Super-large syringes, of course, are still used today. The syringe is not special. Their length, diameter and pump are much larger than the instruments we use for subcutaneous tissue injection today. In the16th century, it was filled with mercury and was used to inject sailors infected with syphilis due to promiscuity. The advantage of such a huge syringe is that it won't stab the body. The disadvantage is that as a urethral syringe, it can be injected directly through the naked penis. To make matters worse, mercury will do more harm to the body before the complications of syphilis appear.
Hernia repair tools, since people realized that the human body can be repaired, medical repair technology has been continuously improved. 19 in the 1950s, doctors invented a "professional tool" to treat hernia (an organ or tissue in the human body leaves its normal anatomical position). Once doctors need to repair a torn muscle or tissue, they will insert tools into the area. After a week, scar tissue can be formed in the body to help seal and repair the hernia.
Live leech therapy However, in the19th century, live leech therapy was ineffective or bleeding was excessive, so doctors invented this leech-like device, which consisted of a metal cylinder and a blade. Its rotating blade cuts into the skin and the needle sucks blood. There is a similar tool called "scratching device", which uses 10 leaf spring to quickly enter the skin, and then heats the device to form a vacuum.
Although medicine has a long history, doctors still don't know how to solve the infection and other problems in amputation technology. From antibiotic bacteria in the past to drug-resistant bacteria now, infection has always been the main difficulty in amputation. However, doctors are proud of using this terrible tool. This device looks like a saw with decorative swirls, grooves and some simple designs. So I think these are the medical equipment that scares me the most.