Clenbuterol hydrochloride is a class of animal drugs, there are several drugs called lean meat, such as ractopamine, clenbuterol hydrochloride. Clenbuterol hydrochloride is added to feed to increase the number of lean animals, reduce feed use, bring meat to market earlier, and reduce costs. But it has a very dangerous side effect, mildly causing arrhythmia, heart disease and can lead to serious points.
2, mixed with melamine milk and its products
Commonly known as diamine, protein essence, melamine, is a triazine nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds, used in chemical raw materials. Because it is harmful it cannot be used in food processing or as a food additive. Ingestion of melamine may lead to long-term animal reproductive, urinary damage, bladder, kidney stones, and can further induce bladder cancer. However, some unscrupulous merchants to enhance the protein content indicators in food or feed testing, often melamine into the food or feed adulteration in recent years, some places in the milk and its products have repeatedly found excessive melamine. Especially in September 2008 outbreak of "Sanlu milk powder" incident, according to the Ministry of Health, until 8:00 am on September 21, 2008, around the report due to the consumption of infant formula infant hospitalization **** 12,892 people, of which there are more serious symptoms of infants and children 104, has been cured and discharged from the hospital 1579 people.
3, fruits and vegetables ripened with vinyl ripening agent
Vinyl is an organic compound commonly used for crop growth stimulation, but it is a health hazard. Normal ripening of fruits, its varieties should be rich in nutrients and sweet flavor. The use of plant growth regulators ripening fruit, the color of the fruit surface can be changed, but the inner quality of the fruit has not changed, should be achieved by the fruit contains rich nutrients. Some businessmen in order to sell a good price, early market, often use ethylene glycol this ripening agent, unripe bananas, tomatoes, watermelon and other fruits and vegetables quickly ripened fruit. Eat vinyl ripening fruits and vegetables, is harmful to the human body.
4, add laundry detergent fritters
Some manufacturers do fritters, add detergents to make gray flour fritters, fritters so brightly colored and nice, very eye-catching. Detergent sulfonic acid, moderately toxic, the main ingredient into the human body, can inhibit the activity of pepsin and trypsin, thus affecting the gastrointestinal tract function, but also damage to the liver cells, resulting in liver dysfunction, over time, leading to diarrhea, indigestion, abnormalities of the kidneys in the liver area, shrinking of the spleen, and even carcinogenic, causing blood system disorders.
5, fish farming with antibiotics
Currently, Chinese fish farmers provide prevention of fish disease by adding nitrofurans, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, and other antibiotics to fish feed commonly. Antibiotic residues in the aquatic food chain are enriched through long-term. When the human body long-term intake of certain drugs food residues, may lead to the accumulation of drugs in the body, and ultimately lead to toxic damage, such as chloramphenicol can inhibit bone marrow hematopoietic function, causing aplastic anemia, granulocyte deficiency.
6, feed duck Sudan
Some duck farmers, so that ducks lay red duck eggs, duck feed in Sudan. Sudan is a chemical dye, not a food additive. The Ministry of Health issued a "Sudan Red Risk Assessment Report", which says: If you regularly ingest food containing higher doses of Sudan will increase the risk of cancer, so the food should be banned.
7, pesticide residues
Pesticide residues in agricultural products refers to the application of pesticides in agricultural production, in the latter part of the pesticide residues directly or indirectly in grains, vegetables, fruits, livestock products, aquatic products, soil and water phenomena. In China, the problem of pesticide residues in agricultural products is relatively common. Food containing large amounts of highly toxic, highly toxic and high residue pesticides in food can lead to acute poisoning of humans, animals, long-term consumption of agricultural products with excessive pesticide residues, although it does not lead to acute poisoning, but may cause chronic poisoning of humans and animals, thus leading to the occurrence of diseases, and even affect the next generation.
8, raising livestock and poultry and fish hormones
In recent years, some farmers in pursuit of high profits, livestock, poultry, fish, shrimp, the abuse of hormones or arbitrary hormone concentrations increased. Long-term consumption of foods containing hormones may lead to weight gain, osteoporosis, decreased resistance, elevated blood sugar, corticosteroid disease, peptic ulcers, electrolyte disorders, etc., also affects the development of children.
