In foreign countries, the popularity of the application of machine vision is mainly reflected in the semiconductor and electronics industry, of which roughly 40% -50% are concentrated in the semiconductor industry. Specific such as PCB printed circuit: all kinds of production of printed circuit board assembly technology, equipment; single, double-sided, multi-layer circuit boards, copper-clad boards and the required materials and auxiliary materials; auxiliary facilities, as well as consumables, inks, potions pharmaceuticals, accessories; electronic packaging technology and equipment; screen printing equipment and screen peripheral materials, etc. SMT Surface Mount: SMT process and equipment, welding equipment, test instruments, rework equipment and Various auxiliary tools and accessories, SMT materials, mounting agents, adhesives, flux, solder and antioxidant oil, solder paste, cleaning agents, etc.; re-flow soldering machine, wave soldering machine and automated production line equipment. Electronic production and processing equipment: electronic component manufacturing equipment, semiconductor and integrated circuit manufacturing equipment, component molding equipment, electronic tooling. Machine vision systems have also been widely used in various aspects of quality inspection, and its products occupy a pivotal position in the application. In addition, machine vision is also used in various other fields.
In the 2000s, retailers and consumers have become increasingly intolerant of substandard products that can lead to health risks or increased costs for retailers. If properly implemented and managed, vision inspection mechanisms can be a powerful tool for:
-Protecting manufacturers, retailers, and consumers from mislabeled and unrecognizable allergen-labeled packages
-Helping to protect brand reputations
-Complying with industry best-practice guidelines and retailer standards
Studies have shown that 65 percent of of consumers refer to packaging when purchasing a product. If packaging is mislabeled or damaged to hide potentially harmful ingredients, this can lead to product recalls, fines, and even lawsuits. Surveys have shown that 55% of recalls in the food industry are due to incorrect labeling, with food allergens being a very common example.
Visual inspection is an important branch of the computer science discipline, which integrates optical, mechanical, electronic, computer hardware and software and other aspects of technology, involving computers, image processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, signal processing, opto-electromechanical integration and other fields. Since the beginning of the development so far, there have been more than 20 years of history, its function as well as the scope of application with the development of industrial automation and gradually improve and promote, which is especially the current digital image sensors, CMOS and CCD cameras, DSP, FPGA, ARM and other embedded technologies, image processing and pattern recognition and other technologies, the rapid development of the development of the machine vision, which greatly promote the development of the machine vision. In short, the machine vision solution is to use the machine instead of the human eye to make a variety of measurements and judgments.