Junior nurse exam knowledge consolidation test questions (2)

74. Jiang, after trauma to his right lower extremity, was not treated correctly and tetanus resulted. For its wound dressing change after the contaminated dressing treatment is

A. peroxyacetic acid immersion disinfection B. autoclave sterilization and then cleaned C. thrown into the dirt bucket and then centralized D. sunlight exposure and then cleaned

E. sent to the incinerator burn

75. patient, male, 60 years old, due to incontinence of incontinence indwelling urinary catheter, drainage is smooth but the urine is yellow, cloudy. The doctor prescribed anti-infective treatment, nursing care should pay attention to

A. hot compresses on the lower abdomen B. massage of the lower abdomen C. acupuncture D. catheterization E. listening to the sound of running water

76. Cough, cough sputum for 5 days, doctor's orders to give oxygen nebulization inhalation treatment, the execution of the operation is wrong

A. oxygen nebulization inhaler and oxygen device connected tightly, no leakage B. oxygen wetting bottle put 1/2 cold distilled water

C. Adjust the flow rate of oxygen 6?8 L / min D. mouth mouth mouth put in the child's mouth, instructed to tightly close the lips and deep inhalation

E. Inhalation E. After completion of inhalation, remove the nebulizer and then turn off the oxygen switch

77. Diagnosed with herpes zoster, doctor's orders antiviral solution intravenous injection, 3 times a day, the correct operation is

A. Choose fine, good elasticity of blood vessels puncture B. 0.5% iodine povidone disinfection of the injection site once

C. See the return of blood and then into the needle a little fixed D. Injection should be fast injection speed E. Do not press after the needle is removed

78. Patient, male, 72 years of age, due to coronary heart disease Intermittent left heart failure occurred for 3 years, half a day to quarrel with family members after palpitations, shortness of breath, can not lie down, cough pink foamy sputum, emergency hospital. Physical examination: BP90/60 mmHg, R 28 times/min, clear, sitting position, cyanosis of lips and mouth, both lungs full of wet rales and rales. The emergency nurse should give the patient oxygen is

A. continuous low-flow oxygen B. intermittent low-flow oxygen C. high-flow oxygen D. low-flow alcohol humidified oxygen E. high-flow alcohol humidified oxygen

79. a male high school student, feeling tired, poor, pain in the liver area for nearly a week, diagnosed with acute jaundice hepatitis A hospitalized, the patient's clinical manifestations should be excluded

A. Urine and urine, and the patient should not have any symptoms, but the patient should be hospitalized for acute jaundice.

A. deep yellow urine color B. deepening of fecal color nearly black and brown C. positive urine bilirubin test D. serum alanine aminotransferase (A1T) significantly increased

E. hepatitis B surface antigen negative

80. a high school senior was hospitalized due to pneumonia, because of the fear of delaying the study of the frustration, anxiety, and can not be quiet and restful behavior belongs to the A. Role behavioral deficits

B. Role behavior conflict C. Role behavior reinforcement D. Role behavior fading E. Role behavior change

(81-84 questions *** with stem)

Mr. Wang was bedridden at home for 2 months due to cerebral thrombosis, incontinence, unable to turn over on their own, recently the skin of the coccyx was purplish-red, and pressure does not fade.

81. According to this judgment, Mr. Zhang caudosacral skin performance belongs to which stage of pressure ulcers

A. Siltation and reddish infiltration B. Siltation and infiltration C. Inflammatory infiltration D. Superficial ulceration E. Deep ulceration

82. Mr. Zhang pressure ulcers occur most of the reasons are

A. Local tissue pressure for too long B. Pathogen invasion of the skin tissues C. The skin is subjected to moist D. malnutrition E. skin breakdown

83. Which of the following nursing measures given is not appropriate

A. Turning every 2 hours B. Keeping the clothes and bed dry C. Wiping the skin with lukewarm water after wetting the urine D. Massaging the coccygeal area 2 times a day

E. Spreading air mattresses on the bed

84. The nurse should focus on instructing the family to learn to

A. nasal irrigation B. subcutaneous injection C. measurement of blood pressure D. passive activity E. dressing change

(85-87 questions ****Use the stem)

