The following steps may help you locate it and protect your information:
1. Sign in to on your computer or other device's browser, or sign in to the Find My Phone app on another Huawei phone.
2. Locate the device. Open Find My Phone and select the device you want to locate in the device list. After successfully locating a device:
a. Send a warning message. You can send a warning message through "Find My Phone > Remote Lock", try to use friendly communication words, and leave a cell phone number you can use so that the other party can contact you. (For example: Hello, this cell phone is very important to me, please contact me as soon as possible after you find my cell phone, thank you very much! The cell phone number is: "****")
b. Setting the phone to ring: You can view the location information of the device, you can go according to the location information, and you can set the phone to ring when you arrive at the nearby location, so that you can find the approximate location of your cell phone faster through the ringing tone (try to avoid turning on the ringing tone when you haven't arrived to prevent the person who has the phone from forcing the phone to turn off. (Try to avoid turning on the ringer before you arrive to prevent the person who has the phone from turning it off, which makes it impossible to locate it.
If you fail to locate your device, it will display "offline" or "device not online", indicating that your device may have been turned off or does not meet the locating conditions, but you can still remotely lock it, erase the data, and the command will take effect immediately after the device has been successfully located to protect your information. The command will take effect immediately after the device is successfully located to protect your information security.
After clicking Erase Data, you can continue to use the Find Phone Locator function, but you can no longer click the Remote Lock and Play Ringtone buttons, so please be careful when clicking Erase Data.
d. If you turn on the "Send last location" switch, the device will automatically send last location information to the server when the device's battery is about to run out (5%~10% of the battery power), and if you don't turn on this switch, the device won't automatically trigger the location.