What is the process of medical waste disposal?

The treatment process mainly includes the following steps, the hospital first classified temporary storage, the third party to send medical waste transfer vehicle to collect, transported to the centralized disposal center of medical waste, medical waste center and then dispose of these wastes. The first step in the medical waste treatment process is the hospital to classify them, infectious waste, pathological waste, injurious waste, pharmaceutical waste, chemical waste a **** 5 categories.

One, infectious waste

refers to carry pathogenic microorganisms, with the risk of spreading infectious diseases triggered by medical waste. Including the patient's blood, body fluids, excreta contaminated items (cotton balls, swabs, gauze and other dressings, single-use medical supplies, single-use sanitary products, etc.), a variety of discarded medical specimens, blood, serum, pathogens of the media, strains, isolation of infectious diseases, such as living garbage.

The above wastes are put into the medical waste bag with obvious marking, and then collected to the hospital's medical waste storage point by the special trash cans with leakage-proof and spill-proof routes at regular intervals, and then centralized treatment is carried out by the designated medical waste disposal unit of the city.

High-risk wastes such as culture media of various pathogens, specimens and preservation fluids of strains and viruses are disinfected by pressure steam sterilization or other disinfecting methods at the place of generation, and then disposed of as infectious wastes.

Infectious excreta generated by isolated infectious patients or suspected infectious patients are strictly disinfected in accordance with national regulations and meet the national emission standards before entering the sewage treatment system; medical wastes generated by isolated infectious patients or suspected patients are disposed of as infectious wastes by using double-layer wrappers and sealing them in a timely manner.

Two, pathological waste

is the diagnosis and treatment process of human waste and medical laboratory animal carcasses. Including surgery or other diagnostic and treatment process generated by the waste of human tissue, organs, pathological section of human tissue, pathological wax block, medical laboratory animal tissues, carcasses and so on.

This category of waste, small pieces can be treated as infectious waste, larger or large pieces of pathological waste should be sent to the funeral parlor incineration.

Three, injurious waste

This refers to the ability to stab or cut the human body of discarded medical sharps. Including medical needles, suture needles, scalpels, scalpels, skin preparation knife, surgical saws, slides, glass test tubes, glass ampoules and disposable use of empty needles, infusion sets, blood transfusion needle part.

This type of waste should be put into a puncture-proof, leak-proof hard container immediately after the generation of waste, and then put into a clearly marked medical waste bag, collected by a person regularly in the hospital medical waste storage point, and then by the city's designated medical waste disposal unit centralized treatment. Disposable syringes, infusion tubes, etc. are required to be disfigured before disposal to avoid being reused.

Medical sharps box

Four, pharmaceutical waste

This refers to the expiration date, out of date, deterioration, or contaminated waste drugs. Including general antibiotics, over-the-counter drugs, cytotoxic drugs, genotoxic drugs, vaccines, blood products and so on.

Discarded drugs should be set up by the pharmacy management, deposited in the unqualified drugs area, timely report to the drug management department, and in accordance with the views of the drug supervision and management department to deal with the process should be a detailed record.

Centralized medical waste disposal unit at least every two days to health care institutions to collect and transport medical waste. Methods of centralized disposal include high-temperature incineration, sanitary landfill, pressure steam sterilization, chemical disinfection and so on.

Medical institutions and centralized medical waste disposal units are required to register the source, type, weight or quantity of medical waste, handover time, disposal method, final destination, and the signature of the person in charge. The registration information is kept for at least three years and can be traced at any time in case of problems.

V. Chemical Waste

This refers to toxic, corrosive or flammable and explosive waste chemicals. Including medical imaging room, laboratory waste chemical reagents, waste peroxyacetic acid, glutaraldehyde and other chemical disinfectants, waste mercury sphygmomanometer, mercury thermometer and so on.

Discarded chemical reagents are generally stored in special storage drums to a certain amount and then handed over to the City's designated specialized agencies for disposal. Waste chlorine-containing disinfectants can be poured directly into the sewer, glutaraldehyde needs to be neutralized with ammonia before being poured into the sewer for further treatment by the sewage system. Thermometers and sphygmomanometers containing mercury should also be handed over to specialized departments for centralized treatment when they are scrapped.

In addition to medical waste, hospitals also produce domestic waste, and these two types of waste also need to be handled separately. Black garbage cans and black garbage bags contain household garbage, and yellow garbage cans and yellow bags contain medical garbage, so you should pay attention to the distinction when you are in the hospital~