Nurse Zhang was involved in the resuscitation of a patient with hemorrhagic shock when she needed to contact her supervisor by phone, and then she should pay attention to this when carrying out her telephone medical orders

85. The nurse should

A. hear the medical advice directly after the implementation of B. briefly repeat once C. repeat once to confirm that there is no error after the implementation of D. blind implementation

E. quickly implement their own heard the medical advice

86. after the end of the resuscitation

A. nurses record the situation during the resuscitation of the situation can be B. nurses to record the time of the resuscitation of the drugs used C. clean up the scene of the resuscitation

D. placement of the resuscitation of the scene of the resuscitation of the patient's blood loss and the patient's blood pressure.

D. Record the process of resuscitation after the placement of the patient E. Timely recording of the contents of the medical advice, and urge the physician to make up the written medical advice and medication in a timely manner

87. Due to the rescue of the patient was unable to write a timely medical record should be in the end of the resuscitation according to the fact of making up the record, the time is the time after the resuscitation

A. 6 hours B. 1 day C. half an hour D. 3 days E. one week

(88?90 questions***Use stem)

A patient with pneumonia, male, 74 years old, suddenly has dyspnea, coughs, coughs up pink frothy sputum, and auscultation of the lungs is filled with wet rales during an infusion of fluids

88. The patient presents with the above because of the onset of

A. Pulmonary embolism B. Pulmonary atelectasis C. Acute pulmonary edema D. Allergic reaction E. Febrile response

89. p>

89. The above symptoms, we should take immediate measures do not include

A. Immediately stop the infusion and notify the doctor for emergency treatment B. Give low-flow oxygen inhalation

C. When the condition permits, the patient can be made to sit up, legs down D. Follow the doctor's instructions to give sedatives, asthma, cardiac, diuretic drugs

E. If necessary, the limbs of the Rotational ligation to block venous blood flow

90. When the above situation occurs, we can add ethanol to the humidification bottle of oxygen, which serves to

A. increase the humidification effect B. decrease the alveolar surface tension C. increase the alveolar surface tension D. decrease the surface tension of intra-alveolar bubbles

E. prevent an increase in the intra-alveolar exudate

(91?94 questions) ***Use the stem)

The patient, female, 28 years old, had a lateral incision of the perineum for labor and delivery, and now the incision is localized with redness, swelling, heat, and pain, and localized irradiation with an infrared lamp is given.

91. When the infrared lamp is used for local irradiation, the irradiation time is controlled at

A. 10 minutes or less B. 10-20 minutes C. 20-30 minutes D. 30-40 minutes E. 40-50 minutes

92. In the irradiation process, it is found that the local skin appears purplish-red color, the measures that should be taken are

A. Change to a low-power lamp head B. Raise the head of the lamp. B. Elevate the irradiation distance C. Switch to hot moist compresses D. Immediately discontinue use and apply petroleum jelly locally E. Cover the local area with gauze

93. After irradiation, the patient should be instructed to take a 15-minute rest before leaving the treatment room, the purpose of which is to

A. Observe the therapeutic effect B. Prevent the flu C. Prevent fainting D. Relieve pain E. Promote the confinement of the inflammation

94. Further body examination Body temperature is 38.8°C, pulse 108 beats/min, and respiration 23 breaths/min. The best physical cooling method can be adopted is

A. Ice bag cold compresses B. Ice cap head cold compresses C. Ethanol swabbing D. Warm water swabbing E. Localized cold and wet compresses

(95?97 questions ****with alternative answers)

A. Bilateral pupil narrowing B. Early cerebellar hiatal hernia C. Bilateral pupil dilation D. Pupil oval with dilation

E. Pupil reaction to light disappears

E. Pupil reaction to light disappears

E. Pupil reaction to light disappears

E. Pupil reaction to light disappears

E. Pupil reaction to light disappears

E. Pupil reaction to light disappears

Fewer pupils are found in the pupils of the patient. Loss of pupil response to light

95. Deeply comatose patient

96. Organophosphorus poisoning

97. Glaucoma

(98?100 questions ****Use alternative answers)

A. Low head and foot position with the head tilted to the side B. Decubitus position C. Reclining position with the head tilted to the side D. Sitting position E. Reclining position on the affected side

98. bronchial asthma attack patients take

99. hemoptysis suffocation patients take

100. tuberculosis hemoptysis patients take

Reference Answer

1, Answer A analysis: avoiding the patient's inquiries about their own condition can only aggravate the patient's anxiety.

