2, CT (Computed Tomography), that is, electronic computed tomography, which is the use of accurate collimated X-ray beams, γ-rays, ultrasound, etc., with a very high sensitivity detector around a part of the human body for a cross-section of the scanning, with a fast scanning time, the image is clear and so on, can be used for a variety of diseases; according to the different ray used can be divided into: X-ray CCT, CCT, CCT, CCT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT, CT and CT. According to the different rays used can be divided into: X-ray CT (X-CT), ultrasound CT (UCT) and γ-ray CT (γ-CT) and so on.
3, DR system, that is, direct digital radiography system, is composed of electronic dark box, scanning controller, system controller, image monitor, etc., is directly X-ray photons through the electronic dark box is converted into a digital image, is a kind of direct digital radiography in a broad sense. The narrow sense of the direct digital photography that is DDR (DirectDigit Radiography), usually refers to the use of flat panel detector image direct conversion technology of digital radiography, is the true sense of the direct digital radiography system. According to the detector type is mainly divided into amorphous silicon flat-panel DR (mainstream), amorphous selenium flat-panel DR and CCD DR (mainstream); according to the frame structure is divided into suspension DR and column (UC arm) DR.