This map is to print out, so the color mode is CMYK, if only the computer display, RGB is good.
The most commonly used software for graphic design, vector graphics is coreldraw, bitmap is the dominant photoshop. do the picture, looking for material must look for high resolution, we recommend going to a number of professional material site to download, free of charge, such as: youyouyou material, cool material, pen show network and so on.
After the picture is done, the export format is ttf.
If you are not sure, you can continue to ask me.
Below are some more typical scanning resolution settings, just for reference.
1. for the production of web pages or E-mail sent: 72-100dpl
2. general newspaper pictures: no more than 100dpi.
3. color magazines, posters: 100 ~ 300dpi.
4. for OCR text recognition (black and white mode): 300dpi
5. General color photos: 300~600dpi
6. Fine: I program mechanical drawings, architectural design drawings: 1 200dpi
7. 35mln positive film 1000 unloading i or higher.
8. 351llin negative: 1,400 dpi or higher.
From the above it is clear that there is no universal value of scanning resolution suitable for all images, and the ultimate goal is to obtain just the right amount of information to meet the output requirements. We can calculate the appropriate scanning resolution based on the following basic questions:
1 What is the size of the original image? If you intend to scan only a portion of the original, you can enter the size to be scanned into the scanner's setup screen.
2 What medium is the image to be output to? Is it print, multimedia video equipment, or film?
3 What is the final output size? Is it A4 or A37 If outputting to a print crystal, then the size varies depending on the image; other output media have fixed sizes so that it is reasonable to decide how much information should be contained in an image. -
4 If the output is to a print (print) medium, is the final output device a screen printer or a continuous tone printer? What is the resolution of the printer?
5 What is the color depth of the scanned image? Is it a line drawing (1-bit), grayscale (8-bit), or color (24-bit)?
The higher the scanning resolution, the clearer the image, but taking into account that if more than the original engaged or the resolution of the output device, and then the clear image is impossible to come out, and take up a lot of disk space, there is no real value. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate scanning resolution. Can be scaled down after scanning a large image.
Also, resolution is not the only factor in determining the quality of a scanned image; equally important are factors such as the dynamic density range of the scanner, which determine color purity and sharpness of detail. However, if resolution is handled correctly, the scan can be greatly improved by providing the right amount of information and information density to mimic continuous color tones.
1. Airbrush 35dpi
2. Portrait 72dpi
3. Printer 300-600dpi (waterproof media ink split printing)
4. Digital printing 1200-2400dpi (related to the configuration of the computer)