2. Answer C: Boiling, incineration, disinfectant immersion, 70% ethanol immersion can kill tuberculosis bacilli, the easiest is to incinerate toilet paper with sputum.

3. Answer C

4. Answer E: Non-verbal communication refers to communication without the use of words, so facial expressions, gestures, body movement, body posture are non-verbal communication, and verbal communication refers to the use of language to communicate, there can be different forms of written and oral language. Health education information is the use of written language to communicate, belonging to the verbal communication.

5.Answer C: The key to rapidly correcting the tissue hypoperfusion and hypoxia caused by shock is to replenish blood volume.

6.Answer D: If you find an obvious error in a medical prescription, the nurse has the right to refuse to carry it out and to challenge or plead with the physician, but may not modify the prescription without authorization.

7. Answer D

8. Answer A: The head should be tilted to one side to prevent aspiration.

9.Answer C

10.Answer A: Boiling for 15 to 20 minutes can kill bacteria in general, and boiling for more than 60 minutes can kill bacterial spores.11.Answer A: The main test of the principle of drug storage, in which the yeast tablets are easy to deliquesce the oral medication, and therefore A is the correct answer.

12.Answer D: This question is about the response to pain. A, B, C, E can be caused by pain, and the changes in the indicators in option D are not caused by pain.

13. Answer C: Decrease in intracranial pressure causes headache due to dilation or traction of intracranial venous sinuses and veins.

14.Answer A

15.Answer C: Long-term application of antibiotics is prone to bacterial dysbiosis, resulting in fungal infections. When performing oral care, you need to observe the oral mucosa for fungal infections.

16. Answer D: 3 degrees requires help from others as well as equipment and appliances.

17.answer E analysis: this question is about the clinical manifestations of penicillin anaphylaxis, laryngeal edema and respiratory symptoms are the earliest symptoms, so E is the correct answer.

18.Answer E

19.Answer A解析:Nursing the dying patient, without the consent of the family, it is forbidden to remove the therapeutic line.

20. Answer C: Intermittent clamping is used for bladder function training, and the tube is opened every 3 to 4 hours so that the bladder fills and empties regularly to promote functional recovery.

21. Answer D: "Disinfection Management Measures" stipulates that all medical devices, instruments and articles that enter the sterile tissues or organs of the human body must be sterilized.

22.Answer B analysis: pediatric temperature measurement within 3 years of age to the anal temperature-based, inserted into the depth of 2 to 3 cm is appropriate, too deep anal table is easy to break and cause damage, too shallow measurement is not accurate.

23.answer C analysis: the main examination of streptomycin allergic reaction measures, so that streptomycin can be combined with calcium ions to reduce the symptoms of toxicity is the use of calcium gluconate purpose, so C is the correct answer.

24.answer A analysis: "endoscopy cleaning and disinfection operation technical specifications" stipulates that: endoscopy room should be divided into diagnostic area, washing and disinfection area, clean area.

25.answer D analysis: the statement of the goal of care consists of four parts: subject, predicate, behavioral standards, conditional clause. Which subject refers to the object of care, can be omitted; predicate refers to the object of care can complete the observable behavior; behavioral standards refers to the object of care to complete the degree of this behavior, including time, distance, speed, etc.; conditions of the condition refers to the object of care to complete the conditions that must be met. Option A lacks the conditional clause; option B is not the correct subject; option C lacks the behavioral standards; option E lacks the appropriate standards and conditional clause; only D is complete.

26.Answer D: The correct way of stating the diagnosis of lack of knowledge is? Knowledge is lacking: a lack of? knowledge in the area of ?

27.Answer C: Clinical death is characterized by complete cessation of heartbeat and respiration, disappearance of various reflexes, and dilated pupils, but there is still weak and transient metabolic activity in various tissue cells.

