LEGO Digital Designer 4.3 User Manual


Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1


Every time you open LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER, or start a new model, you will be presented with the Welcome screen. Single-click your mouse to choose between the following themes:


1.1. LEGO? Digital Designer

Build the model of your dreams with a large selection of building blocks.




2. Mouse Controls

Here's what you can do with the buttons of your mouse:

2.1. Left Mouse Button

Left clicking on a block selects it. block.

Use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the view.

3. Camera Controls

Camera controls allow you to rotate the model and zoom in and out so you can see it at different angles and distances.

D Digital Designer

View Help

Build mode

View mode

Show/Hide Camera Control (Ctrl+1)

Show/Hide Brick Palette (Ctrl+2)


3.1. Rotate View

(With the numeric keypad locked, 8, 2, 4, 6) on the numeric keypad are also known as the keypad arrow keys. You can rotate the camera both with these buttons and with the keyboard.

3.2. Zoom View

(+/- keys on the numeric keypad when locked) Use the +/- keys on the keyboard or the +/- buttons to zoom in and out of the camera.

3.3. Reset View

(5 on the keypad when the numeric keypad is locked) Clicking the Reset button returns the view to the standard position, with all blocks and models visible and centered in the scene.

|Press 0"1+6. I



Repeat inserting selected brick

Brick Count: Show the number of bricks in

Invert camera X-axis

High-quality rendering or bricks in

Invert camera X-axis. High-quality rendering or bricks placed in me sc

Outlines on bricks

4.1. Show information field

Add an information field at the bottom of the scene with information about the bricks you've selected or the type of bricks in the scene. information, or information about the blocks of the scene's species.

4.2. Show tooltips

Add a label below the mouse arrows. They are explaining the function of these buttons.

Enable sound in the application

"Keysforturning" shown along with cursor ("Direction Keysforturning" shown along with cursor)

When a block in the scene can be rotated, a directional keyboard is shown on the mouse cursor.


4.3. Repeat inserting selected bricks

The last selected bricks will be stuck on the mouse, and a left click in the scene will bring up the same new bricks, so press ESC to abort the selection.

4.5. Invert camera Y-axis

Holding down the right mouse button in the scene moves the scene along the Y-axis (up and down) in the direction opposite to that of the mouse.

4.6. High-quality rendering of bricks placed in scene

Make your bricks look better.

4.7. High-quality rendering of bricks in the Brick palette

Make your bricks in the Brick palette look better.

4.8. Outlines on bricks

You can see the outlines of all the bricks in the scene.

4.9. Advanced shading

Turn on advanced shading to make your models look more realistic

4.10. Choose language

Choose your language.

4.11. Compatibility mode level

You can adjust the compatibility mode level if you have trouble running LDD.

4.12. Reset preferences

Restores the default settings.

5. Three modes LEGO? Digital Designer

There are three modes of operation that you can switch between by clicking on the mode icons, which are located in the upper right corner of the toolbar.

Build Mode

Observation Mode

Build Guide Mode

5.1. Build Mode:

(Shortcut:F5). Tap Build to enter the build mode, where you can build and edit your models and scenes.

5.1.1. Build Tools

These build tools are only available in build mode. Use these tools to select, move, copy, color, and rotate your blocks. Selection Tools

(Shortcut: V). Use the Selection tool to select a single block in the scene. Clicking the Selection Tool button expands an ^Advanced Selection? _Work@Spoon Shift+V to switch between tools).


Single Selection, Multiple Selection, Connected Selection, Same Color Selection, Same Shape Selection, Same Color & Shape Selection, and Reverse Selection. Advanced Selection Tools

(Shift+V to toggle between tools). Click on a selection tool to display the Advanced Selection panel. The Advanced Selection tool allows you to easily select multiple blocks based on their color, shape, or connection characteristics. Clone tool

(Shortcut: C). Use the Clone tool to duplicate blocks in the scene Paint tool

(Shortcut: B). Use the Paint tool to change the color or material of the blocks in the scene. University Paint Tool

(Shortcut: B). In Extended Mode, you can freely pick any LEGO color and apply that color to any

block. Color Picker

You can pick up colors by selecting blocks (Extended Mode only) Decorative Patterns Tool

Adds decorative patterns to the surface of selected blocks. (Extended Mode only) Chain Tool

(Shortcut H). Use the Chain Tool to rotate blocks that are either chained or attached to a single pin. Chain Alignment Tool

(Shift+H). Use the Strand Alignment Tool to automatically connect two separated joints. Hide tool

(Shortcut: L). Use the Hide tool to hide blocks or models Delete tool

(Shortcut: D). Use the Delete key to remove blocks from the scene Bend Tool

(Shortcut: F). Use the Bend tool to bend or twist bendable elements (indicated by a small icon). Using the Strand tool:

The Strand tool allows you to select a stranded element in your model and rotate it in the direction indicated by the arrow. The selected element can be rotated using the mouse or keyboard arrow keys. When a component can be rotated in more than one direction, the selected direction is indicated by a green arrow. To select a different direction, click on the yellow keypad or press the Tab key on the keyboard.

