Alcohol burns when it reacts with what

A fire broke out in an alcohol plant due to mismanagement and alcohol leaked onto a certain chemical. The chemical could be

A. KMO4 B. Nacl C. (NH4)2SO4 D. CH3COOH

Choose A

A. Potassium permanganate melts and excretes heat

B. NACL melts and remains essentially unchanged

C. Ammonium salts melt and absorb heat

D. It's unclear what it is

But it is known that:Acetic acid is called acetic acid. But we do know that acetic acid is called acetic acid, and its chemical formula is CH3COOH. it freezes in the form of crystals when the temperature is lower than 16.6 degrees Celsius, so anhydrous acetic acid is also known as glacial acetic acid. (So basically impossible)