28.Answer C: The function of the body's various systems in the near-death period of serious disorders, the central nervous system, the function of the brain stem above the part of the state in the depth of inhibition; the other items belong to the clinical manifestations of the period of death.

29.Answer D: "Principles of Aseptic Technique" stipulates that a sterile article should be used only once by one person to prevent cross-infection.

30.Answer E: Due to the specificity of the TAT, there is no alternative drug, so desensitization injections are usually used for patients with positive test results. In a certain period of time, a small amount of antigen is used to consume the antibodies in the body several times so that all of them are consumed, and eventually the entire drug is injected without the patient having an allergic reaction.31.Answer A解析:In ? Acute appendicitis? attack, the patient's pain and fever should be addressed first, which all belong to the physiologic level of need.

32.Answer E: The time taken for infusion = [total amount of fluid (mL) X drip factor (drops/mL)]/[drops per minute (drops/minute) X 6.0 (minutes)], which is calculated to be 6.25 hours, which is equivalent to 6 hours and 15 minutes.

33.Answer C: It is not advisable to drink water immediately after taking medications that have a calming effect on the respiratory mucosa.

34.Answer D

35.Answer E Explanation: When the eyelids do not close on their own, they can be coated with gentamycin ophthalmic ointment or covered with petroleum jelly gauze to prevent dryness of the cornea that can lead to keratitis, conjunctivitis, or ulceration.

36.Answer C: venous puncture, operation error when the needle outside the blood vessels, fluid injection into the subcutaneous tissue, localized swelling and pain; localized pallor, considered for the medication into the artery by mistake, the resistance of the drip is not smooth and the child screamed, other operational errors will not appear localized pallor.

37.Answer D: The isolated tissue should be wrapped as soon as possible using a sterile sheet, jacket plastic bag, immediately with ice to do dry-freeze refrigeration, keep about 4. C, refrigeration to prevent the ice water seepage into the plastic bag, do not soak the disarticulated limb in any liquid. 38.answer B analysis: external jugular vein is suitable for: ① long-term infusion, peripheral veins should not be punctured; ② long-term intravenous drip of high concentration or stimulating drugs, or intraventricular high nutritional therapy; ③ peripheral circulatory failure of critically ill patients, used to measure central venous pressure.

39.Answer B: The child's high fever caused by upper respiratory tract infection, the best care measures is physical cooling, such as cold compresses on the head, warm water baths or cold saline enema.

40.Answer C: If constipation occurs, prohibit a large number of enemas, available laxatives or low-pressure enemas.

41.Answer D: This question is about the meaning of the abbreviation of the time of administration, ac stands for before meals, so D is the correct answer.

42.Answer E: Greater than 5 ml of fecal occult blood test is positive, greater than 60 ml is black stool, and greater than 500 ml is circulatory symptoms.

43.Answer D: The main clinical feature of rupture of a substantial organ in the abdominal cavity is internal bleeding. After bleeding, the blood is not coagulated due to the defibrillation of the abdominal cavity, so if non-coagulated blood is drawn, it suggests rupture of a substantial organ.

44.Answer C: Premature rupture of membranes in pregnancy to prevent prolapse of the umbilical cord should be placed in the head-down position.

45. Answer C: Because of the anatomical location of the sigmoid colon, the patient should be placed in the left lateral position during the enema operation.

46.Answer C: Sassafras bath with alcohol is prohibited to avoid subcutaneous bleeding.

47.Answer A: Aspirin is a strong stimulus to the gastrointestinal tract, and can be taken with food to reduce gastrointestinal stimulation.

48.Answer D: Before the eighth week of gestation (i.e., six weeks after fertilization), it is called an embryo, and from the ninth week of gestation onwards, it is called a fetus.

49. Answer D: The period of maturation of ovarian function and the secretion of sex hormones and cyclic ovulation is the period of sexual maturity, which usually begins at about 18 years of age and lasts for about 30 years.

50.A: Short-acting oral contraceptives should be discontinued six months before conception. Some of the alterations in metabolism caused by short-acting oral contraceptives are temporary and can be reversed after discontinuation of the drug.

