What is the phone number of Yancheng Silun Semiconductor Co., Ltd.?

The contact information of Yancheng Sirun Semiconductor Co., Ltd.: company phone number 0515-89119999, company email 1185520853@qq.com, the company has 6 contact information in Aiqicha***, including phone number 3 strip.

Company introduction:

Yancheng Silun Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in Binhai County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province on July 31, 2017. Its registered address is located in Jiangsu Binhai Economic Development Zone Extension of Renmin South Road in the Industrial Park (inside Binhai Zhirun Electronics Co., Ltd.).

Chen Jianhua, the legal representative of Yancheng Silun Semiconductor Co., Ltd., has a registered capital of 50 million (yuan) and is currently in business.

View more business information and information of Yancheng Sirun Semiconductor Co., Ltd. through Aiqicha.