What does rated power mean?

Rated power, is the maximum output power that a mechanical device can achieve.

The power rating of an electrical appliance is the power at which the appliance normally operates. Its value is the rated voltage of the appliance multiplied by the rated current. If the actual power of the appliance is greater than the rated power, the appliance may be damaged; if the actual power is less than the rated power, the appliance will not operate properly.

In normal operating conditions, the output power of power equipment or the input power of energy-consuming equipment. Often in "kilowatts" for the unit. Also refers to the factory's production of machines in the normal operation of the power can be achieved. That is, the usual power of a machine, the machine's rated power is certain.

The actual output power of machinery and equipment will not be greater than the rated power, which is different from electrical appliances.

Types of equipment rated power:

1, energy-consuming equipment

Equipment that can consume electrical energy and converted into mechanical energy, resistance, speakers, etc., given the rated power is usually the maximum power of the equipment, heat for the main limiting factor of this equipment, to the limits of the safety of the heat dissipation to calculate the rated power.

2, mechanical equipment

For machinery (electrical, hydraulic or other forms), their power rating is usually defined as the output power, rather than the energy flow through the device input.

3. Function Conversion Equipment

For equipment that can convert electrical energy into various forms, such as heat, the power rating is generally the maximum power. Usually limit the maximum power factor for the loss of heat, the maximum heat dissipation is calculated in the same way as the calculation of energy-consuming equipment. Power rating is usually expressed in watts of actual power or visual volt-ampere characteristics, but for equipment used in ultra-high-power systems, each unit will be given a power rating.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Power Rating