System advantages of LIS system

Direct interests of patients

1, because the LIS system sends out a clear and standardized inspection report, which reflects the image of the hospital and the sense of responsibility for patients; Providing patients with accurate cumulative test results in the past can stabilize the source of tourists for the hospital, shorten the return visit time of patients and improve the diagnostic accuracy of doctors. The change of distribution mode of test results shows that the hospital's respect for patients' privacy is more humane. Welfare of medical personnel

1, which increases the effectiveness and reduces telephone communication, because the information provided by the LIS system can be found online, and there is no need to call the inspectors to inquire about the urgently needed inspection conditions and trace back the misplaced inspection reports.

2. Intelligent data acquisition can automatically record patient information, examination information, diagnosis information and financial information related to management and transmission during each operation, and can be obtained from the Internet, which saves a lot of troublesome manual recording and archiving work.

3. Establishing the interface of patient database system can easily obtain patient information, demographic statistics, pathological statistics, etc.

Due to the above advantages, medical staff will have more time to provide professional care for patients.