What is the phone number of Guizhou Dakang Medical Equipment Management Service Co.

Guizhou Dakang Medical Equipment Management Service Co. contact information: company phone 0851-85949125, 公司邮箱1690437847@qq.com, the company has 8 contact information in Aiqiqi***, including 4 phone numbers.

Company Profile:

Guizhou Dakang Medical Equipment Management Service Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established on 2016-09-29 in Nanming District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, with its registered address located on the third floor of Building 1, No. A-16, Food and Light Industrial Park, Shuanglong Airports and Harbors Economic Zone, Guizhou (formerly Nanming District).

Guizhou Dakang Medical Equipment Management Service Co., Ltd. legal representative Li Wei, registered capital of 680,000 (yuan), is currently in business.

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