How much does it cost to do polysomnography

Do polysomnography test are generally bad sleep quality snoring serious, some are sleep apnea syndrome patients, before you have to go to the hospital to do the test, and at present there are such testing equipment is generally only the three hospitals, small places are not, polysomnography test also need to live in the hospital, and in some cases there are professionals accompanying, the cost is higher. Lantelon sleep apnea care instrument can monitor the golden index of sleep apnea syndrome AHI, but also can monitor the number of sleep apnea hypoventilation, maximum sleep apnea hypoventilation market, and is non-invasive, do not need to connect the electrodes, do not need to be intubated, for some need to do PSG often friends to say is very suitable, polysomnography some places still have to queue up to make an appointment, but Lantelon sleep The Lantronic Sleep & Breathing Care Instrument can be used to measure at home directly. Here are the pictures and part of the report