It is said that it is difficult to raise Polygonum aviculare larvae, and it is easy to encounter sudden death due to refusing to eat. Among them, the reasons for refusing to eat are summarized as follows: First, the larvae of Polygonum aviculare are almost only in trees and do not like to go to the ground. In this way, the range of prey is much smaller, and the breeder's feed is nothing more than bread worms, cricket needles and larvae cockroaches. These feeds all like to move on the ground and hide in the corner. It is easy for larvae to catch food, and the owner may think that they refuse to eat. The best way is to put half-dead food in their nests. Secondly, the larvae are usually timid, and once they feel that their prey is a little bigger, their reaction is often to turn around and run. Therefore, when feeding flat storage larvae, try to choose small food, and the size of food should not exceed their size, such as the larvae of red cherry cockroach. Many larvae of Polygonum aviculare don't like active predation or activity, which may be caused by injury, disability and inadaptability to the environment. My baby with a broken leg, a Peruvian gold ring and pink toes, rarely takes the initiative to hunt and always eats with his mouth open. We must help him kill the food and put it in the nest so that he can enjoy it slowly. As for the cause of the sudden death of Polygonum aviculare larvae, I have not found a very accurate answer so far. Personally, I think the most direct reason may be related to temperature and ventilation. There have been several sudden deaths in the high temperature in summer. Friends who keep flat storage larvae had better pay attention to heatstroke prevention and try not to exceed 32 degrees. Humidity doesn't seem to have much effect. I haven't had any problems in 40% cases.
The Poecilotheria includes the common Indian Poecilotheria regalis, including the very beautiful and rare sapphire rainforest. This genus is characterized by beauty, fierceness and poison. The lifestyle of Poecilotheria, who is also an arboreal genus, is to make use of ready-made tree holes and gaps, and less to make her own nest with silk. Larvae raised artificially generally like to hide in the corners and gaps between climbing objects and bedding materials.
The larvae of Poecilotheria are much easier to raise than those of Avicularia, and they prey actively and fiercely. But the moving speed is much faster than the flat storage. Therefore, it is best to prepare a large sorting box when feeding and changing the environment, and operate in the sorting box, so that even if you run out at once, you have enough time and space to react and catch. The sensory requirements for temperature and humidity are not very high, and it is a little more resistant to high temperature than the larvae of Polygonum aviculare.
At present, there are only four species of Psammosilene, namely, Psammosilene I in Cambridge, Psammosilene in irminia, Psammosilene in pulcher and Psammosilene in Costa Rica. The characteristics of this genus are somewhat similar to those of Poecilotheria. It also has a beautiful appearance and fierce personality. Living habits are somewhat different. The spider in the poem likes to nest on the roots of trees, which is somewhat similar to the tiger on the ground, and so is Cyriopagopus in Asia.
In the artificial rearing environment, the virgin shellfish is relatively easy to raise, and there is nothing to worry about in predation, but the larvae are still relatively fast.
Tapinauchius, the species of this genus are all named after' tree spider', such as Guiana purple spider (Tapinauchenius purpureus), Guiana mangrove spider (Tapinauchenius gigas) and Ecuadorian tree spider (Tapinauchenius cupreus). The characteristics of this genus are similar to Poseidon in the poem, beautiful and fierce, but they are faster. Living habits are a bit like psalpoeuus, who likes to nest at the roots of trees, but is more keen on activities around the nest than psalpoeuus.
In the case of artificial breeding, it is basically the same as in the poem, but it is more necessary to prevent them from suddenly escaping. Therefore, it is best to feed and clean the environment in a relatively large space or in a sorting box.