Chase : Among them, the devices in the category of life and health have sports, body side wristbands and smart bracelets; the devices in the category of information and information have smart watches and smart glasses; the devices in the category of somatosensory control have various types of somatosensory controllers and so on.
Smart wearable devices (also known as wearable devices, wearable smart devices, etc.) refers to electronic communication devices embedded in clothing, or in the form of jewelry, wearable items. Specifically, smart wearable devices are the functions of collecting, recording, storing, displaying, transmitting, analyzing, and solving information combined with our daily wear, and become a part of our wear, such as clothes, hats, glasses, bracelets, watches, shoes, etc. (Figure 1). Smart wearables have two characteristics: first, it is a hardware terminal with computing, storage, or transmission functions; second, it innovatively embeds technologies such as multimedia, sensors, and wireless communications into people's clothing or makes it more portable, and creates disruptive applications and interactive experiences.