51.Answer D: EEG is normal in the prodromal phase; most of the time in the somnolent phase is lethargy; in the light coma phase: fluttering tremor can not be elicited; in the deep coma phase, all kinds of reflexes disappear.

52.Answer A: Milk of magnesia for acidic poisoning, 5% acetic acid for alkaline poisoning, 3% hydrogen peroxide for emesis, and sodium sulfate (barbiturate) for diarrhea.

53.Answer E: E is the manifestation of type I expiratory failure, and the other are the correct description of type II expiratory failure.

54.A: Subarachnoid hemorrhage patients should be absolutely bedridden for 4 weeks, with the head slightly elevated. The bleeding patient in the onset of 24 hours fasting, 24 hours after the condition is stable can be nasal feeding fluids. The patient's head placed in an ice bag, can prevent the continuation of cerebral hemorrhage.

55.Answer E: For those who eat a salt-free, low-sodium diet, they should abstain from eating pickles, and they should also abstain from eating sodium-containing foods and medications, such as doughnuts, noodles, sausages, soda and other alkaline foods, and medications containing sodium bicarbonate.

56.Answer C: Trauma-induced high intracranial pressure is prone to the formation of cerebellar herniation, in order to timely detection of cerebellar herniation, should focus on observing the pupil.

57.Answer B: Organophosphorus pesticides orally poisoned with water and repeated gastric lavage until there is no smell of garlic, and then give sodium sulfate diarrhea. Skin and mucous membrane absorption of poisoning should be immediately removed from the scene, remove contaminated clothing, repeated washing of contaminated skin with soapy water, disable hot water or alcohol scrub, in order to prevent skin vasodilatation to promote the absorption of poisons. Eye contamination with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution or water continuous rinsing.

58.Answer B: Non-infiltrative proptosis in hyperthyroidism: protruding eyeballs, protrusion of ?18 mm, reduced transient vision, and widening of the eye fissure. Infiltrative synophthalmos: the patient complains of photophobia, vision loss, the eyeball is highly protruding (?18 mm) to the cornea is exposed, susceptible to external stimuli, resulting in congestion, edema, infection, and in severe cases, blindness.

59.Answer B: Give high-flow oxygen inhalation 8 ~ 10 L / min.

60.Answer B: After the occurrence of hemolytic reaction, the nurse should immediately stop the transfusion and notify the doctor to retain the remaining blood, the collection of blood specimens of the patient redo blood type identification and cross-matching test; bilateral lumbar closure, and hot water bag compresses on both sides of the torso; close observation of vital signs and urinary output, and Make a record

61.Answer C: zinc phosphide is soluble in oils, avoid fatty foods, so as not to promote the dissolution and absorption of phosphorus. 62.Answer B: dialysis fluid should be warmed to 37 ℃ before injecting into the peritoneal cavity, it is advisable to dry warming, because the warming in the water bath is easy to be contaminated.

63.Answer C: The anal temperature should be reduced to 38 ℃ to suspend cooling.

64.Answer D解析:Transference is the transfer of emotion or behavior from one object to another more acceptable substitute.

65.Answer C: Systemic sepsis occurs as a paroxysm, and blood specimens for blood cultures and antibiotic susceptibility testing should be retained during chills to increase the positive rate.

66. Answer C: The patient needs to undergo gastrointestinal decompression after major gastrectomy, but at this time, the intestinal function is normal, so

this is still able to receive enteral nutrition, and nutritional fluids can be injected into the intestinal tract. Since the patient is only receiving nutritional support for a short period of time after surgery, a jejunostomy is not necessary and a nasoenteric tube can be placed.

67. Answer D: The tetanus patient room should be dark.

68.Answer D

69.Answer B

70. Therefore, based on Mr. Li's condition, the nurse should arrange for him to be seen earlier.

71.Answer B

72.Answer B解析:Patients with preterm rupture of membranes should be placed in the head-down-foot-high position to prevent prolapse of the umbilical cord.

73.Answer E

74.Answer E analysis: tetanus patients wound dressing change after contamination belongs to the special infection of the dressing, should be taken to the burning method. Therefore, send incinerator burning as the correct treatment method.

