Huabao Xingye Pharmaceutical and Biological Preferred Fund (240020)

Huabao Pharmaceutical & Biological Preferred Fund (240020) fund custodian is China Construction Bank, manager is Huabao Xingye Fund, and fund type is equity. Huabao Pharmaceutical and Biological Preferred Fund has a cumulative NAV of 1.3750, an expected annualized expected return of 13.54% in the last 3 months, and an expected annualized expected return of 11.34% in the last year.

Basic Information

Huabao Pharmaceuticals & Biologicals Preferred, the fund code is 240020. the fund custodian is China Construction Bank, the manager is Huabao Xingye Fund, and the type of the fund is equity.

Investment Objective

Seizing the investment opportunities in the pharmaceutical and biological related industries, the fund strives to obtain excess returns for its shareholders in the long term.

Investment Scope

The investment scope of the Fund is financial instruments with good liquidity, including domestic legally issued and listed A-share stocks (including small and medium-sized boards, GEM boards, and other stocks approved for listing by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)), bonds, money market instruments, warrants, asset-backed securities, as well as other investment items allowed to be invested by the Fund in accordance with the laws and regulations or by the CSRC. CSRC allows the Fund to invest in other financial instruments, subject to the relevant provisions of CSRC. If the Fund is allowed to invest in other varieties by laws and regulations or regulatory authorities in the future, the Fund Manager may include them in the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures. The equity investment ratio of the Fund is 60%-95% of the Fund's assets, of which the proportion of investment in pharmaceutical and biological related stocks shall not be less than 80% of the equity assets. The proportion of cash, bond assets and other securities varieties permitted by China Securities Regulatory Commission to be invested by the fund is 5%-40% of the fund's assets, of which the proportion of cash or government bonds with maturity date within one year shall not be less than 5% of the fund's net asset value. The investment ratio of other financial instruments shall be in accordance with the regulations and the provisions of the regulatory bodies.

Risk Expected Annualized Expected Return Characteristics

Benchmark of Comparison: 80% CSI Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Index + 20% SSE Treasury Bond Index.

This fund is an active equity investment fund, which belongs to the higher expected risk and historical expected annualized expected return among securities investment funds, and its expected risk expected annualized expected return level is higher than that of hybrid funds, bond funds and money market funds.

Huabao Pharmaceutical and Biological Preferred Fund cumulative net value is 1.3750, the expected annualized expected return in the last 3 months is 13.54%, and the expected annualized expected return in the last year is 11.34%.

Fund Manager

The Warburg Pharmaceuticals & Biologics Preferred Fund, which he manages, has returned 71.46% since its inception.