What are the ultrasonic cleaning solutions for electronic products?

Ultrasonic cleaning equipment mainly consists of the following components:

1, cleaning tank: holding the workpiece to be washed

Made of stainless steel, can be installed with heating and temperature control devices.

2, transducer (ultrasonic generator): electrical energy into mechanical energy

Piezoelectric ceramic transducer, frequency, power depending on the specific model.

3, power supply: for the transducer to provide the required power

Inverter power supply, imported IGBT components, the installation of over-current protection circuit.

The transducer will convert high-frequency electrical energy into mechanical energy, it will produce high-frequency vibration with very small amplitude and spread to the solution in the cleaning tank, under the action of the transducer, the cleaning solution will continuously produce a large number of tiny bubbles and instantaneous rupture of each bubble rupture will produce hundreds of degrees of high temperature and nearly 1,000 atmospheric pressure of the shockwave, so as to wash the workpiece clean.

From the principle of ultrasonic cleaning machine cleaning we can easily understand why its cleaning efficiency and effectiveness are exceptionally good.

One, no matter how complex the shape of the workpiece, put it into the cleaning fluid, as long as it can touch the liquid, ultrasonic cleaning effect can be achieved.

Second, the bubble generated within the liquid during cleaning is very uniform, the cleaning effect of the workpiece will be very uniform and consistent.

Third, with the use of cleaning agents to accelerate the separation and dissolution of pollutants, can effectively prevent the cleaning fluid corrosion of the workpiece.

Four, no need for manual cleaning, eliminating the manual cleaning of the workpiece damage, to avoid heavy and dirty manual labor.

In the various industries we know, almost every industry has the application of ultrasonic cleaning machine, such as:

Machinery industry; surface treatment industry; medical industry; instrumentation industry; electromechanical electronics industry; optical industry; semiconductor industry; science education and culture; clocks and watches jewelry; petrochemical industry; textile dyeing and printing industry; other.

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