5丄1.14. The spinning wheel

allows the user to drag the pointer in the center of the ring to rotate the blocks and has magnetic buttons at 45 degree intervals. Numeric Input Area

Angle values can be entered manually Using the Strand Alignment Tool:

The Strand Alignment Tool makes alignment much easier, especially when working with Technic elements. Select the endpoints of the different blocks and see how they are connected.

Related toolbars

The related toolbars are next to the main toolbars and contain sub-tools specific to each tool. For example, the related toolbar next to the Stranded Chain tool provides an input area, while the related toolbar next to the Buyable tool provides a set of options related to buying.

How to copy and paste (Ctrl+C/Cmd+C and Ctrl+V/Cmd-V)

Often we need to copy selected blocks. Copy

(Ctrl+C/Cmd+C). You can copy a part of your model like this: select the part you want to copy and press Ctrl- C/Cmd-C. Paste

(Ctrl+V/Cmd+V). You can then press Ctrl+V/Cmd+V to place the copied blocks anywhere

in your scene.

Note: Copy and Paste are available in the Edit menu.

5.2. Build Toolbox

Every time you start building a model in LDD, you will see a Build Toolbox. There are 3 tabs in the build toolbox:

Block toolbox: contains the blocks you use to build Combination toolbox: contains the sets of blocks you build Template toolbox: contains the templates you build 5.2.1.

Select a block to build with.

Select and click on a block you want to use. The block becomes transparent so you can see where to move it. Move the block to the position you want to place it and press the left mouse button again.

Only blocks with a green background can be purchased in the online LEGO Store. Click the checkout button to launch the built-in browser visit?

Ask DESIGN byME Show or hide the blocks in the group in the toolbar. Filter by LEGO sets.

Click this icon to select a LEGO set. Only the blocks in the set are shown in the block list Each block shows a number that tells you how many of that block are in the set. If you use more blocks than there are in the set, the number will turn red. The red number tells you how many blocks you've used that aren't in the set. Scale factor, change the scale factor to better fit your screen resolution. Find blocks by color.

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When you click on the icon a panel pops up underneath this icon. Select the color or material you are looking for in the panel. Then only the blocks that match the color or material you selected will be shown. This panel also allows you to hide the color and show only the grey color, so that you can concentrate more on the shape of the blocks. Clicking Remove Filter removes any selections made in this menu. Search Area.

Search for the blocks you need. Try entering something like 'roundVroof or 'dog'. The LEGO University Toolbox.

In LEGO University mode, a block can be colored any way you want, and is no longer limited by the design it was originally intended for.?

5.2.2. Combine Toolbox

Use Combine to save a selected number of blocks for later use. When you often have to select the same blocks, such as wheels, roofs, or airplane wings, combining makes it easy to use them. Creating combinations

(Ctrl+G/Cmd+G). To create a combination, first select the blocks you want to combine, and then click the Create Combination button

. Add to Combo.

Use this feature to add the selected blocks to an existing combination. Remove from combination.

Use this function to remove the selected blocks from the existing combination. Creating Subcombinations.

Create a sub-combination below a combination. For example, you might want to create a Vehicle combination, and then create a Wheels combination underneath it. This way you can decide whether to select the whole vehicle or just the wheels. Combination Preview

The combination preview shows you a thumbnail of the combination's contents. Try centering and dragging this thumbnail with the right mouse button. Note: At any time you can click the red "X" in the upper right corner to delete the combination.

5.2.3. The Template Toolbox

Templates make it possible to save a set of blocks permanently, so that the template is still available the next time you open the program. Save to Template

(Ctrl+Alt+G/Cmd+Alt+G). To save a selection to the board, first select the blocks you want to add and click

this button. Template Preview

This feature will show you a thumbnail of the content in the template. Try dragging and dropping that template with the right mouse button. Observation mode This mode allows you to observe your model with a different background. You can also use the Explode button to explode your model. Screenshot.

Take a screenshot of your screen and save it to your system's Pictures directory. Exploding models.

Explode your model into a million pieces. Changing the background.

Click this button to switch between different background environments.

6.1. step back/step forward

(Shortcut: Right Header). Take a step forward or backward in the build guide

6.2. Repeat last step

(Shortcut: Spacebar). Play the last step again.

6.3. Step Slider

Drag this slider to jump to a specific step in the build guide.

6.4. Step Count

Displays the current step in your build guide and the total number of steps.

6.5. Combination View

Previews the next 4 blocks you will use.

7.4. Auto Replace.

The system automatically finds the closest substitutes for all incompatible blocks.

7.5. Do not auto-replace.

Delete all unavailable blocks.

7.6. Accept changes.

After you manually replace all unavailable blocks with available ones, takes you to the checkout window.

7.7. Reset changes.

Returns to build mode without making any changes

7.8. Transparency slider.

Adjust the transparency of your purchasable blocks. Easy to see which blocks need to be replaced.

1 Select All Ct "l+A Cmd+A

Help F1 Key F1 Key

What's this? F2 Key F2 Key

About F3 Key F3 Key

Parameters Ct "l+6 Cmd+,

Show/Hide Block Toolbox Ct "l+1 Cmd+1

Show/Hide Toolbox Ct "l+2 Cmd+2

Show/Hide Browser Window Ct "l+3 Cmd+3

Note: Mac shortcuts may change depending on your region.