75.Answer D

76.Answer B Analysis: Oxygen nebulization inhalation when the humidification bottle does not put water, in order to prevent the liquid into the nebulizer so that the liquid dilution.

77.Answer C: venous injection, choose thick, straight, flexible blood vessels puncture; routine disinfection of the injection site; see the return of blood and then into the needle a little and securely fixed; injection should be injected at a slow speed; injection is completed by pressing the local to the non-bleeding.

79.Answer B: The clinical manifestations of acute jaundice hepatitis are: pre-jaundice, jaundice, and recovery. This child is in the jaundice period, the urine color is more yellow, sclera skin also appeared yellow stain, about 1?2 weeks to reach the peak. Some patients may have obstructive jaundice manifestations such as lighter stool color and itchy skin.

80.Answer B: Role-behavior conflict refers to the patient in the process of adapting to the role of the patient, and its pre-disease roles in the various roles of the psychological conflict caused by behavioral incongruity.

81.Answer C

82.Answer A

83.Answer D: Inflammatory infiltration should not be massaged in the pressure area to prevent rupture and infection.

84.Answer D: In patients with limited motion, family members should give passive activities to maintain joint mobility, prevent joint contracture and adhesion formation, and restore and improve joint function.

85.Answer C: In the emergency rescue patients and other special circumstances must be carried out verbally, the nurse must give the doctor to repeat the instructions, to confirm that there is no error before the implementation.

86.Answer E: After the implementation of the medical advice, should be timely record of the time, content, the patient's condition, and let the doctor to make up the written medical advice and medication in a timely manner.

87.Answer A

88.Answer C

89.Answer B Analysis: Acute pulmonary edema should be given high-flow oxygen inhalation, and add 30% alcohol in the humidification bottle to increase the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli, reduce the surface tension of the foam in the alveoli, increase the dispersion of oxygen and improve hypoxemia. Option C is designed to reduce venous return to the lower extremities and reduce the cardiac load, and option D is designed to diastole peripheral blood vessels, accelerate fluid drainage, reduce the amount of return blood, and reduce the cardiac load.

90.answer D analysis: put 20% ~ 30% ethanol solution in the wetting bottle, can reduce the surface tension of the foam in the alveoli, so that the foam rupture, expanding the contact area of the gas and alveolar wall, while the gas is easy to diffuse, to improve the function of gas exchange in the lungs.91. answer C

92.answer D

93.answer B

94. Answer A: The roasting lamp is 30-50 cm away from the treatment site, and the treatment time is 20-30 minutes, and the lamp distance and time are adjusted according to the patient's condition to prevent roasting, so as to prevent roasting injuries, and the appearance of red spots on the skin is appropriate, and if purplish red color occurs, it suggests that it is too much, and it should be discontinued immediately, and the local Vaseline should be applied. After irradiation, patients should be instructed to rest for 15 minutes before leaving the treatment room to prevent colds due to the large temperature difference. The patient's body temperature is high due to the baking lamp, and local cold therapy should be applied to lower the body temperature. Ice caps are suitable for lowering the brain temperature and preventing cerebral edema, and the best method is to apply cold compresses with ice packs.

95.Answer E: When the pupil size does not change with light stimulation, the pupil is said to have disappeared in response to light, common in patients with deep coma.

96. Answer A: Bilateral pupil dilation, commonly found in organophosphorus pesticides, chlorpromazine, morphine and other drugs poisoning.

97. Answer D: Oval and dilated pupils are commonly seen in glaucoma.

98. Answer D: When bronchial asthma attacks, the patient should take the sitting position, so that the diaphragm down, to reduce respiratory difficulties.

99. Answer A: Once the hemoptysis patient suffocated, should immediately take the head down and feet high position, head to the side, patting the back, in order to facilitate the discharge of blood clots.

100.answer E analysis: tuberculosis hemoptysis patients should take the affected side of the lying position, gently blood out, on the one hand, conducive to the discharge of blood out of the respiratory tract, on the other hand, to maintain the healthy side of the respiratory function, to reduce the tuberculosis bacterium with the blood into the healthy side, resulting in tuberculosis dissemination.