If it is in the city of haze is necessary to buy, if it is in the air is better in the countryside is not necessary to buy.
The role of the air purifier
1, purify the air
Air negative ions so that dust, smoke, pollen, droplets and suspended micro-organisms and other air-soluble substances are easy to gather and sink, and can be oxidized with the air in the organic material to eliminate the odor produced by the air, and therefore has the role of cleaning the air, improve environmental quality.
2, sterilization
Air negative ions can be attached to the air in the dust of bacteria, microbes, viruses and other combinations, so that the decline. Experimental research has proved that negative air ions have a strong inhibition of air microorganisms, so that the virus loses the ability to attack the cells, thus having the role of killing and reducing bacteria to purify the air.
3, eliminate static electricity
Static phenomenon is generally caused by positively charged ions, negative ions in the air will be combined with positive ions, to eliminate the role of static electricity.
4, biological effects
Experimental research and clinical observation shows that negative air ions have a variety of biological effects on the body. After use, the air becomes fresh, which can reduce all kinds of pollution in the air and bring a comfortable environment.
5, humidification
Winter is the season of dry air, especially to the north heating, the need to close doors and windows, indoor air quality is poor. Air purifier can be in the purification of indoor air, to provide a constant stream of fresh moist air, thus improving the overall quality of indoor air, through the humidification function to regulate the humidity of indoor air, to maintain the humidity suitable for home life.