9, artificial eggs
In recent years, some underground factories have appeared on the market to produce artificial eggs, as the name suggests, is the use of other raw materials artificial eggs. Artificial eggs and real eggshells are mainly composed of calcium carbonate, but also contains a small amount of artificial eggs gypsum. Egg white, egg yolk and real different combinations of synthetic resins are eggs, starch, coagulants, pigments and other chemicals, pigments and resins in the yolk are the main ingredients. Studies have found that long-term consumption of artificial eggs can cause memory loss and dementia in the brain.
10, poisonous bean sprouts
In 2009, Changchun, Lanzhou, Zhengzhou, Shenyang and other places have been found on the market "poisonous bean sprouts." Poisonous bean sprouts, looks more than 10 centimeters long, individual some nearly 20 centimeters, head uniform, white color, and the vast majority of no root, looks very beautiful. As a rule, the production of bean sprouts in the process is not allowed to use any additives, but the black processing sites to earn more money, at least four kinds of additives in the production process of bean sprouts, urea seriously exceeded the standard, enrofloxacin is a veterinary drug, 6 - benzyl adenine is a hormone. Urea and 6 - benzyl adenine bean sprouts grow thick and long, and can shorten the production cycle, increase soybean germination. However, human intake produces nitrite in the body, long-term consumption can cause cancer.
11, the use of industrial alcohol poisoning
Often found that in recent years, some unscrupulous businessmen use industrial alcohol consumption winemaking to make money. Wine consumption of grain and other agricultural products made, the main chemical composition of wine is ethanol, mixed alcohol generally contains traces of esters, the concentration of wine in 60 degrees (i.e. 60%) or lower consumption. Although the main chemical composition of industrial alcohol is ethanol, but contains a small amount of methanol. Methanol is highly toxic and has the greatest impact on the human nervous system and blood system. Symptoms of acute poisoning include: headache, nausea, stomach pain, fatigue, blurred vision, and even blindness, followed by difficulty breathing, eventually leading to death from respiratory paralysis. Chronic toxic reactions: dizziness, drowsiness, headache, tinnitus, power loss, digestive disorders. Methanol intake of more than 4 grams will appear toxic reaction, more than 10 grams, can lead to blindness, drinking to the cause of death, to the amount of more than 30 milliliters. Methanol in the body is not easy to discharge, the occurrence of accumulation in the body oxidation, formaldehyde and formic acid are also toxic.
12, posing as industrial salt, salt
Daily salt, defined as sea, salt lake, salt and salt extraction process, its main component is sodium chloride, known as sea salt, lake salt, well salt and rock salt. "Industrial salt" refers to a compound composed of metal ions (including ammonium ions) and ions, which have a wide range of different properties, different appearances, and different uses. Many of the "industrial salt" toxic and harmful substances. Because of the salt, high profits, in recent years, some unscrupulous people pretending to use industrial salt salt for sale.
13, smoked ginger with sulfur
In recent years, many places in China found that the market sold ginger smoked with sulfur. Some unscrupulous traders bad quality ginger soaked in water with toxic chemicals, using sulfur fumigation, fumigation "toxic ginger" and normal ginger compared to look more tender, more yellowish color, like just picking. Sulfur is a metal sulfide, if infiltrated into the food is consumed, there will be mild dizziness, blurred vision, mental distraction, general weakness and other symptoms, if consumed over a long period of time, serious liver and kidney function will affect people. What is more worrying is that these vendors smoked sulfur uninvited ginger, which may contain impurities and heavy metals, posing a threat to health, more serious. If you regularly consume this type of food, there is no doubt that you are consuming chronic poison.
14, cleaning crab with oxalic acid
Oxalic acid acetic acid, plays an important role in industry. Oxalic acid is harmful to the body's pH value, resulting in a loss of balance, overeating can cause poisoning and stone. Oxalic acid will affect the child's development, oxalic acid in the body if the event will be calcium and zinc to generate calcium oxalate and oxalic acid, easy to be absorbed by the body and excreted, affecting the absorption of calcium and zinc. Children's growth and development, need a lot of calcium and zinc, if the body lacks calcium and zinc, not only can lead to bone, teeth development, but also affect the intellectual development. Oxalic acid is commonly used in the industry as an anti-rust and bleaching agent. In recent years, the use of oxalic acid to clean crabs and resale is very common, because after all, oxalic acid (commonly known as "shrimp wash powder") after cleaning crayfish color is very bright, with oxalic acid (commonly known as "wash crabs") to clean the paddy field crabs is actually very difficult to distinguish between the real crabs.
