Apple produces 1 million protective masks a week, can cell phone makers make masks too?

Although Apple is just a cell phone maker, its industrial line is complete. Producing protective masks is not a very difficult process. In this particular case, all factories that can do their part can produce protective masks.

Apple produces masks, and this is because the situation is tense now. Normally Apple is naturally a tech company and is used to produce cell phones, but now in this situation, you produce so many cell phones that you don't always sell them, so the extra production line is taken out and doing something like this that is beneficial to the public is optimal for Apple as a company. For ordinary people, there may still be a part of the people he will be skeptical of Apple as a company, it is after all a technology company, really can in the public **** health and safety aspects of research? It can produce qualified quality masks? Apple's response to this is to say that it is to seek the cooperation of medical institutions, is in the production of medical substances in the medical substances under the guidance of the production of these manufacturers, and now as long as there are masks is good. And Apple in the production out to the delivery to the front line, then the front-line health care workers, he received masks, he himself will have a preliminary test on the quality of masks. The healthcare workers have not said that the masks are not up to snuff in terms of quality, so I think Apple's masks are definitely up to snuff. In fact, up to today, not only Apple is producing masks, almost every company in the U.S. has begun to do their best to produce medical supplies for the lack of these things, including some disinfectant, some sprays and so on, as well as some companies it will work overtime in the production of masks machine. Masks will play a very big role in this one. Everyone should use a mask properly, it will block being splashed with someone else's bodily fluids. Always keep in mind that the mouth and nose area should be covered, this is necessary to prevent infections, otherwise you are not doing anything by wearing a mask. I hope everyone will try to face this problem, not to run away from it, cheer together, support each other together and then get through this difficult time.