What are the commonly used welding tools Welding

The main auxiliary tools for electrode arc welding are as follows.

①Welding tongs Welding tongs are a kind of gripper, plays the role of welding current conduction from the welding cable to the welding rod, so that the operator can clamp the welding rod and control the welding rod. Welding tongs on the insulated handle to isolate the operator's hands from the welding circuit. The clamp must hold the electrode and maintain it in good electrical contact. Welding tongs are lightweight, easy to grip, and rugged. Welding pliers are divided into a variety of specifications to adapt to a variety of welding rod diameter. Each specification good pliers according to the maximum diameter of the central holding of the electrode required for the design of the current. Commonly used commercially available welding pliers 300A and 500A two kinds of welding current should be selected according to the minimum specifications of the welding pliers do not overheat.

② welding cable is part of the welding circuit, should have the maximum deflection, so that easy to operate, especially the manipulation of welding tongs. The welding cable must be resistant to abrasion and scuffing. Welding cable consists of strands of fine copper or aluminum wire twisted together and wrapped in a soft insulating jacket. The cover is made of synthetic rubber or a tough, high resistance and heat-resistant plastic. A protective layer is wound between the stranded wire and the jacket to allow some movement between the wire and the jacket for maximum flexibility.

Welding cables are available in a variety of sizes. The cable size required for each particular application depends on the maximum welding current, the length of the welding circuit (the sum of the welding and grounding cables), and the load duration of the welder. The cable increases in size as the welding current increases, keeping the voltage drop and power loss in the cable to allowable levels. If long wires are required, short electrical details can be connected with matching cable glands. Use the lugs on the end of each cable to connect the cable to the welder. The connection between the cable and the connector or lug must be strong and of low resistance.

Welding cable sizes should be selected for maximum welding current, length of the welding circuit and load duration. The general requirement is that the voltage drop on the welding cable should not be greater than 4v.

③ Mask The mask is a protective shield that protects the operator's eyes and face from direct radiation from the arc and spatter, and the operator can clearly observe the weld pool through the dark glass on the mask. The mask is usually made of dark compressed fiber or fiberglass insulation G mask should be lightweight, and should be designed to make the operator feel as comfortable as possible.

The welding mask has a "window" where the filter is placed, and its standard size is 51 curry × 130 M. Larger openings can also be used. Filter should be able to absorb infrared radiation emitted by the arc, ultraviolet radiation and most visible light. Currently used filters can absorb more than 99% of the infrared and ultraviolet light emitted by the TV.

Can be selected according to the size of the working current filter, commonly used is 8 a 12 filter c use 4mm diameter welding rod, according to the blackness of the lens is recommended to use 10 filter. Shen light film need to add protection, in order to prevent the molten droplet splash anvil pollution and broken. This can be placed on both sides of the filter transparent glass sheet or other protective materials.

4 grounding central clamp and baffle plate grounding clamp is the welding wire or grounding cable to the workpiece on a clamping device. Grounding clamp must be able to form a strong connection, but also can be quickly and easily clamped to the workpiece. At low load duration rates, a spring loaded clamp may be appropriate. However, when high currents are used, bolted clamps may be required to keep the clamp from overheating and forming a good connection. Baffles are used to separate the welding area from the outside world to prevent welding arc light from interfering with the work of others and to avoid fires caused by sparks flying. When working outdoors, the baffle plate can also prevent the wind from blowing the arc caused by the deviation.

5 protective gloves and protective clothing Welding arc will spatter sparks or roasting droplets, especially in the non-flat welding position or high-current welding, spattering problem is more prominent. In order to prevent welding by the arc and spatter injury, the operator must wear leather protective gloves, wear protective skirt or overalls. Protection of the operator's pedal joints and feet from slag and spatter burns is also required. It is recommended to wear flat-footed pants, with foot protection or wear protective leather avoidance; the operator should wear flat eyes when knocking slag.

6 welding rod insulation bucket welding rod insulation bucket is the welding operator site necessary accessories. Will have dried the welding rod placed in the barrel for field use, can play a dry, moisture, rain and other roles, can avoid the use of welding rod flux skin of the water content of the rise, which is particularly important for the welding of low-hydrogen type welding rod. Welding rod from the drying box, should be immediately put in the welding rod insulation barrel to the construction site.

⑦ other auxiliary tools such as pointed hammer, wire brush, flat skip, hand hammer. Mainly used to clean up the welding workpiece died of fusion, rust and oxides, etc., commonly used pointed hammer and clamp hand hammer. Flat stay to open small bevel and remove defects such as weld tumor. In the smoke situation is not good place welding, should be equipped with smoke vacuum cleaner or exhaust fan and other auxiliary equipment. In addition, should also be equipped with wire cutters, screwdrivers, wrenches, test pens, etc., for the operator to maintain welding equipment and troubleshooting in general.