15, soaked in formalin
Some hot pot restaurant shrimp, silverfish, hairy blood wanton, tripe, beef yellow throat, phoenix claw, jellyfish, fan, some of the food currently sold on the market soaked in formalin. Since the processed food is not only shiny, but also absorbed into a large amount of water, so that the weight increases significantly, for example, can increase the weight of 10% formalin-soaked shrimp. An aqueous formaldehyde solution, also known as formalin, has a formaldehyde content of 35 to 40 percent (usually 37 percent). Medical experts believe that it is a chronic poisonous drug, long-term exposure to low doses of formaldehyde can cause chronic respiratory disease, female menstrual disorders, neonatal body or nasopharyngeal symptoms, high concentrations of formalin nervous system, immune system, liver and other toxic effects.
16, processed food industry caustic soda
Also known as caustic soda, caustic soda, chemical name sodium hydroxide. Caustic soda can be used in food processing, but it must be food grade caustic soda. Because food grade contains content within the control of toxic substances, high content of toxic and hazardous substances, industrialization stage, can not be used for food production. However, the price difference between food-grade and industrial-grade caustic soda is relatively large, at present, the market price of industrial-grade caustic soda is more than 3,000 yuan per ton, while the price of food-grade caustic soda is more than 6,000 yuan per ton. Some small workshop producers and unscrupulous traders, desperate for profit, use industrial grade caustic soda in food processing instead of food grade caustic soda. People have found useful to make industrial caustic soda for tofu and cakes, shrimp and tripe soaking, boiled peanuts, and so on.
17, malachite green contaminated fish
Malachite green is a toxic organic compound synthesized from triphenylmethane, two dyes that are fungicides that can also cause cancer. Malachite green has been widely used in various types of aquatic animals for the prevention and treatment of fungi, molds and gill disease of melioidosis. From the 1990s, scholars found that malachite green and its metabolites are highly toxic, highly residual, highly carcinogenic and highly teratogenic, mutagenic and other side effects. Given the dangers of malachite green, malachite green will be banned as a drug in aquaculture in many countries. China also placed malachite green on the "Food Animal Veterinary Drugs and Compounds Prohibited List" in May 2002, banning its use in all food animals. However, due to the low price of malachite green, sterilization effect is significant, at present in the production of aquatic products, transportation process there are still some farmers and fishmongers commonly used.
Gutter oilGutter oil, refers to the existence of various oils in life, can be divided into three categories: First, the narrow sense of the gutter oil, that is, the greasy float in the sewer or to the hotels, restaurants leftovers, leftovers (commonly known as swill) after simple processing, refining oil; second is poor quality pork, pig offal, pig processing and finished product oil production; the third used in oil frying Food more than a certain number of times, and then be reused, or add some new oil and recycled oil. Gutter oil is harmful to human body, long-term consumption may cause cancer. According to some experts' estimation, when the "gutter oil" of the country returned to the table in a year, the oil accounted for 10% of the total. People strongly opposed to the issue of "gutter oil" in March 2010 in the State Food and Drug Administration Office issued an "Emergency Circular on Preventing the Entry of "Gutter Oil" into the Food Service Sector "The State Council issued a document in July 2010, deciding to organize the pilot work of urban gutter oil recovery and harmless treatment of kitchen waste. However, there is a not insignificant economic temptation, there are still unscrupulous traders desperate to sell and use gutter oil.
19, stained buns and corn bread
Recently, found a lot of stained buns and corn bread. Corn bread, corn bread, some unscrupulous companies use lemon yellow. Also known as tartar yellow, lemon yellow, acid yellow, hydrazine yellow, lemon yellow is a synthetic pigment, the scope of its country has strict regulations, shall not be used for bread. General toxicity and diarrhea caused by, such as a large number of one-time consumption of pigments, this pigment may cause allergies, diarrhea and other symptoms, long-term consumption will lead to harm to the human body, such as the liver.
