1, out-of-pocket expenses as long as they meet the reimbursement conditions can also be reimbursed.
2, but the reimbursement rate is lower, only hospitalization can be reimbursed, the first full amount of out-of-pocket expenses settled,
3, with my ID card, invoices, hospitalization certificates, the list of costs to go to the health insurance department to reimbursement can be.
4, outpatient reimbursement:
1, the village health clinic and village center health clinic visit reimbursement of 60%, each visit to the prescription drug cost limit of 10 yuan, the health center doctor temporary rehydration prescription drug cost limit of 50 yuan.
2Township health centers will be reimbursed 40% of the cost of each examination and surgery, with a limit of 50 yuan per visit, and a limit of 100 yuan for prescription drugs.
3. 30% reimbursement for secondary hospitals, with a limit of 50 yuan for each examination and operation and 200 yuan for prescription drugs.
4. Tertiary hospitals will reimburse 20% of the cost, with a limit of 50 yuan for each examination and operation and 200 yuan for prescription drugs.
5. Chinese medicine invoices with prescription attached have a limit of 1 yuan per sticker.
6. The annual limit of outpatient compensation for town-level cooperative medical care is 5,000 yuan. Hospitalization compensation (1) reimbursement scope: A. Drugs: auxiliary examination: EKG, X-ray fluoroscopy, filming, laboratory tests, physical therapy, acupuncture, CT, nuclear magnetic **** vibration, and other various examination fees limit of 200 yuan.
/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/8601a18b87d6277f781025d326381f30e824fcdf "target="_blank "title="" class="ikqb_img_alink">/iknow- pic.cdn.bcebos.com/8601a18b87d6277f781025d326381f30e824fcdf?x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2CCh_800%2Climit_1% 2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto "esrc="/8601a18b87d6277f781025d326381f30e824fcdf"/>
Expanded Information:
Move forward! "Six insurance and two gold" into a good business new "standard" of the new era, China's social security field continue to improve the system, expand the scope, improve treatment, strengthen services, so that the majority of workers to work, old age, medical care.
In the reform and promotion of various fields of social security, the basic medical insurance, major disease insurance, medical assistance, supplementary medical insurance, etc. are closely linked, and a diversified multi-level universal medical insurance system has been constructed.
Basic medical insurance basically realizes universal coverage, and major disease medical insurance realizes full coverage for urban and rural residents. Direct settlement of hospitalization medical fees for cross-provincial medical treatment is advancing steadily across the country.
This year, as the responsibilities of major government departments dominating the healthcare market have been realigned, related reforms have been accelerated to push into deep water, while facing considerable challenges. But the reform is only a work in progress, not a completion.
In the future, it is all the more important to solidly push forward the direct settlement of cross-provincial medical treatment, promote the reduction of taxes and prices of medicines, and strengthen the supervision of the medical insurance fund, in an effort to build a fairer and more sustainable medical insurance system.
Reference source:/www.chinanews.com/gn/2018/12-25/8711533.shtml "target="_blank "title="China News Network - patients do not have to advance reimbursement costs"> China News Network - patients do not have to advance reimbursement costs