What is the significance of ventilator parameters? Where can I find a Resmai ventilator in Beijing?

Room 3 19, Dacong Building, southeast corner of the second traffic light on the west of Fengyi Bridge, West Third Ring Road, Beijing. Their family sells Resmai household ventilator.

Significance of ventilator parameters: IPAP: setting inspiratory phase pressure EPAP: setting respiratory phase pressure rate: standby ventilation frequency; When the patient's spontaneous breathing frequency is lower than the standby ventilation frequency, the breathing machine will mechanically control the breathing timing Insp: standby inhalation time; The inspiratory/expiratory ratio shall not exceed 1: 1 rise time: pressure rise time VentRamp: climbing pressure setting; Climbing refers to improving patients' compliance with ventilator. VentRamp refers to the increased pressure per breath, which can be adjusted to 0.5, 1, 2,3cmh2o. For example, IPAP is 10cmH2O, EPAP is 4cmH2O, VentRamp is 0.5cmH2O, and IPAP for the first breath is 4cmH2O. The IPAP of the second breath is 4+0.5cmH2O, which means that the IPAP of the third breath of 4cmH2O is 4.5±0.5 cmh2o;; By analogy, after 12 breaths, IPAP reaches the highest pressure 10cmH2O disconnects: the pipeline falls off and gives an alarm; Can be set to15s, 30s, 60s and turn off the apnea: asphyxia alarm; Can be set to 10 second, 20 seconds, 30 seconds and OFF LowMinVent: low-minute ventilation alarm, can be set to 0-? L/min at p: refers to the latest working time of the blower; You can even clear the time by entering the system code: refers to the system code modem: opens the Pt alarm history when connecting to the network: refers to the alarm history; You can enter to check the PEV: it refers to whether the PEV omission is applicable; When PEV air leakage cutting is applicable, it must be adjusted to YES, otherwise the automatic air leakage compensation function of the machine thinks that there is a large amount of air leakage, and air leakage compensation will be carried out. Lock: refers to the keyboard lock. After setting the parameters, you can adjust the lock to Yes. Keyboard locking language: refers to the change of screen display language alarm: refers to the alarm sound intensity, and selects the normal value of breathing parameters. Minute ventilation (EV):6~ 10L/min, tidal volume (VT): 5 ~ 8ml, respiratory frequency (F): 16 ~ 20 times/respiratory time ratio (I/E):1.5 ~ 2. Oxygen concentration (fio2): 30% ~ 40% peep: 3 ~10cmh2o Trigger sensitivity:-1~ -3cmH2O.