20, the use of toxic and harmful methods of bleaching steamed buns, noodles and other noodle products
March 1, 2011, the Ministry of Health and other multi-departmental Ministry of Finance announced that since May 1, 2011, the ban on flour whiteners. The active ingredient is the flour whitener benzoyl peroxide, scientifically known as benzoyl peroxide, which is a flour food additive commonly used from abroad since our late eighties. It is mainly used to bleach the flour of flour whitener, and at the same time speed up the after-cooking of flour. Since flour whiteners have certain negative effects, the relevant national authorities have decided to ban benzoyl peroxide and calcium peroxide in flour production and food additives after repeated studies. It is expected that parties will ban flour whiteners, the use of toxic and harmful methods of bleaching steamed buns, noodles and other noodle products may reproduce. Common toxic bleaching methods for steamed buns, noodles and other noodle products are:
First, the use of whitening blocks. The chemical name of formaldehyde is formaldehyde with sodium hyposulfite or formaldehyde with sodium hyposulfite, high temperature very strong reductive, bleaching effect. Formaldehyde in the printing industry as a pulling agent and reducing agent used in some organic bleaching and bleaching. In addition to flour products, formaldehyde is also used in food processing by many unscrupulous traders.
Two sulfur fumigation with white bread. Sulfur dioxide formed at high temperatures, steam titanium oxide bleaching effect.
Three phosphors made of pasta food. Fluorescents are also known as optical brighteners or fluorescent bleach, China uses it as an auxiliary class. Fluorescent powder added to the flour in the beginning of the whitening effect can not be seen can, but after the first steam into steam whitening effect will be particularly obvious. Fluorescent agent is absorbed by the body, it will accumulate in the body, greatly weakening the immune system, such as: exposure to excessive accumulation of toxicity in the liver or other vital organs, it will lead to cancer.
Four flours with sodium chlorite production of food. Sodium chlorite, white powder, odorless or slightly odorous, non-toxic. As a bleaching agent, mainly used to bleach textile fibers, pulp, also used in leather hair parts of metal surface treatment, water purification and sewage treatment. Add sodium chlorite in flour can be steamed and big, white and bright steamed bread, there are restaurants, pressure point pasta pasta bleaching.
The above methods of bleaching bread, noodles and other pasta products are harmful to humans, but also prohibited in food processing.
21, excessive amount of nitrite meat tenderizer
In recent years, many restaurants, supermarkets and stores to improve the flavor of meat, beef and pork and supplement tender meat. The basic ingredient of meat tenderizer powder is papain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, for example, as well as the starch used to dilute and fill it. To enhance the "effect" of meat tenderizer, many meat tenderizer ingredient reformulations have been carried out, adding phosphates and sodium carbonate and other chemicals. Nitrites have also been added to help with color, preservation and flavor. Analyzing 10 kinds of meat tenderizer and cured meat substances assayed by the China Agricultural University laboratory in 2009, it was found to contain nitrites, but only two of them were labeled on the package. 10 kinds of tenderized meat powder and cured meat compounds, nitrite content in some limited national standards, while others more than five or six times or more. In recent years, the restaurant system has accounted for a sizable share of the nitrite poisonings reported by health authorities. Currently, there is limited use of nitrites in processed meat products that would be allowed as colorants. But too much is harmful, excessive consumption can cause food poisoning, ingesting 0.30.5 grams of nitrite can cause poisoning or even death.
22, poor quality soybean oil polished rice
A lot of places, rice before listing almost all have to go through the polishing process. Polishing can remove the rice bran surface properly polished a good appearance, harmless to the human body. However, unscrupulous merchants in the polishing added soybean oil, has become an industry subterfuge. Has been polished with soybean oil inferior rice, rice oil easily rancid, can cause damage to the human stomach and other organs also affect the bone. Even if some sinister businessmen will use cheap toxic industrial oil polishing rice, lightly affect the human digestive system and nervous system, and life-threatening.
23, mixing flour with industrial bleach mixing industrial bleached flour
In some places, it has become customary. Some companies will mix 50 kilograms of flour with 100 grams of industrial bleach. Chlorine bleach is produced by reacting calcium hydroxide (slaked lime). Industrial bleaching stimulates gastrointestinal mucosal erosion affecting the liver, kidneys and blood system are affected, eat bleach bleached flour, can cause food poisoning.
