LCD, and many other types!

Break code LCD screen open mold relative to the pixel array with dot matrix LCD, break code LCD screen open mold pixels in the arrangement and shape is very free. The most common is similar to the digital tube "8" field, an "8" character consists of seven segments, that is, seven pixels. Of course, the broken code LCD screen molded pen section can be made into any shape, as long as the driver chip drive ability permits. For example, the company's logo, other patterns, text and so on.

Liquid crystal material production, low price. Break type liquid crystal drive cost is also very low, the classic HT1621 series chip is a good choice. HT1621 can drive 32 × 4 = 128 pen segments, equivalent to 16 "8" characters. HT1621 interface is serial, there are CS, WR, RD (RD can also be used without), DATA several pins. The HT1621 can also drive a buzzer to emit high and low frequency sounds.

Working Principle

The TN type LCD usually has three modes: fully transparent, semi-transparent and reflective. Liquid crystal is not active light-emitting, need to provide external light source. Transmissive LCD light source to come behind the liquid crystal; reflective LCD light source from the front of the liquid crystal, by the LCD screen polarizer reflected to the observer's eyes; semi-transparent LCD between the two, both from the rear of the liquid crystal light and reflective front light. Therefore, fully transmissive liquid crystal need to use a backlight, reflective does not need a backlight, semi-transmissive liquid crystal can use a backlight can also not be used. LCDs that do not use a backlight cannot be observed in the dark. ? Our factory can make all kinds of TN LCD, HTN LCD, STN LCD, FSTN LCD products developed according to our customers' own conception. The working temperature can be selected from normal temperature 0℃-50℃, wide temperature -20℃-+70℃, super wide temperature -30℃-+80℃, the connection method can be selected from metal tube feet, zebra paper, zebra strip way, the glass can be selected from 1.1mm, 0.7mm, 0.55mm. Product Service Type:1. Main Technical Parameters of Products

1) Outer Dimension: below 285×345mm;

2) Conductive Glass Thickness: 0.4, 0.55, 0.7, 1.1mm;

3) Minimum Pixel Gap: 10um;

4) Duty Cycle: below 1/240duty;

5) Connection: conductive tape, zebra paper, metal pins, TAB, COG, etc.

2. Product Type

1) Display Mode: Positive, Negative;

2) Optical Mode: Reflective, Transmissive, Semi-Transparent, Semi-Reflective, Holographic, etc.;

3) LCD Category: TN, HTN, STN, FSTN, VATN. 4) Color modes: yellow-green, grey, black, white, blue, and other modes.

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Tags:?LCD, LCD open mold, segmented LCD, TFT VA screen customized