PACS is the basic component of HIS (Hospital Information System) hospital information system, the medical images managed by PACS are also the information generated by the hospital, the hospital uses the images managed by PACS at the same time, it also needs other information managed by the HIS system, so the PACS should have interoperability with the HIS So PACS should have interoperability or integration with HIS. Telemedicine (Telemedicine) is a new type of medical service originated in the 1950s, which has unique advantages in providing high-quality medical services for rural areas, and the telemedicine consultation that has emerged in China since the 1990s is also a typical application of telemedicine. Current domestic telemedicine generally uses video conferencing systems for communication between the two parties, while patient information and diagnostic images are delivered via video. If there is the support of PACS and HIS, real-time delivery of digitized CT and other medical images and diagnostic information, and support for multi-point information exchange, the level of telemedicine can be greatly improved, which is also the direction of the development of domestic and foreign telemedicine and hot spots.
PACS implemented within the radiology department of hospitals
The goal is to improve the efficiency of the use of medical equipment within the department;
The first phase of enterprise-wide image distribution has already been applied in many departments. Adequate display technology has been implemented in departments outside of radiology where image display is most needed, but it is not yet possible to display images in any location. Archiving is now done using DLT or MOD and in some cases CDR.PACS always requires high-speed communication network support, especially within radiology departments. Low-speed networks can be used for clinical displays.The capabilities of ATM are not yet fully utilized, especially ATM's ability to transmit moving images and images with still images.Integration of RIS with PACS allows for diagnostic reports to be displayed at workstations.It is also important for PACS and RIS to keep track of patient flow through the hospital, which facilitates automated prefetching, routing, and distribution of images and exams.Further integration of RIS and PACS is still a work in progress. Further integration of RIS with PACS is still in development.