24, dichlorvos soaked ham
Dichlorvos, also known as DDVP, scientific name O, O-dimethyl-O-(2,2 - dichlorovinyl) phosphate, is an organophosphorus insecticide toxic to humans and animals, can easily be absorbed by the skin and poisoning. Soak pork ham and leg with dichlorvos, because some unscrupulous manufacturers use dichlorvos to soak pork leg flies will not stare, but can be fresh, meaty ham so nice to look at and keep for a long time.
25, poisonous cowpeas
In 2010, Wuhan, Shanghai, Guangdong, Chongqing, Jiangxi and other findings from Hainan cowpea residues banned highly toxic pesticide hydramid, which is a highly banned highly toxic pesticide on fruits, tea, tobacco, vegetables, and herbal plants. It causes human poisoning through the esophagus, skin and respiratory tract.
26, add "a drop of flavor" of food
"A drop of flavor" is a food additive, just a drop of water can become broth. Many hotels are using this "obviously can improve the flavor of spices," which hot pot restaurants, ramen stores and street casserole rice noodles used most widely, the kind of so-called three fresh, spicy, spicy flavor are relying on the "one drop of incense" has produced a tantalizing aroma effect! The so-called three fresh, spicy, spicy flavor are all rely on "a drop of incense" has produced a seductive flavor effect. "China Quality News" has reported that food experts can basically conclude that "one drop of incense" is through the chemical synthesis reaction direct way to reconcile, the nutrition is very limited, long-term consumption of "one drop of incense Long-term consumption of "ODI" will damage the liver and is harmful to health. The national industrial products production license query agency also said, "one drop of incense" is a chemical industrial products, consumption of the human body is very harmful, it may damage the liver, but also for cancer.
27, with hydrogen peroxide treated food
Hydrogen peroxide, i.e. hydrogen peroxide solution, colorless, odorless liquid, is a strong oxidizing agent that can be added to food from bleaching, antiseptic and deodorizing effects. Therefore, some merchants need some whitening food, such as: water, food tripe and jellyfish, sharks, shrimp, octopus, squid, canned fruits and flour and other products in the production process of prohibited immersion in hydrogen peroxide to improve the appearance of the product. Small food processing units and even moldy dried aquatic products soaked in hydrogen peroxide bleaching process and re-sale or elimination of sick chickens, ducks or pork with blackened surfaces, bruises and moldy spots, these materials are bleached by soaking in high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, and then added with artificial colors or nitrites for coloring and sale. Hydrogen peroxide can form epoxides with starches in food and cause cancer, especially gastrointestinal cancer. In addition, industrial hydrogen peroxide contains arsenic, heavy metals and other toxic and harmful substances, seriously jeopardizing the health of consumers. The Food and Agriculture Organization and the United Nations World Health Organization require toxicity testing based on the report, hydrogen peroxide is limited to emergency measures for the purpose of milk preservatives. China's "Hygienic Standard for the Use of Food Additives" also provides for only limited use of hydrogen peroxide in milk, with only two in Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, and no residues allowed in other foods.
28, fake gelatin
In recent years, due to profit-driven, there are many small factories producing counterfeit gelatin. Some small factories, leather processing production of gum using raw materials skin is basically in the process of cutting off the head of the nerves to give up, leg skin and other waste materials, these materials masquerade as pure donkey skin boiled with edible gelatine, seriously harming the health of consumers.
29, the production of soy sauce
Hair a few years ago, many places on the market to find a way not to use the traditional process of brewing soy sauce, sauce preparation of amino acid solution, amino acid solution, hair is dirty processing out. Soy sauce is the main component of amino acids, the use of this amino acid solution preparation of soy sauce, soybeans and other raw materials not only do not need to ferment the soy sauce and nitrogen content is fully able to meet national standards. However, this process with the hair of the amino acid solution, containing arsenic, lead and other harmful substances to the human liver, kidneys, blood system, reproductive system and other toxic side effects, can lead to cancer. After adding caramel sauce against the lineup, it will produce 4-methylimidazole and other harmful substances that can cause convulsions and even induce epilepsy. Therefore, the state expressly prohibits the use of hair and other non-food raw materials produced by amino acid liquid formulated soy sauce.
30, fake chicken
In recent years, counterfeit chicken has been found many times around. The price of fake chicken is surprisingly low, but the flavor of the burned dish is a bit strange. Chicken is a compound seasoning, its basic composition is monosodium glutamate contains more than 90%, based on value-added to help freshener, salt, sugar, chicken powder, spices, chicken flavor flavor processing, contains a variety of amino acids and other ingredients, is harmless to the human body. But it is fake chicken flavor, pigments, industrially manufactured salt, with toxic, harmful substances, harmful to the health of the diet.
31, toxic seeds
Found in recent years in many places, many seeds of poison. Some underground black processing sites in order to make the seeds brightly colored and completely smooth, in the process adding alum, industrial salt, paraffin, mineral oil industry harmful substances. If consumers eat these seeds will harm the body.
32, fake wine
2010 December 2008, CCTV exposed Changli fake wine producers, low-priced sales to Beijing. According to China's "Chinese Wine Technical Code" published in 2003, wine must be made from 100% fermented grape juice. These companies are water, alcohol, coloring, tartaric acid, citric acid, sodium citrate, tannin, flavoring blended out of the wine, just not the grape juice necessary to carry out the wine, to put it bluntly is fake. Drinking such fake wine is harmful to the human body. For example, blending fake wine with citric acid can promote the excretion and deposition of calcium in the body, such as long-term consumption of food containing citric acid, may lead to hypocalcemia, and will increase the risk of duodenal cancer.
33, fake milk powder, fake milk powder
In recent years, Zhejiang, Henan and other places have found fake, fake milk powder milk and other dairy products. Henan, some manufacturers will sell milk, dairy beverages posing as, far below the pure milk its nutrition, long-term consumption can affect the development of children. Black processing points of inferior starch mixed with glucose powder in certain parts of the blender after processing, and then labeled with the trademark brand of milk powder, to the exquisite packaging. If you use this fake milk powder, baby food, the results can be imagined.
34, posing as paraffin butter to make hot pot base packaging
Recently found that some manufacturers in Chongqing and other places use paraffin wax to pretend to be butter hot pot base packaging. Under normal circumstances, the raw material for the production of hot pot base is mainly butter, butter will work harder when the weather is cold, so a good pot base material is due to the reason that butter becomes difficult. However, some manufacturers to reduce costs, without affecting the feeling of use, the amount of butter is reduced, the cost of packaging with paraffin wax increased. Chongqing City, the owner of a food factory said that when a pound of wax can be used pounds 4 pounds of butter, its hardness can be butter or more than three to four times, or even five times. Edible wax is a petroleum extract, mainly used in contact with food containers, packaging materials for the production and use, is strictly prohibited as a food additive. But in Chongqing, a ton of food wax costs 8,000 yuan, and a ton of packaging paraffin wax is as cheap as $5,000 NT $3,000 cheaper than food wax. Therefore, some manufacturers use cheap packing paraffin for processing hot pot base. According to the relevant regulations of the health department, even edible waxes are used for non-compound processing of hot pot, not to mention waxes that are established only for packaging. Paraffin wax contains a variety of packaging organic compounds, these substances are carcinogenic to humans, and some substances accumulate in the body, leading to long-term chronic harm.
35, toxic black fungus
Fungus is a delicious delicacy of food with high nutritional value. As black fungus products are more expensive, currently on the market, some companies use to obtain high-quality products and edible gum, the practice of cooking dry pigmentation in order to more black fungus slices of color, texture and thicker, while increasing the weight of the fungus itself. Some unscrupulous traders are actually more sinister in making "articles" out of fungus, so that people who eat the food become "drugged". In order to make the cost low, if any, high quality edible fungus Northeast fungus acquisition is more like, it will be those who do not meet the specifications of the big fungus cut into the shape of Northeast fungus, but also fungus with inferior ink coloring to make it look shiny black, "sell" better. In order to increase the weight of the fungus, some unscrupulous traders still fungus increased white and pink face, more abominable, some also add cement, copper sulfate and magnesium sulfate. These toxic black fungus consumption is very harmful to human health.
36, bleached mushrooms
Some unscrupulous merchants make mushrooms "sell" well, using fluorescent whitening agents, bleaching agents, bleached mushrooms and so on. Such bleached mushrooms consumed, is harmful to the human body.
37, harmful cold fruits
Some manufacturers of cold fruits, microbial exceeded the seriousness of most bacteria more than 100 times the national standard. Some manufacturers also add harmful preservatives, add excessive sweeteners and so on. These well-preserved fruits are harmful to human health.
38, toxic rice
In recent years, the market has repeatedly found toxic rice.